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is any body going Centlon boss?

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if not lets try give some suggestions toghther so maybe we can change 

cuz noone go for it anymore .

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Cetlon Spear party Quest => 500 bi ~ 1 tri to the party.

most of ppl give up boss fighting cuz they usually don't get anything after killing it ( hardly ever a 14x drop), so a party Q should help a little.

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well but never play Wartale all of my 18year. that boss are so hard and impossible to kill like here

it make it out of fun..

in other server i play if map 130 and ppl 130 they kill it after 10-20min and always ppl around


here if map 144 and all ppl 155-165 

it take 30-40min and get nothing 

so all ppl give up



quest can be help here

but also this system should be change if it so strong with those skilss maybe nerf a bit and make it possible to kill even if 5-10ppl around and not only 30+ 

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yea end game boss hunting here is completely broken aswell. 


Need to make it killable like Valento but of course more HP. 


Boss hunting is another important end game aspect but is completely ignored as well. The new raid and dice roll system is nice to start with but quickly gets extremely boring

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