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Bug: Can't use Knight skill Grand Cross

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Hello everybody. 


I just started the game and have reach level 50. I did the rank up proccess and get all the third tree skills but, for my sadness, Grand Cross simple does not work.

I can't use the skill. 


I'm playing as a Knight by the way.


Someone had the same fate?



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Probably because you overleveled the skills. For example, you're level 50 atm but you accidentally leveled the skill to 52. See if that's the case.

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17 minutes ago, you2kyo said:

Probably because you overleveled the skills. For example, you're level 50 atm but you accidentally leveled the skill to 52. See if that's the case.

Also a bug.

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This is a recurring complaint around here. @Wartale it should be nice to have it fixed on the next patch (skill overleveling).

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Thanks for the support guys!


That's could be the problem. I'll get some levels up and see whats happen after.

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3 hours ago, testador said:

Also a bug.

How is this a bug?


Please be aware that, we cannot provide support when people does not follow HOW TO to provide details and evidence to support.





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4 hours ago, dallai said:

Hello everybody. 


I just started the game and have reach level 50. I did the rank up proccess and get all the third tree skills but, for my sadness, Grand Cross simple does not work.

I can't use the skill. 


I'm playing as a Knight by the way.


Someone had the same fate?



I believe that your character does not have enough mana that the skill requires, you can verify that this is certainly the problem.

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4 hours ago, Wartale said:

How is this a bug?


Please be aware that, we cannot provide support when people does not follow HOW TO to provide details and evidence to support.





If I'm level 90, I shouldnt be able to upgrade a skill that requires level 91, because i cant use the skill then...


I dont need to follow the 'how to', because it was not me who reported the bug, i just pointed that is a bug...

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7 minutes ago, testador said:

If I'm level 90, I shouldnt be able to upgrade a skill that requires level 91, because i cant use the skill then...


I dont need to follow the 'how to', because it was not me who reported the bug, i just pointed that is a bug...

Oh, Hello.


First, he quoted and made a comment about it.

Then, he made an comment about the post himself.

And for last.




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8 minutes ago, Neither said:

Oh, Hello.


First, he quoted and made a comment about it.

Then, he made an comment about the post himself.

And for last.




Nice, I thought it was for me the second comment too. ??

Edited by testador

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30 minutes ago, testador said:

I dont need to follow the 'how to', because it was not me who reported the bug, i just pointed that is a bug...

It is general comment apply for anyone.


30 minutes ago, testador said:

If I'm level 90, I shouldnt be able to upgrade a skill that requires level 91, because i cant use the skill then...

This is not a bug. Same as age, people can use level 1 character to age +24.





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The game used to block skills from being leveled up more than the char's level. That's why.

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4 minutes ago, you2kyo said:

The game used to block skills from being leveled up more than the char's level. That's why.

Don't think I have ever seen it.

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6 hours ago, you2kyo said:

The game used to block skills from being leveled up more than the char's level. That's why.


Yes! That's true!

E.g.: If you were level 50, as OP is saying, and just unlocked a k9 Grand Cross, the game would not allow you to add points to the skill because it requires you to be 52 in order to upgrade the skill to lvl 2. Now you can just upgrade any skill, as long as you have enough SP or EP,  despite not meeting the level requirement. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of that, but it happened with me as well when leveling my characters.

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Oh, Hello.

2 hours ago, Demian said:


Yes! That's true!

E.g.: If you were level 50, as OP is saying, and just unlocked a k9 Grand Cross, the game would not allow you to add points to the skill because it requires you to be 52 in order to upgrade the skill to lvl 2. Now you can just upgrade any skill, as long as you have enough SP or EP,  despite not meeting the level requirement. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of that, but it happened with me as well when leveling my characters.



Well, the same way you need level for use a aged gear, as mention from @Wartale. You need a req to use a skill which in this case is lvl.


Stats are the same way, an equipment can be use if you have those req done.

Some reqs cant be done eg. Female armor on a male character, if you buy wrong its your fault.



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Yeah I get that but what we are saying is that until a few patches ago (?) the game itself would show the skill icon in grayscale when you don't meet the level requirement, and you were not able to click on it to add another skill point. This is not happening anymore, you can relentlessly add points to the skill and it would become useless until you meet the level requirement for the upgraded skill. I've been playing this game for over a decade and I've never seen this happen before, sorry. 

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1 hour ago, Demian said:

Yeah I get that but what we are saying is that until a few patches ago (?) the game itself would show the skill icon in grayscale when you don't meet the level requirement, and you were not able to click on it to add another skill point. This is not happening anymore, you can relentlessly add points to the skill and it would become useless until you meet the level requirement for the upgraded skill. I've been playing this game for over a decade and I've never seen this happen before, sorry. 



I'm also a decade here, and yes, i remember that epoch that you couldnt upgrade until you have lvl to do it.

But i see Wartale as a next lvl Wartale, he got it owns characteristics.

Maybe its only a new thing ( that's not a bug ) to care about when lvling



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12 hours ago, Demian said:

Yeah I get that but what we are saying is that until a few patches ago (?) the game itself would show the skill icon in grayscale when you don't meet the level requirement, and you were not able to click on it to add another skill point. This is not happening anymore, you can relentlessly add points to the skill and it would become useless until you meet the level requirement for the upgraded skill. I've been playing this game for over a decade and I've never seen this happen before, sorry. 

Agree, this has always been the case.

So this is either a bug or they changed it on purpose. But either way it should get fixed imo.

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If it was changed on purpose it was definitely not a good idea.

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Usually this happens when you do not have enough MP/SP to cast the desired skill.

Also it is kind of unheard that you can over-level your skills. I never experienced such a thing, but neither I can test it (i dont have low level characters at the moment).

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On 3/25/2020 at 5:13 AM, you2kyo said:

The game used to block skills from being leveled up more than the char's level. That's why.

Yeah exactly.


I recently made news chars. And i had the same problem... whereas before it didnt happen.

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Hello Dear Admin, @Wartale


There some players that complain about the skills problem... Everyday I log, there a new commer asking on trade chat why they can't use a skill. Must be annoying when you are new and come into the game.. (news players are important for the game activity) 

I experience it when i made a news chars, and I never had this problem before.


When you have enought point to upgrade a skill, it can get over your current lvl, so you are not able to use it. That's to say u have to reskill.


Maybe you can block it (not being able to upgrade the skill if you don't have the lvl req), like it was before please?



Edited by Clem
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