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Just a question (MS)

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Sorry but I need to understand better.


So to prove that the MS is stronger than the other classes I need to buy an MS to equip it, assemble a tanker and equip it.

Hence to show why he is strong. 

And know all the percentages of the game? 


Unfortunately I can't do it. But with the help of the community, let's see what we can do.


Video below is two months ago. MS 148 with arch 138 + 22



If someone has another class 148 with items 138 + 22. I ask you to post 7 to 8 minutes of gameplay.



A simple analogy.

Which is stronger?

A pistol or a machine gun?

Do you need to buy one to know which one is stronger?

Know all the dynamics of operation?

Know how many shots per second?


Or simply seeing them in action, is it possible to say?

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I'll post here since they block my topics ... But it's the same idea.

I'm kinda disappointed on the answer I get and also of the reaction of fews guys ...


When I make a suggestion, I'm not thinking about my char or me. I'm thinking about the game play to make it more enjoyable. 

The funny thing is that, most of the active players are MS, and most of the answer is to balance MS. Even MS ask to make them fair.... So we are not everyone thinking about only our char.

If I wan't to go the best PVE char, I just change class it's NP for me. But what's the aim of a dual mode? 


First of all, It's easy to see what's the average dmg that each char make with the DMG display.

Ofc, making a table on how much time it take to kill each moobs with every char would make it more clear. 

Share me the chars with the same items & lvl, & I'll make it for you. (I'll make it with 14x 15x chars with normal stuff & without having the god mode, because yes, there's a DIFFERENCE)

I'm sure more than 1 players are ready to help the server to improve it and to BALANCE it.


ABOUT Fixing Pets & Xtals

When I said "fixing pets & xtals" is to make it like it SUPPOSE TO BE. 

You need to read the suggestions I made, I'm not talking about bug.

But think about the rangers.... Need to dual play in a MMORPG to be able to exp their chars? Is that normal?

Some of players don't use RANGER due to this & get boring dual mode. So improving HP, ABS, & the working mode (when moobs focus the char instead the Pets/Xtals) (like it was IN SL) will fix one of the problem.


I quote what GM said "Making class balance require a massive time of work which our Dev doesn't have at this time with so many projects in work as well as suggestion from everyone"


Alright, but CLASS BALANCE need to be done first before making new feature. How you want us to enjoy others features when we are not ABLE TO play our favorite char? 

See how many people made a topic about it, how many they react on the topics itself, and most of them agree to have a balanced class ingame. 

Seriously, I play Wartale since a lot of time now, and I'll continue since I really like this game. But between running with a CHIKEN & having a fair game.... I already choose my side. (And most of players too).


Before REBALANCE each class, make a quick fix on MS... 


People made bunch of suggestions to improve it and really nice one, but then the code part, its not our part.. unfortunately, we can't help you with that. 



At the end its not the same.

For example, a PRS & KS 169 full gears and a 15x chars with good gears don't have the same ATK RTG... ABS.... HP.... DEF....ART POWER....GOD MODE....

I'll explain it to make it simple : With a high lvl chars u're able to tank MORE that's to say you have to POT less, so you kill faster, right? With a lvl 169 full gears, you have High atk rtg and power, so you are missing less on moobs, right? 

Not every char tank the same, so when you use a melee, some of the players don't use PRS, so they are using POTS, (that take time), also they are missing there hits sometime (need to take this in consideration).


Why not trying with a 14x, 15x char? using normal stuff (The average lvl of the people there.... And also the lvl of the map....). You'll see the real time of killing a moob in the SS map and how it char have to play in SS. 

Ofc using a GM CHAR with edit items make you GOD so its easy for you to test a char (no need a PRS/MS to tank). But please, try it, like the players... You'll enjoy dual playing I guess and u'll have the time to watch a Netflix series (as a player said). You'll see how good is the game play playing a ranger. 




"We will announce something soon" 

Let's wait for that then ? 



A disappointed player.



Edited by Clem
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13 minutes ago, Clem said:

Ofc using a GM CHAR with edit items


No Edit items were used (they might have difference skin and look but they are same as everyone) so when thing like this is said, you lost all our attention to your post. It is just stupid to use edited items to test a game don't you think? When making a comparison it must be on same level and same item else the comparison is meaningless. People mostly using mule to tank hence godmode is used.


The test was only to check out the exp gain from char on difference class with same level and same items.

13 minutes ago, Clem said:

I'm not talking about bug.

It doesn't matter it is bug or not, that is how we made it and our dev do not intent on change it at least at this time.


I will not talk anymore about quick fix for MS or not, it is up to Dev team to decided. They knew about it.

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7 minutes ago, Support said:


No Edit items were used (they might have difference skin and look but they are same as everyone) so when thing like this is said, you lost all our attention to your post. It is just stupid to use edited items to test a game don't you think?


The test was only to check out the exp gain from char on difference class with same level and same items.

Then it's a mistake from me, because I saw a GM char (KS class) tanking in SS MAP yesterday without using pots. 

So by making a mistake, I lost all your attention to my post? Don't forget that we are all humans here, and we can make error. (I'm sure you make too, no one is perfect)


Why being so rude? Do you think I make a post to be against you? Then you're totally wrong.

I'm just trying to find ideas to make the game better.....






Edited by Clem
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3 minutes ago, Clem said:

So by making a mistake, I lost all your attention to my post? Don't forget that we are all humans here, and we can make error.


Why being so rude? Do you think I make a post to be against you?


Accusing GM or having edited items are very rude and damage our reputation so don't talk about rude to me here.

Anyway, no point to discuss further on this topic as mention before it is going no where.


We will do something about this soon.

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Just now, Support said:


Accusing GM or having edited items are very rude and damage our reputation so don't talk about rude to me here.


Lol their's nothing wrong to use Edit items since you're a GM char. 

But, your char is kinda already edited since it's a 169 char, or you lvl up yourself? 



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3 minutes ago, Clem said:

edited since it's a 169 char, or you lvl up yourself?

Just WOW, enough said. Thanks for open my eyes.

3 minutes ago, Clem said:

their's nothing wrong to use Edit items since you're a GM char. 

Yeah sure nothing wrong beside making GM look like an idot to use edited items to test a char then make a claim how it is right?

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4 minutes ago, Support said:

Just WOW, enough said. Thanks for open my eyes.

Yeah sure nothing wrong beside making GM look like an idot to use edited items to test a char then make a claim how it is right?

Relax Bro. Clem for sure didnt made this Topic for blame u in anyway ❤️ Lets give love and all be good in Time 

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A 14x 15x 16x MS auto don't tank in SS ?  Even less 3 moobs in SS


Not trying to lie... and it's nothing wrong.

Just trying to make things better.

Edited by Clem
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Just now, Moussi7 said:

Relax Bro. Clem for sure didnt made this Topic for blame u in anyway ❤️ Lets give love and all be good in Time 

I know that, just not the first time people accusing us with edit item in the server. People should focus on what they want to suggest or bring to the service instead of trying to point out something here.

1 minute ago, Clem said:

A 14x 15x 16x MS auto don't tank in SS ?  Even less 3 chars in SS


Not trying to lie... and it's nothing wrong.

Just trying to make things better.


Again, the testing was to see how much exp will be gain for same level and same item with free tank like everyone is currently doing. It has nothing to do with class balance or anything hence it was mention under P/S.

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3 minutes ago, Support said:

I know that, just not the first time people accusing us with edit item in the server. People should focus on what they want to suggest or bring to the service instead of trying to point out something here.

Edit Items he mean for sure GM Rings and GM power that is totally Normal. Belive me bro everyone here want only the best for the Server and sometimes things get misunderstood ^^

Peace ❤️

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9 minutes ago, Support said:

I know that, just not the first time people accusing us with edit item in the server. People should focus on what they want to suggest or bring to the service instead of trying to point out something here.

Seriously, you take it personal but you are wrong. I'm really not trying to blame you or anything else. I have some respect for the staff and to be honest you impress me. 

I just said that, if you was using high lvl chars, with EDIT items (such as rings to tank) DOES NO represent the reality of the players. 

Because I saw GM chars full tank in SS, but ofc maybe it wasn't for test chars. It's only hypothesis. It was about the suggestion...


I'll quote my topic :

"For example, a PRS & KS 169 full gears and a 15x chars with good gears don't have the same ATK RTG... ABS.... HP.... DEF....ART POWER....GOD MODE...."


9 minutes ago, Support said:

I know that, just not the first time people accusing us with edit item in the server. People should focus on what they want to suggest or bring to the service instead of trying to point out something here.


Again, the testing was to see how much exp will be gain for same level and same item with free tank like everyone is currently doing. It has nothing to do with class balance or anything hence it was mention under P/S.

Alright then. 


My apologies for the missunderstanding, it wasn't my purpose to impact yourself.




Edited by Clem
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1 minute ago, Moussi7 said:

Edit Items he mean for sure GM Rings and GM power that is totally Normal

Let put an end to this, there is no edited items of any kind exist in server even for GM.

I am planning for something that will put an end to the unbalance of all classes.

Need to prep it and should be announced in next few day.

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2 minutes ago, Support said:

Let put an end to this, there is no edited items of any kind exist in server even for GM.

I am planning for something that will put an end to the unbalance of all classes.

Need to prep it and should be announced in next few day.


Looking forward and Thank you for your Work

We belive in you ❤️

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3 minutes ago, Support said:

Let put an end to this, there is no edited items of any kind exist in server even for GM.

I didn't know that then sorry. 

Was referring for an old server where GM had that kind of items for their own uses (thought It was the same on every server).


4 minutes ago, Support said:

I am planning for something that will put an end to the unbalance of all classes.

Need to prep it and should be announced in next few day.

So great to read it ?

Can't wait for that !!!! 



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7 minutes ago, Support said:

I am planning for something that will put an end to the unbalance of all classes.

Overlady Project

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At least that is my intention, how it will turn out would be base on people.

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24 minutes ago, Support said:

how it will turn out would be base on people.

Then be ready for the +1 and -1 squad.

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3 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

Then be ready for the +1 and -1 squad.

That won't happen, we are done with that ?

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:O. Wait, seriously ??. I thought it was just April Fool joke.

Edited by geohound

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2 minutes ago, geohound said:

:O. Wait, seriously ??. I thought it was just Apirl Fool joke.

The char Overlady was an April fool aha ?

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Automation has a 200% damage boost. It's clearly way too strong. Why not run a few test and see how the skill would be with, I don't know, 170%, 160%, 150% and so on.... I believe this is not hard to pull off.

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One advice - testing for balance should never be done with 169 account.

This is simply unrealistic. Doing so it's like balancing the entire game for just 0.00001% of current player base.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Project my auto build my life: add precision to all classes to use auto builds, problem solved

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9 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

One advice - testing for balance should never be done with 169 account.

This is simply unrealistic. Doing so it's like balancing the entire game for just 0.00001% of current player base.

Never did and never will but thanks!

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