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monster event

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why exp hard during days to win the best prize (106/103 items) while noobs can go navisko event, loot frenzy armor, dreadnaught shield, dreadnaught spear, phoenix set and other items?

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i agree, those daily noob monters events are messing the market, i dont see the point of reaching 115 to hunt ct3 if when we reach 115 there will be lots of 108 items ingame

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one event moster per day wtf is happening? people 9x getting frenzy armor .. it sux..


agreed with cartoon

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Uhm...thats part of priston tale.

You talk like your the ONLY ONE who EXP'd to fight stronger monsters.

No one there DESERVES that drop, the GM's happen to spawn good monsters in an event where there are a lot of people and you won't die as much and IF you get the drop be thankful you got it and if you didn't better luck next time.. its not like you lost anything, its just a monster event similar to the lottery :P


You being a 10x bought 10 lottery cards giving you a significant advantage to win over the 5x who bought 1 card.

Now... you both participated but the 5x won. Are you going to complain that the 5x shouldn't get the reward because he didn't put in as much as you did? (the card thing is metaphor for the effort you put into leveling to be able to physically participate in the event)

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if he have 1 card he deserves a lower prize, and its not a lotery each one deserves the item according with him lvl , i think that it could be an event on each map , low lvl map and high lvl map

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if he have 1 card he deserves a lower prize, and its not a lotery each one deserves the item according with him lvl , i think that it could be an event on each map , low lvl map and high lvl map


I don't agree ;). So imagine this: A poor guy, who gains U$1 per day, buys one lottery ticket, just because he doesn't have enough money to buy more, and a rich guy, who gains, let's say, U$100 per day, buys 100 tickets. Of course the rich guy has better chances of winning, but what if the poor one wins? Just because he is poor, he doesn't deserve the money?


Oh, and it may not be a lottery, but, IMO, an event is just like a lottery ^^. The luckiest one wins the prize :)


Sorry for the off-topicness though  :-[ , but I never saw those events, so I can't critisize =/, although I wouldn't like to see one monster event per day if I hunted for 3hrs per day to find an item and then I see a 5x with the same item or even better xD

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Be glad you got time to go to these events at all, least u have a chance to get those 108 items :P

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one event moster per day wtf is happening? people 9x getting frenzy armor .. it sux..


agreed with cartoon


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Agreed , but not with the main argument of topic. I agree 'cause 1 event per day will destroy the server market. IMO 1 event per week is quite cool and sufficient.

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thats wy it is called "event"


and is part of pt, so live with that


if u dont want to lvl that hard, just stay in game waiting for the event and get the drop, end of the story!.

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Agreed , but not with the main argument of topic. I agree 'cause 1 event per day will destroy the server market. IMO 1 event per week is quite cool and sufficient.

+1 but maybe not a week , in a month

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thats wy it is called "event"


and is part of pt, so live with that


if u dont want to lvl that hard, just stay in game waiting for the event and get the drop, end of the story!.

have you ever realized how hard is to get a good drop in a crowded event?

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I do agree that there should be less monsters event with such drops.

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i have joined the monster event only twice.

always missed the event, it host in my sleep time. wrong time for me to join it. :-\

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have you ever realized how hard is to get a good drop in a crowded event?


loot skillz + average PC + LUCK = good drops.



last event = 5 furys, my friend got 2 of them. luckyass :)

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i play in this server since the 1st day, and i never have a chance to join even once of these events.


but, i got to agreed some points in this topic is that, event should keep rare as once per week...

and good drops should keep at hunting map.


we work hard for the level to hunt in those maps, but end up you can only hunt craps...

i know we should make everyone in server to have equal chance to get those drop.

BUT! this ruin the hard work of those xp hunter. please consider this!

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Hehe, it's only more common these first days to give some fun to some lucky ones, though I agree it's not that fun if someone gets the good drop too often. I doubt this breaks the market, as there's very few high items that drop in such events, way less than players think.


cyclonewind mentions you hunt craps in high maps, thats not true, ofcourse if you xp in Land of Chaos at level 110 you won't find 106 or even 103 items, but you might get fast xp. If you want to hunt, you can kill in ET1 or ET2 at level 110, where it's possible to find good items and xp abit at the same time, when you're higher level you might be able to xp faster in those maps as you can handle more monsters. drop rate of monsters


anyway, will keep it down abit ;)

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Ya less monsterevents r fine. Need some 9x vanish pike.

PT runs so bad that events r around 5fps, no way to get anything and inet isnt fastest too^^

Till now each monster event was only lose of gold and time that I stopped joning such events.


Prob with FT2/ET2 is that u could hunt there ofc and gain some xp + drops but takes longer to go CT3 since its already open.

The goal is usually to be able to go highest huntmap. Maybe would be better if CT3 was not so early open but well so we have a real goal to lvlup fast.

Atm its all about best xp map, which is Loc and u wont find ppl up for ET2 party now :/

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Hehe, it's only more common these first days to give some fun to some lucky ones, though I agree it's not that fun if someone gets the good drop too often. I doubt this breaks the market, as there's very few high items that drop in such events, way less than players think.


cyclonewind mentions you hunt craps in high maps, thats not true, ofcourse if you xp in Land of Chaos at level 110 you won't find 106 or even 103 items, but you might get fast xp. If you want to hunt, you can kill in ET1 or ET2 at level 110, where it's possible to find good items and xp abit at the same time, when you're higher level you might be able to xp faster in those maps as you can handle more monsters. drop rate of monsters


anyway, will keep it down abit ;)


if too much good drop from event, good drop from hunt map will be crap. thats what i mean. so, please keep it rare  ;)

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