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Only i find myself bothered by issue of gold on the server? Making gold has become absurdly boring and nauseating, basically you fight for moon spaw or else you go SOD with the 20% tax cost of what u did !! As we can see, this generated extreme desmotivation for the new players ( 4 of my fiends stopped playing because they were unable to buy ressu), currently 1kc = 800-850kks, no one else talks about this issue, so important and distressing! One person can do 14kc by dropping a draxos, but the other cannot do 150 - 200kks hour in ct3, of course...

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Yes, since the death of CT3 farming, me and my 2 friends gets really unmotivated to play, once that our way to make gold has been sabotaged. 
Hope @Wartale revert this decision soon. We dont have other fun ways to farm gold. 

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6 minutes ago, iokamazy said:

Hope @Wartale revert this decision soon.  





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there are several types of players: 
some like PVP,
others from leveling,
others of hunting Boss,
other farm gold.

unfortunately all players who are gold farmers have been harmed by this change.
I hope that one day this will be reversed.

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Yes, after the change, many players moved away from the game, wartale could decrease the time instead of 10 minutes because not 5 minutes or decrease the price of items that falls in the ct3, this is just the beginning I see that it will get worse



Bring an Urgent Solution

Edited by Fortehluz
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To make ct3 farming impracticable was a good decision.
This farming is too hardcore and brings imbalance to the server's economy.

I suggest to develop Party Quests who rewards gold.

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but now we got imbalance for the coins since they are almost nothing worth, not the best time to donate atm...

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1 hour ago, MazaruRPT said:

To make ct3 farming impracticable was a good decision.
This farming is too hardcore and brings imbalance to the server's economy.

I suggest to develop Party Quests who rewards gold.


yes good decision for who? i see only people in the end game happy with this, that is, is a minimal portion that benefited.
And sorry but i disagree, the gold balance is terrible... 

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hey guys staff said in another topic that this is a temporary mesuare to control the value of gold (1 kc was 2 gbs, etc)

we just have to wait the economy back to normal 

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18 hours ago, MazaruRPT said:

To make ct3 farming impracticable was a good decision.
This farming is too hardcore and brings imbalance to the server's economy.

I suggest to develop Party Quests who rewards gold.


Thats a good stuff, give a small reward while doing quests / like daily / diq / ct3q and others so ppl can lvl and get some gold to play

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with the moon hunter, it is now more balanced to make gold. Because only the high level could make a good amount of gold = SOD CT3 and those who made gold in the HS of map 140. Now we can all make gold.
I think it is a very good decision by the GM.

(I am Latin / google translator, sorry)

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5 mins instead of 10 should be good enaugh @ ct3 farm

Moonhunter is a good solution to farm but it's only 3mins during night while there is more than 15mins for a day... (increase nights to 5mins?)

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Or maybe just reduce the gold that you can get from items ? 

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
2 minutes ago, Clem said:

Or maybe just reduce the gold that you can get from items ? 

instead of 10% on the first 10 mim, it could be balanced to~ 80% 75%...


14 minutes ago, Kirvid8 said:

 Because only the high level could make a good amount of gold = SOD CT3

maybe because a 15x need at least 50 kc in items to go BC competitively?


at least Mf3 is pvp and i can simply kill whoever is on the spawn to do moon hunter.


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This is the problem maybe the @Wartale, , believe it is easy to farm in ct3, but we spent 200kks in eye + force + at least 2 pp to share the gold because one has to kill another to get and sell, At the most each one does 100kks per hour... but he insists it is possible to do 500kks/per hour kkkkkkkkkkkk it is completely impossible! 

Plz back gold and friends again to the game ! Scrll ressu its very expensive

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23 minutes ago, Ilton. said:

This is the problem maybe the @Wartale, , believe it is easy to farm in ct3, but we spent 200kks in eye + force + at least 2 pp to share the gold because one has to kill another to get and sell, At the most each one does 100kks per hour... but he insists it is possible to do 500kks/per hour kkkkkkkkkkkk it is completely impossible! 

Plz back gold and friends again to the game ! Scrll ressu its very expensive


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On 31/3/2020 at 10:44, Clem said:

¿O tal vez solo reduzca el oro que puede obtener de los artículos? 

or perhaps increase the percentage of profit in SoD, go from 80% to 85% or 90%. I think removing 20% of the score is too much

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