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Sp/Ep Suggestion

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Hmmm what about the independence of having leveled the skills that are before the skill you want to train.


So if you want to train level 46 skill, you dont need level 43 skill.

Do you mean not needing to  rise skills at least to level 1 to have all other skills? If so, there wouldn't be a need to increase SP or EP, and would be fine IMHO.



It works for me!

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If it could be done easily, without causing you any trouble and not delaying the T5 debut, then please Wartale, do it :D


I agree with sharky, but the idea of not needing the previous skill to buy a new one is good :). It would be better to make a build IMO


EDIT: Why don't you make a poll thread? It will be more organized and formal this way =)

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Hmmm what about the independence of having leveled the skills that are before the skill you want to train.


So if you want to train level 46 skill, you dont need level 43 skill.


That s Perfect!


Rise only your build skills is a nice idea (like any other mmorpg)

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Very good idea, although I also think we need 20 EP's in t4.


Some classes have had their builds and compromised too much, in my opinion.

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After reflecting about it, maybe it isn't a good idea at all. It would take away an essence of this game by changing skill point system so dramatically. Maybe just raising a little the caps is fine.

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Hmmm what about the independence of having leveled the skills that are before the skill you want to train.


So if you want to train level 46 skill, you dont need level 43 skill.


that's the way! at least you don't lose points in useless skills

like for example a "critical hit" "ice attribute" "expension" "venom' and such ... which make u benefic at least 4 SP ...

but it don't really work for T4... because anyhow u can't lvl 10 2 skills =/

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You need 22 EP to max 2 Tire 4 skills.


Some classes need 22 EP to make them effective, especially prs/mage, Ata.


Having only 15 EP, kind of defeats the point of raised level cap, stronger monsters which do not match skill power of a given class, survivability.


Very good idea, although I also think we need 20 EP's in t4.


Some classes have had their builds and compromised too much, in my opinion.

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You need 22 EP to max 2 Tire 4 skills.


Some classes need 22 EP to make them effective, especially prs/mage, Ata.


Having only 15 EP, kind of defeats the point of raised level cap, stronger monsters which do not match skill power of a given class, survivability.


Very good idea, although I also think we need 20 EP's in t4.


Some classes have had their builds and compromised too much, in my opinion.


not necessarily you need to have 22 EPs to maximize skills in two lv10, a mech may Impulsion and Completion in 10 with only 20. Placing more than 20 could make some classes have 2 skill at 10 and something else.


It would be interesting if not a skill needed to open the other, AND with 20 points, so a mage can have Distortion / Flame Wave, or Distortion /  Meteorite without 22 points, just 20, you know?

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I'm in agreement with most on this issue.

I think it should be 5 skills max in SP and 2 in EP.

I don't think it would unbalance anything especially since PVP is mostly a bunch of 10x who have higher ab'd and damage gear.


For example classes that would find the 2 max EP skills useful

Mage - Distortion and Meteor (or Flame Wave)

Prs - Muspell and CL

Pike - Vague and CS or CS and AE

Fighter - CS and Destroyer (would be so nice)


and etc...

There are atleast 2 useful skills in each classes T4 if not 5:2 do 4:2 so SP can stay and just vamp EP.

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Hmmm what about the independence of having leveled the skills that are before the skill you want to train.


So if you want to train level 46 skill, you dont need level 43 skill.



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I think more SP/EP would be nice...


I wanna know what Wartale will do... He posts few times in this topic but i think he forget it...

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make a pool for us vote (problably everyone wants that)



i liked a lot

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So what are you gonna do Wartale. pls dont let this topic die, tell us if the SP/EP points will change or not....

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It doesn't matter if we stop having SP at lv 98 or not because most of the important skills are at Tier 4 and every char has at least 2 most important skills at tier 4 as well, but at the moment we are only able to maximize 1 skill at tier 4 :(( As someone mentioned above, we need 22 EP to get 2 skills maximum  and it's a good idea. This change actually doesn't make any big difference because in Priston Tale, ways of building your char doesn't make a BIG gap between players. The stronger gears u have and the higher lv you are, the more power u have , just like other MMORPGs. And also, your experience of playing your own character is a fact as well.

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I agree with Valtsu (:

        I do not even linking to a lot to this, which is only one thing I know what is needed :(

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48 SP 22EP would be the best.

48-12 = 36 => 4 tier1~3`s skills lvl 10.




57 sp 22 ep


57-12=45 => 5 tier1~3`s skills lvl 10


but 48sp and 22ep would be the best.

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Actually, some classes need the Extra EP/SP to make them worth while to play or be on par with other classes.


As we all know Magic classes suffer the most of lack of EP/SP, same thing can be said for ATA when it comes to PvE aspect of the game.

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Magic suffer? Train fucking fast and top SoD scorer?

Ata suffer? Train fucking fast, high SoD scorer, kill a lot?



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Actually, some classes need the Extra EP/SP to make them worth while to play or be on par with other classes.


As we all know Magic classes suffer the most of lack of EP/SP, same thing can be said for ATA when it comes to PvE aspect of the game.


LOL when you say "some"  i think you meant all hahah.

imho. don't. add. any. skill points. elite points. to. any. characters.



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