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Guest TFSE

Re: Server Name

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Guest TFSE

In greek myth, Hades wasn't evil; he and Persephone were the king and queen of the underworld. Everyone, regardless of being good and evil, have to pass through them into the underworld. Only gods and blessed demi gods (herakles) that were immortal were allowed to live on Mt Olympus.


and anyway, Athena is Zeus' daughter. Came from his head. She's legit.

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Guest TFSE

Also, if you're going with siblings; then you should throw in Hera and Aphrodite (yes, Zeus did marry his sister)

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As I said, by following the bloodline and hierarchy Athena doesn't fit


Poseidon is the best to replace it, hell yea, as the world got divided between him, Hades and Zeus

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Guest TFSE

bloodline, ok. But hierarchy? Athena was ranked a lot higher than Hades and Poseidon in terms of power and authority. Poseidon hardly ever made an entrance in any myth, and Hades is only prominent in a myth where he kidnaps Persephone. So no, in terms of hierarchy, Athena > Poseidon AND Hades.




Sorry, but I just don't see the importance behind this suggestion. Moreover, the arguments for it are misplaced and (most probably) wiki-ed.

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Poseidon was actually pretty widely worshipped as I recall. Hades on the other hand, probably not so much.

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Yes hierarchy. Those 3 gods rule the world, they divided it after the rebelion against the titans. The skies and the land, the sea and the underworld. So they got their "kingdom", where they rule all-poweful, above anything else

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Guest TFSE

and yet if Zeus willed it, they couldn't do shit. They're not any more powerful than Athena. Zeus favoured Athena because she was his daughter after he swallowed Metis. He didn't favour his brothers.


edit: this is stupid. I'm not gonna continue arguing about greek mythology with anyone unless they're my classics professor.

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Zeus lead Olympus, he doesn't rule everywhere. And lead 'cause of an agreement between him and his 2 brothers, who was supposed to be so called king of the gods was Hades because he's older

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Guest TFSE

omfg srsly? Zeus is the supreme rulerrrrrrrr of all the olympians. christ. read the iliad. read the odyssey.

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Guest TFSE

moved cause dumb argument is dumb and shouldnt spam suggestions

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Guest TFSE

well i'm glad you supposedly read them both, perhaps you can recall that poseidon favoured the trojans and his wall? and what did zeus do? yeah, he shit on poseidon's stupid little wall and let the greeks win.


and hades, when he kidnapped persephone, demeter threw a hissy fit and what did zeus do? yeah, he shit on hades and made him return persephone to her mother for a part of the year.


poseidon and hades > zeus? LOL.

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WTF!? Do you understand how lame and like a nerd you sound like!? STFU, Gogg has a point you book worm virgin.... change Athena to Poseidon, 3 brothers FTW... then make Athena a server ONLY androgynous Iliad buffs can log into ;)

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Whatever, Poseidon/Hades > Athena, still~~~


That is also why one of the most well known greek cities is named ATHENs? Literally change the S and the A, it was athena's city and favored for that reason.  [Also the major temple there was dedicated to her] Coming from Zeus, there are tons of parallels between her and her father completely not present in Poseidon or Hades. I also recently had to take a course on all this stuff last semester, and TFSE is dead on, and its leaving me asking what were you guys smoking or did you just watch nothing but Disney's attempt at butchering greek tales?

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Guest TFSE

WTF!? Do you understand how lame and like a nerd you sound like!? STFU, Gogg has a point you book worm virgin.... change Athena to Poseidon, 3 brothers FTW... then make Athena a server ONLY androgynous Iliad buffs can log into ;)



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some ppl here watched the clash of the titans


good 3d, fail storyline.

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WTF!? Do you understand how lame and like a nerd you sound like!? STFU, Gogg has a point you book worm virgin.... change Athena to Poseidon, 3 brothers FTW... then make Athena a server ONLY androgynous Iliad buffs can log into ;)


Illiad? Don't you mean, like every actual text containing these names? Perhaps you should read a bit more yourself.


Also, for people who are claiming to know so much about how it works, the greek gods weren't much for bros before hoes. It was more like hoes > hoes > hoes > more hoes.

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Being protected of someone with power don't make you powerful


Nice that you got few classes about it. Maybe you read a bit more than just whatever you had to? I did, and watched few stuff about greek mythology too


No they didn't literally changed anything, Athens is an English name


That doesn't change anything at all, whorship to the gods doesn't show how important or powerful they are


Quit that bullshit philosophy about wisdom, mind and shits like that, that's where Athena gets so important representing it. Get by the whole myth history... and not just from a font, but from many 'cause there are few different versions for few stuff

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Guest TFSE

some ppl here watched the clash of the titans


good 3d, fail storyline.


you know what else is fail? reading enigma as 'vagina'


gg davv gg.

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some ppl here watched the clash of the titans


good 3d, fail storyline.


you know what else is fail? reading enigma as 'vagina'


gg davv gg.



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And Zero, you belong in the new Athena... fruiting geek!!! :)

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Guest TFSE

umad cause i read books instead of playing pc games 24/7 as a kid >:

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Being protected of someone with power don't make you powerful


Nice that you got few classes about it. Maybe you read a bit more than just whatever you had to? I did, and watched few stuff about greek mythology too


No they didn't literally changed anything, Athens is an English name


That doesn't change anything at all, whorship to the gods doesn't show how important or powerful they are


Quit that bullshit philosophy about wisdom, mind and shits like that, that's where Athena gets so important representing it. Get by the whole myth history... and not just from a font, but from many 'cause there are few different versions for few stuff


Yes, hollywood does an EXCELLENT job at being historically accurate.


You've barely stated anything correct or made any attempt to give the actual story behind it. Accusations are easy, now you're going to sit here and lecture us on how there is something we're all missing? Okay, well what is this great conspiracy of yours?


Yes, discard homer, aeschylus, sopphocles and so on, clearly they had NO IDEA what greek mythology was about. The all knowing gogg should alleviate the truth behind everything. He is timeless after all.

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