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Ksing reports

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Oh hai.


This is what I would like to know.

How come this case is processed:



And this one denied:



I understand the purpose of the rule of having to add screenshots of the clean spawns, however it becomes silly at times. Neither of those cases have screenshots of the clean spawn, yet one is processed, and the one with witness reports is denied (with as reason, no screenshot of clear spawn).


So what's the deal with this?



It's really unfair that if you have a serious case going on, you have no chance of getting justice because you didn't take a pic of the clean spawn (as if we could predict the future when we go xp <_<). A case of mine once got denied, now one of the above is processed, for what exceptional reason?


Somebody explain.

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It's also about following the guide, the one that got processed followed it to a T, and it was pretty clear that the spawn was clean cuz the mech came, and asked for a pt, then started ksing when he wasn't invited. For the other case there wasn't the case.


And also, according to the guidelines, you'd need a SS where he starts ksing, and a SS where he's been ksing for about 10 mins or so. The one that got denied only had one SS, and that's usually ends up getting denied

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Just learn to get sick of the KSing reports guys. Its normal

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The two reports that got processed had SS's of clean spawn while the others had not.

I know this with clean spawn sometimes is riddiculous.. but what is the point of having rules and guidelines if they arent followed?

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(Referring to both Goggs and Melos posts)

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Ow, nice to see this topic


I got a question like that too


How come this case got denied for that reason



And this one didn't




Pretty much the same, huh


Seems like you really have problems with H, anyway, clearly you can see on second report that guy was there really ksing for quite long time, on the first one seems like things wasn't exactly like that, as Wartale said there's only one ss that shows him attacking, well.. personally I think the first case was solved in game, the guy left the spawn after that 1hit showed on reporter SS, the second case you can see the kser was planning to stay there, perhaps you should stop trying to blame every decision fromwtstaff, sometimes you are not helping at all.



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True that, I got problems with H. OMG die H, die, I hate you


Happy now?


I don't get the point of "blaming every decision fromwtstaff", maybe you got to read a bit more

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i agree with kenni's judgement

mine would have been the same and here is why :


report 1) many pictures, clearly multiple ks, lots of details, decent report even tho there's no empty spawn pic

report 2) one picture, no explanations. processing a report like this would only encourage people to make fake reports. we don't process such reports.



How come this case got denied for that reason



And this one didn't


report 1) he reduced image sizes, timestamp can't be read. clear lack of details. + people hit and run in et3 alot, this is clearly a 1time ks (reporter didnt say otherwise) and tehre are alot of such misunderstandings in et3

report 2) timestamp clearly visible. clearly a kser even though the reporter didn't send a picture where he warns the kser

also, a simple ip lookup revealed that naly is indeed cavevietnam, who was caught ksing repetitively




and anyway, staff decisions are not up for debate.

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