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Two questions that I'm not sure where to find their answer

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Here's my questions:

1. If I'm planning to age my item. And the agging table said, for example, 30% failure rate. And assuming I'm using 30% aging stone. Does it mean that there is no chance to broke the item as well?

Or the failing and broking rates are different and the only way to avoid breaking my item is with the It's stone?


2. I wondered if there is a way to make all personal shopping messages in town to disappear? There is any option or shortcut key to do that?




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Just now, bobmore said:


Here's my questions:

2. I wondered if there is a way to make all personal shopping messages in town to disappear? There is any option or shortcut key to do that?




Push the letter « back space » on your keyboard and it will disappear instantly 

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

1. If the age fails it can either break or deage the item, so, with the age stone 30% for a 30% fail chance, it has no chanve do break or deage.

2. Yes, backspace

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6 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

1. If the age fails it can either break or deage the item, so, with the age stone 30% for a 30% fail chance, it has no chanve do break or deage.

2. Yes, backspace

1. If the age fails it can either break or deage the item, so, with the age stone 30% for a 30% fail chance, it has no chanve do break or deage => wrong bro.


As i know even 0% still can break. Only Copper Ore can prevent it.


It's important to note that the break chance isn't the fail chance; actual chance to break item is much smaller than the fail chance as it includes the possibility of de-age too.

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12 minutes ago, ChainLancer said:

1. If the age fails it can either break or deage the item, so, with the age stone 30% for a 30% fail chance, it has no chanve do break or deage => wrong bro.


As i know even 0% still can break. Only Copper Ore can prevent it.


It's important to note that the break chance isn't the fail chance; actual chance to break item is much smaller than the fail chance as it includes the possibility of de-age too.


The aging page was edited I think. If you read it now it don't say this anymore. Now you can infer that:


1. With aging stones giving a 0% failure chance it won't de-age or break.

2. With copper it won't break but if fails will give you 2 de-ages.

3. With any chance of failure (no aging stone or copper) it can break or de-age 1-2 levels.


That's my understanding from https://wartale.com/gameguides/item-aging-r22/

Edited by julianoassmann

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5 minutes ago, julianoassmann said:


The aging page was edited I think. If you read it now it don't say this anymore. Now you can infer that:


1. With aging stones giving a 0% failure chance it won't de-age or break.

2. With copper it won't break but if fails will give you 2 de-ages.

3. With any chance of failure it  can break or de-age 1-2 levels.


That's my understanding from https://wartale.com/gameguides/item-aging-r22/


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in summary, you can't avoid both de-age and break

you can choose only one:

+ age stone : increase success rate (but always have a chance of break)

+ cooper ore: sure no break (but success rate low)


p/s: prepare 1k5 coins for recover item if it break, many players break item with only 4% chance of failure

Edited by BigFoot

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1 minute ago, BigFoot said:

in summary, you can't avoid both de-age and break

you can choose only one:

+ age stone : increase success rate (but always have a chance of break)

+ cooper ore: sure no break (but success rate low)


Anyone knows the breaking chance?

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Hhh thanks guys. I'm glad I asked this question. I guess I understand now.


And I also join @julianoassmann question as well.

Is there any breaking table ?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
2 hours ago, ChainLancer said:

"However, when using the Aging stone, the chance of failure will be reduced to 4%.
It's important to note that the break chance isn't the fail chance; actual chance to break item is much smaller than the fail chance as it includes the possibility of de-age too."


I mean, isn't break chance included on fail chance? At least i understand that way , fail chance = break chance + de-age chance, which explains the "break chance is much smaller than fail chance as it includes de-age"

Maybe the staff can clarify as it works, cuz this phrase is quite ambiguous.

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