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Timing isn't too hard, just need a video program you can slow down and count frame by frame.

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I think such a guide would be awesme but fear that the actual codes for calculating damage, skills etc are going to be too difficult to lock down according to other posts re formulas.

Good luck though

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hey, i like what i'm reading here, and i have a full featured pt calculator in my projects, too :o (linked to item database, etc)

send me a private message with more details and show me what you've made so far, please

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You're not the only one interested in mechanics, I like them as well. The problem is its impossible atm to know what is really happening. Your tests don't mean much, you have no output you can go off, whether it be your own damage or monster HP. Afraid without that, its impossible to know what is actually happening when you combine it with the fact you have a damage range as well. In order to reverse the mechanics to their components, you need the final product which is missing right now.

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- Are the formulas on the website up to date? they seem not to always match the actual damage from a few tests I performed (I might also be misinterpreting them or missing something)


i seen to have the same problem as u do i always end up with lower damage then ingame dmg

(i just used excel)

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- Are the formulas on the website up to date? they seem not to always match the actual damage from a few tests I performed (I might also be misinterpreting them or missing something)


i seen to have the same problem as u do i always end up with lower damage then ingame dmg

(i just used excel)


Hidden mechanics can be causing that, which is why its hard to figure out unless we have something to go off of.

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i am so stupid

my damage formula now works its off by 2-3 atpower

i only forgot that we have boosting passive skills (melee mastery fighter; and the32%is just of the weapon ) ingame and i did not add those

still just using excel

i donk know if u can do something with it; but i uploaded a old ept calculator a while ago

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hey, i like what i'm reading here, and i have a full featured pt calculator in my projects, too :o (linked to item database, etc)

send me a private message with more details and show me what you've made so far, please


I'm doing some testing with aspnet+sql server. I have some formulas up but the db is an absolute mess (i just toss everything into tables as I go) and I don't have all the item stats up to date. Might want to develop a parser to pick up stuff directly from the website but I gotta look a bit into PHP and regular expressions for that.


What I'd like to do is to get the system modelling done first so I don't have to keep recoding my stuff and save myself the rework.

woah dude, do you have msn, skype, or something ? --> pm

lets talk a bit, before you start parsing the website for nothing :P

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Just curious on what you might consider "hidden mechanics"? For base damage there's not much to calculate, aside from char and weapon stats I think only passives (masteries) would apply, assuming you are debuffed, of course.


A very simple one from another game I played was that for each level the player gained, they received +1 damage in PvE. This means even with the exact same stats, exact same gear, etc. [everything held constant but level], damage differed by the difference in level [20 levels = 20 damage difference]. Simple things like this can cause player made tools such as calculators prone to error, and missing a few things can add up to getting a number that is so different it is useless for the player to use as an estimate.


PT is old and I'm not sure whether those kinds of ideas were in their mind or not back then, but ignoring the possibility and making assumptions can lead you astray. This is why I wanted some kind of way to obtain our damage output, so we could at least verify that hidden mechanics are not a possibility in the slightest. I'm not doubting PT is probably a simple game with not much put into the damage system other than the basics, but it would not be safe to assume so until it is verified.

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Going with the logic of them makiing it to where anything outside of 20 levels from you and you don't get full exp, I will say those ideas were in their head.


I know there are a lot of hidden things but I cannot say for sure what any of them are.

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I understand your point, but if those kinds of hidden mechanics would apply to all characters, if you look at strictly char planning and take your own example, the bonus would be the same as long as the characters were the same level, don't you agree? The function of a basic calculator would be able to match the actual output damage so you would be able to compare chars and builds.


But to be able to compute more complex outputs such as magic damage, the calc would be only as good as an estimation, but I suppose it's better than nothing. A good example I can give you is elemental damage. I read somewhere in this board that lately it's working, but


a) it still is  rarely taken into consideration

b) how do we know what inflicts which kind of elemental damage

c) is it two sided? p->e / e->p


I went as far as considering trying to calculate damage per second and such, but a couple of days with it on the back of my mind made me realize why

it isn't feasible (and why it hasn't been done before):


a) no easy means to capture all cast times for all skills in all levels

b) on higher damage characters (pikes, fighters) more often than not they have to pot in between casts

c) can't even take an average miss rate to reduce from the effective damage because there is no formula explaining how attack rating triggers a hit or miss situation (all we know is the higher the better)


Bottom line is I will just try to get the very basic functionality (be able to simulate the char window without having to build a char) working, and a few rough estimations for skills to get the project off the ground. After that's done for I will look into suggestions and ideas for improvements.


-The problem is you don't know what that bonus is or how its done until you actually have a legitimate way to prove it. What if its 2x dmg, 1/2 dmg, etc? What if the bonus does not apply to all things but certain things [conditional]? What I gave was a general one [constant for all, not conditional]. In the case of sheltom forces, there is much debate to whether or not it applies to certain skills, also the same with weapon speeds. In that case, it may not be held constant for all characters/skills which would cause drastic changes from skill to skill that you do need to be aware of. That would mean any calculation you do is giving players a far off estimate that they're actually better off without [since with an estimate you expect it to be near enough to the real thing, which is misleading them]. What I gave was an example or two, there can be far more complicated mechanics. In this sense, the calc would not be good or suited for estimation.


A) Cast times are not difficult, there are very simple ways of capturing those, its just a long task no one really wants to undertake or cooperate on. One of the biggest issues is actually the lack of available characters for a tester to use. If you want to make a cast time table for all classes, you need access to at least 1 character of every class that has every skill in the game that has a cast time [buffs aside]. Training that yourself for that purpose alone is not much incentive [a lot of work for little gain]. I made a damage calculator for another mmorpg, and it required me to use the accounts of several friends to gain access to the different testing subjects I needed for effective analysis.


When testing for anything damage wise, you will need at least 2 of the class you start with to determine if differences within the class exist for the game [such as level]. This is a pain and hard to determine, and in the end, you need a very wide array of characters to use by the time you take all variables into account, which most people will not have.


B) That depends on what you want to use DPS for, it has legitimate use rather than the long term averages. What DPS is most effective for [and why I want to determine it], is effective of comparison of skills. Without putting skills into a standardized unit [damage per second], you cannot effectively compare skills with both different damages and different cast times. It is pretty simple, if you have a skill that does 2500 damage within 3 seconds and another that does 1500 damage within 1 second, the respective potential DPS [without critical taken into account, but that is easy to do as well], is 833.33 DPS on the first, 1500 on the second.


AR is void here, you assume your only interested in the skill should it hit to see which skills have the greatest potential [DPS is otherwise easy to determine if it misses, it is 0]. Potting between casts is also only relevant should you want to determine "How long it should take to kill x monster", you cannot use a skill and pot at the same time. Skill animation and DPS will not vary at all with pots.


C) You are right, miss rate is a problem, however this is not the only game with miss rate. There is statistical analysis you can do to get a very good idea of how miss rate works [or just do very long term testing]. You'd be surprised the lengths people have gone to on other games to figure things like this out [such as collecting 10,000 sample attacks per fixed change in attack rate [such as 100] to determine a good estimate of what the real % hit is]. I have no desire to go that far, but it is possible :P.

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I've been working with the AutoIT language for a long time, because of its easy-to-do GUI and understandeable language.. I've made an aging calculator so far...


I'm up to make a character planning like that, I just need the equations (EG "total dmg = str * min wep - str * max wep + lv")...


If someone want to see the aging calc, pm me or post here and I can post some pics or the code itself... Good to see people interested on that!

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yep, something like the gold old ptcalc from 2004 (that was in java)

it's always been on my todo list for the website :P


i started working on the user interface and will release a beta version hopefully next week



and if you guys have suggestions for functionalities, let me know :)

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yes, exactly that thing

i started working on it, it will be in the rpt website (but its not easy)

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Well, good to read that.


What i _REALLY_ miss is the classic, epic web site called priston.be


it was (and is, imo) the best database of Priston Tale in the entire world, with calculators and much, much more, like, kinds of spec that a item can get 


i've used that website so much... back in teh day =/

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