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Age or mix?

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Sorry if it sound like a noob question, but i'm kinda new to this realm that is different from the old one that i played long time ago.
So, what is the best to a scythe level 92, perfect, age or mix it?

I see good reasons to do both, so i'd like to know your opinion.
Thanks in advance!

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mix for sure, although your scythe is perfect, you won't use it for a long time and probably no one will want to buy it for the amount of gold you'll spend on aging it

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1 minute ago, thisisrauldo said:

mix for sure, although your scythe is perfect, you won't use it for a long time and probably no one will want to buy it for the amount of gold you'll spend on aging it

Ok, thanks!

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On 3/9/2020 at 11:10 PM, disable1000 said:

mix until u use 138 scythe bro ?

Ok, ty!

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