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creating sub sever easier for players? yes or no

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well I'm trying to do is vote to see agree to the creation of more than 1 sever, because I think only 1 sever is not endure the amount of players wanting to level up in almost all the maps up the spawns are full

think sandurr should create sub 1 sever

more we see what the guys agree with my opinion

Thank you for your attention

Please reviews

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In a very near future though, will be a must. We didn't hit even 4 months (counting from alpha phase) of existence and we are already packed.

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I like the idea, but as had say is not a need now.  I have to congratulations to staff, this is the best server with no sub servers.  Is my 3rd Priston Tale that i had been and i realy like this one.


PD: Sometimes is not the trouble the spot, sometimes is the no desires of find another xD


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Not needed atm, and I think if it ever comes, bosses should only spawn on 1 server.

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I don't think a sub-server is needed.


I like to keep all the things on one server, instead of spreading the community into 2 sub-servers

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if u want an easier server go look in other place

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i lol'd at players saying "no"

check their names


check for exemple LoC HS

you'll find out what i mean :)



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I don't think it's needed atm. Maybe later when the community is bigger.

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this is a poll that should be provided by an admin and not by you ..., you can discuss that you want an extra server but a poll won't do shit since its sandurr didn't ask for a poll

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this is a poll that should be provided by an admin and not by you ..., you can discuss that you want an extra server but a poll won't do shit since its sandurr didn't ask for a poll




i lol'd at players saying "no"

check their names


check for exemple LoC HS

you'll find out what i mean :)




wake up early , get the spawn and make your own party..

when I'm not in LoC HS , I always find other places to levle up.

ice2 , ice1 , iron2 , LoC Docks , Loc Spawn near LT , LT 4 hs's..

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this is a poll that should be provided by an admin and not by you ..., you can discuss that you want an extra server but a poll won't do shit since its sandurr didn't ask for a poll




i lol'd at players saying "no"

check their names


check for exemple LoC HS

you'll find out what i mean :)




wake up early , get the spawn and make your own party..

when I'm not in LoC HS , I always find other places to levle up.

ice2 , ice1 , iron2 , LoC Docks , Loc Spawn near LT , LT 4 hs's..


i'm not that guy that is gonna put his alarm to play rpt man ;)

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No need another sub-server. There is not alot ppl as rpt was to make 2 or 3 like it was. It's fine for now.

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