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Tier 5 Problem

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Help!, I have done the tier 5 quest many times in my other characters but somehow in my mech when I enter the cave and talk to the gate keeper he doesn't tell me the time, or the warning of Eragon. I figured that I didn't have the teier 5 rank up quest but I have done the test of bravery. When I talk to the skill master he does not give me the tier 5 rank up. Could it be bugged?, lagg?


Thank You.

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Does it really matter the server I do it in?. I'm positive that I tried both servers, skill master verkon doesn't give me the tier 5 quest option.


Please Help. This is a concern but not something that needs to be rushed to fix. Please take your time.

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you're saying that you hasn't the tier 5 quest, right?

have you activated all the skill from tier 1 to 4???

you should have activated all the skills at least lvl 1. Then you go to the skill master and he gives you the RANK-UP quest button. try this and if the problem continiue pm me in game XSailorHealerX.


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I have got tier 4 but the skill master is not giving me the rank up for tier 5, I did do test of bravey where I have to kill ten zombies, which i did. I have the Dark Gaia Armor but whenI talk to the Gate Keeper in the Cave he does not tell me how long I have to wait, and I don't have the tier 5 rank up quest in the top right corner of my screan.

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Thank you all I found my problem  ;D


just to know.... what was your problem???? <.<!

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