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bring back the old reward for eternal punishment.

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the 120 daily quest reward getted nerf ,it just a daily quest.please bring it back 

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What is the level of your character ?

Daily Quest rewards are based on the level of your character, so if you're receiving less XP its because you've reached a much higher level than the level of the quest itself.

Edited by EternalLighting

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Level 120 - Eternal Punishment





  • (40 bil) EXP


but now ,in game it just 30 bil

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24 minutes ago, zjwater said:

but now ,in game it just 30 bil

What is your lvl?

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You're getting penalty due your lvl bro, there's nothing wrong with the Quest.

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5 hours ago, zjwater said:



Like I said, you are a much higher level than the quest, so you'll receive less XP.

You must be receiving 36 bi, right ?  Same as me.


Here's an example, same goes for Quests (I think).


  135 (your level)

- 120 (level of the quest)

= 15 (75% Exp gained)

Level difference with monster EXP gained
0 ~ 14 100%
15 ~ 19 75%
20 ~ 24 50%


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