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Tier 5 help!

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Im a lvl 85 knight called M4RC0....i've been trying to kill eragon for like a week, but i never get enough players to join the battle....the last 10 or 15 times i tried it was literally only ME. last time i tried i had new equipment (shield and sword of lvl 84) and still i counted the time i lasted and i died after only 7 seconds of starting the battle!


please, there really should be a way of doing this quest without depending on other people, otherwise it is virtually impossible for people to finish the quest. it's been a week that i have spent tryiing to kill eragon already, and i keep failing because there are no players who join me to kill him.


please please help me with this! if this problem carries on there will be a lot of players who stop playing the game since they cannot make proggress. im personally considering to stop playing for a while... im not making any proggress with this quest :( please help!

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You could try lvling a little more before going back to Eragon. I think if you go back as lvl 10x, it'll be alot easier :), I killed Eragon solo on my 106 ata, and everyone else in group died. Getting to 10x isn't long anyway, you can get to 10x from 8x in like one day?

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come on! there's a lot of people spaming the trade chat saying



And please STOP ASKING for and easier Eragon, this one really is kinda easy!!!!!, and to get the T5 skills its supposed to be harder.


Just be patient and wait for people like other to enter the cave, you can try both servers if you see that there's no people in one of them.





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I honestly think the problem is people just aren't luring eragon to the edge and avoiding the meteorites. From what I've seen, the meteorites are what are screwing people up, not eragon. That is probably why the ata lived, because it was ranged and was on the edge which made her avoid the meteorites.


I don't see the need for a change, simply pulling eragon to the edge before you fight him seems like it would fix all the complaints.

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I honestly think the problem is people just aren't luring eragon to the edge and avoiding the meteorites. From what I've seen, the meteorites are what are screwing people up, not eragon. That is probably why the ata lived, because it was ranged and was on the edge which made her avoid the meteorites.


I don't see the need for a change, simply pulling eragon to the edge before you fight him seems like it would fix all the complaints.


Do the meteorites hit only the centre of the map? Or do they hit where eragon is? Cuz yeah, that is the thing that chunks your HP, not eragon itself. Eragon never took HP off my mech (even when he was hard) till the meteorites hit.

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Watch the trade chat for ppl asking for PT to fight him. I see request for it all the time.

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I honestly think the problem is people just aren't luring eragon to the edge and avoiding the meteorites. From what I've seen, the meteorites are what are screwing people up, not eragon. That is probably why the ata lived, because it was ranged and was on the edge which made her avoid the meteorites.


I don't see the need for a change, simply pulling eragon to the edge before you fight him seems like it would fix all the complaints.


Do the meteorites hit only the centre of the map? Or do they hit where eragon is? Cuz yeah, that is the thing that chunks your HP, not eragon itself. Eragon never took HP off my mech (even when he was hard) till the meteorites hit.


The meteorites have a decent area effect, and they hit slightly before the edge of the map. They circle the map in a rotation, and it hits everything at some point short of the platform where you enter [that area seems to be pretty safe]. If you pull eragon there I've seen parties be fine. Anywhere else and the meteorites will probably hit you at some point or another.

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I honestly think the problem is people just aren't luring eragon to the edge and avoiding the meteorites. From what I've seen, the meteorites are what are screwing people up, not eragon. That is probably why the ata lived, because it was ranged and was on the edge which made her avoid the meteorites.


I don't see the need for a change, simply pulling eragon to the edge before you fight him seems like it would fix all the complaints.


Do the meteorites hit only the centre of the map? Or do they hit where eragon is? Cuz yeah, that is the thing that chunks your HP, not eragon itself. Eragon never took HP off my mech (even when he was hard) till the meteorites hit.


The meteorites have a decent area effect, and they hit slightly before the edge of the map. They circle the map in a rotation, and it hits everything at some point short of the platform where you enter [that area seems to be pretty safe]. If you pull eragon there I've seen parties be fine. Anywhere else and the meteorites will probably hit you at some point or another.


Ahh I see. Cool, I'll make sure to stand at the edge on my knight when I do t5 xD. That was where my ata was standing, I believe the meteorites 1 hit the rest of the 9x in the party lol.


Back on topic, no nerfs for eragon please, nor the meteorites. It's easily avoidable (or so it seems).

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to answer all replies: i actually DID push eragon to the border, and still i only lasted 7 seconds


then, i dont know who it was that recommended i lvl up to 10x....well sure i could do that and finish it but the point is there are several 10x people who die even in group, and even if that wasn't the case, this is supposed to be a 8x quest! if you can only kill it on 10x, then it should be a 10x quest imho


and the other person who said that there are lots of people asking in the trade chat for help to kill eragon, yeah exactly, its almost always ME asking that in the trade chat, and no one comes! the most people i got was 3 players and i had to wait a whole hour and a half to gather them!

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