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MW3 or BF3?

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Just wanna start and random post... >_>


Anyway, What game will u buy, mw3 or bf3? and why ??

and dont give me the most lamest reason ever: Coz its owns..

Good reasons!


gogogo !:D

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cause both have things the other is crap at


Nuff said, can close topic ;p

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Might buy them both lmfao :D, fk those fankids, like toothpick said, both have their less good and better things

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I will for sure buy MW3 first, and if I rent BF3 and like it, I may buy it then. They both will have different things good and bad about them, but I will wait and see when they are released as to which game I will prefer.

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One thing I've not seen in COD yet is the ability to destroy walls, that kinda pulls me to BF3 xD (I know BF2 has it too)

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COD BO has zombie mode, wish for me is EPIC FUN, this is not in BF3.


So as i said, both have stuff/ are good at stuff the other hasnt/ isnt good at......


Close topiccccc! :P

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Cool, cool ^^ imma probaly buy BF3 at the first. bigger maps, more stuff to do, tanks, helicopter e.t.c

zombie mode is cool yeah, but that doesn't make BF2/3 any bad game... bf3 is like more " in war" if i can say it like that:D



dude... why u wanna close this? this is just for fun, just to see what other says abt the post i made.. geez dude...>_>




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lol kinda obvious MW3 and BF3 ARE FUCKING AWSOME!!!

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Gears 3, becuase I'm a man.


I can't believe you went through that sex change thing. I told you that was a bad idea.

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In terms of Gears Of War, I could care less. I will NEVER buy a 360, or any other Microsoft gaming system. Only Microsoft thing I will own is a computer, because I hate Mac.



Anyways, back on topic....



MW3 will not have Nazi Zombies. MW3 is made by Infinity Ward, not Treyarch (YUCK!). MW3 will probably have a bit better form of Spec Ops, which I think is just as fun, if not a little better than zombies. You can say anything you want, I don't care. Zombies is kinda boring when you play it by yourself, and it is kind of hard to actually get to a point where it is fun. Spec Ops is partially meant to be played one player, which makes it more fun for me.

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Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both

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In terms of Gears Of War, I could care less. I will NEVER buy a 360, or any other Microsoft gaming system. Only Microsoft thing I will own is a computer, because I hate Mac.



Anyways, back on topic....



MW3 will not have Nazi Zombies. MW3 is made by Infinity Ward, not Treyarch (YUCK!). MW3 will probably have a bit better form of Spec Ops, which I think is just as fun, if not a little better than zombies. You can say anything you want, I don't care. Zombies is kinda boring when you play it by yourself, and it is kind of hard to actually get to a point where it is fun. Spec Ops is partially meant to be played one player, which makes it more fun for me.


Agreed to that treyarch is yuck.. failed at Black ops.. i belive mw3 can be very good but dont think it can top mw1 and 2 O.o 


so bf3<3

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Lets be honest, if you've played one CoD you've played them all. Invest your money in other games: Borderlands, Halo, Portal 2, Mortal Kombat etc.

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In terms of Gears Of War, I could care less. I will NEVER buy a 360, or any other Microsoft gaming system. Only Microsoft thing I will own is a computer, because I hate Mac.



Anyways, back on topic....



MW3 will not have Nazi Zombies. MW3 is made by Infinity Ward, not Treyarch (YUCK!). MW3 will probably have a bit better form of Spec Ops, which I think is just as fun, if not a little better than zombies. You can say anything you want, I don't care. Zombies is kinda boring when you play it by yourself, and it is kind of hard to actually get to a point where it is fun. Spec Ops is partially meant to be played one player, which makes it more fun for me.


Agreed to that treyarch is yuck.. failed at Black ops.. i belive mw3 can be very good but dont think it can top mw1 and 2 O.o 


so bf3<3


I believe MW3 will be just as good as MW2, with some added improvements. Plus, I really wanna play the campaign, and I hope they made it a little bit longer, and a little more difficult. MW1 the campaign was short, and seemed to me to be pretty easy. MW2 I thought was a little short as well, a bit more difficult then MW1, but still, not that hard to beat on veteran difficulty.

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yeah, i agree with u there. could make it much longer.

if i am not wrong so if bf long?? O.o

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cod is so overrated. just stop buying those crap games.



btw i S> my xbox360 sent pm :D

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Both are good games, but I'm affraid that MW players aren't as good as BF, they fucking seek killstreak and stuff and don't give a f*ck to teamwork.

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Both are good games, but I'm affraid that MW players aren't as good as BF, they fruiting seek killstreak and stuff and don't give a f*ck to teamwork.



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Both are good games, but I'm affraid that MW players aren't as good as BF, they fruiting seek killstreak and stuff and don't give a f*ck to teamwork.


Judging by the sounds of that, you haven't played with people who are actually good, and use teamwork to win. Not everyone is like that. I have a ton of friends on my list, we all have mics, so we talk back and forth, if we die, we try to tell the others where the person that killed us is, or tell some people to watch out because we saw someone head towards them.

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Judging by the sounds of that, you haven't played with people who are actually good, and use teamwork to win. Not everyone is like that. I have a ton of friends on my list, we all have mics, so we talk back and forth, if we die, we try to tell the others where the person that killed us is, or tell some people to watch out because we saw someone head towards them.


that's what I'm talking about, teamplay, make it easier to win and much more fun. ;)

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