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Since most of the countries/ cities now are in lockdown because of the pandemic and the 'BATTLE ARENA" in Battle Town is quite unused I would like to suggest to make a 6vs6 player on 'BATTLE ARENA' - BATTLE ARENA LOCKDOWN BRAWL



Group the players according to level (bracketing) like (150-155 players can team up) Ex. 2-FS level 151, 1-Pri level 150, 2-KS level 155, 1-SS level 152) so they will party and wait for other players(enemies) also should be bracketed like the other team (150-155) to organize...

Then after they have organize the teams (the party leader will go to the "BATTLE MASTER in BATTLE ARENA") pay the designated price for fee on the match whoever wins the LOCKDOWN BRAWL get's the reward!

Once the players are in the ARENA (each player will have 3 lives, when they die they will just resurrect where they dies(like BC), when the team losses their lives(18 lives) they will be all teleported outside and again when the party leader click BATTLE MASTER it will say, "A REMATCH" or "CHANGE TEAM"...


Maybe I am not so clear here, so the community is open for more suggestions and constructive criticism! Keep safe everyone from the VIRUS! ?


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