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The attack speed of the assassin

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Why does the assassin attack at a speed of 9 with a dagger and 8 with two daggers?

Is it the problem of the data, or is it that the attack speed of the weapon itself 9 is not reflected?


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Hi there,


Without SS of your item stat there isn't much to tell.

Dagger stat is always divided by 2 so if you wear 1 dagger you get half of its stat. If you wear 2 daggers it will be half of both.


Since this is not a technical issue I have moved it to Townsquare.




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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


50 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Hi there,


Without SS of your item stat there isn't much to tell.

Dagger stat is always divided by 2 so if you wear 1 dagger you get half of its stat. If you wear 2 daggers it will be half of both.


Since this is not a technical issue I have moved it to Townsquare.




I noticed that a while ago, i took few screenshots, but i was too lazy to report =p:


ss1. Solstice Dagger , 8  attack speed +1 spec atk speed.



ss2. Abyss Dagger, 8 attack speed +1 spec atk speed.



ss3. char status with both daggers ( 8 atk speed instead of 9).



ss4. if you use only 1 dagger, you have 9 atk speed.




Also, another bug: if you place the stronger dagger on the left and the weaker one on right, you have more damage than placing the weak one on left slot and the stronger  on the right

for e.g at ss1 solstice dagger [ 22-43] on left slot and Abyss dagger [16-31] on right i got the damage shown on the ss3 251-330

but, if i use Abyss dagger on left slot and Solstice dagger on right slot i got 246-322 damage, as shown on the Ss bellow


Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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also look at your damage in the 2nd to last shot. your damage is very similar to 2 daggers.. lol

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These issues have been referred to our Dev team.

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Thank you for your attention and answer. I hope to solve this problem as soon as possible.

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