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150 MS Auto VS FS 150 in SS - Efficient Investment - Char Balance solution.

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7 hours ago, nameless10 said:

i saw danny19 bro using ms tank ?

I use ms to tank in SS, tanking is a task that has been defined for him since the early days of the game... I prefer to kill with my PRS than making her the tanker, never used auto mech and never will. Those people who are complaining about who asks for nerf auto ms are the ones who use and abuse the class and don't want to have their comfort removed. I already said it several times and I say it again, a melee class having more range damage than a specialty range class does not make any sense.

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15 minutes ago, Saikan1 said:

I use ms to tank in SS, tanking is a task that has been defined for him since the early days of the game... I prefer to kill with my PRS than making her the tanker, never used auto mech and never will. Those people who are complaining about who asks for nerf auto ms are the ones who use and abuse the class and don't want to have their comfort removed. I already said it several times and I say it again, a melee class having more range damage than a specialty range class does not make any sense.

lol im playing fs right now. i dont like automs too coz its a boring class 

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56 minutes ago, Saikan1 said:

I use ms to tank in SS, tanking is a task that has been defined for him since the early days of the game... I prefer to kill with my PRS than making her the tanker, never used auto mech and never will. Those people who are complaining about who asks for nerf auto ms are the ones who use and abuse the class and don't want to have their comfort removed. I already said it several times and I say it again.

OMFG ?? How do they abuse the class ? Make you statement more clearly please sir, you are the one who made nonsense here.


40 minutes ago, nameless10 said:

a melee class having more range damage than a specialty range class does not make any sense.

MS can be anything depends on players want, and since we are talking about auto-ms here, he is not a melee class anymore, Plus by your logic, i feel like you directly insulted GM and all his hard works here.


40 minutes ago, nameless10 said:

lol im playing fs right now. i dont like automs too coz its a boring class

Suit yourself, different people different taste.

9 hours ago, ChainLancer said:

Dear community,


Hello, because many arguments about Auto MS (or Rangers char in general) about the Balance. I want to make it clear in aspect of Investment.


I just write something about the Investment of 150 Auto MS and 150 FS to play in top MAP to let you know:


  1. The difference of Investment.
  2. Current issue.
  3. Solution.


I choose FS because for me, FS is the lead char of Melee, can represent of all melee char in most server.


Items chosen is for playing well in SS.



Let's begin:


  1. The difference of Investment.


Unit: 1000 coins/KC


Fs 150 15.0
Armor 140 + 24 Dnt 8.0
Shield 140  + 24 Dnt 8.0
Axe 138 + 24 Dnt 8.0
Axe 142 + 24  15.0 
Brac 140 Bsolm Dnt 3.0
Gaun 140 Bsolm Dnt 3.0
Draxos Bsolm 15.0
Set boss 3 Dnt 6.0
Total 81.0


150 FS Full + 24 = 81kc. 142+24 i choose because most FS kill rock and barkan = 1 hand to easy to survive.


MS 150 15.0
Bow 138 + 24  Dnt 8.0
Hell Set 134 Bsolm 1.5
Set ring 132 BSM 0.5
Hopy Bsolm 1.0
Total 26.0



PRS 150     15.0
Rob 136 + 24 dnt        4.0
Orb 136 + 24 dnt        4.0
Set 136 Dnt Bsolm        2.0
Set boss 3 Dnt        6.0
Total     31.0


Grand total 150 Auto MS + 150 Prs full =  57 KC


We can see the difference of Investment here is: 81kc vs 57kc. (1)


      2.Current issue.


150 FS full item's damage: max ~ 2000.

150 Auto MS: max ~ 4000.

=> Double damage . (2)

I still not mention about speed, atk rating, crit but Ms is better than.


(1) and (2) => MS is "OP" and not fair.


As player spend almost time  to Exp and Hunt. So, can not say that u can use char for other purpose.


   3. Solution: (i will back soon)


You forgot to include the cost of food, toilet paper and electric bill to make these "150 ms and 150 fs" thing exist in game.

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12 minutes ago, geohound said:

OMFG ?? How do they abuse the class ? Make you statement more clearly please sir, you are the one who made nonsense here.

PT Full auto mech doing 1tri/ hour in SS while a normal party can make 600b/h?
Other classes being denied because they are not auto ms?


12 minutes ago, geohound said:

MS can be anything depends on players want, and since we are talking about auto-ms here, he is not a melee class anymore, Plus by your logic, i feel like you directly insulted GM and all his hard works here.


Alright, by your logic, If I put a sword on my archer and decide to play a melee role with her, it's ok? Then give melee skills for all ranger now.

btw, GM already said that they are going to do something about it, so, I won't argue with auto ms players since we will never get anywhere.

Edited by Saikan1

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26 minutes ago, Saikan1 said:

PT Full auto mech doing 1tri/ hour in SS while a normal party can make 600b/h?
Other classes being denied because they are not auto ms?


Alright, by your logic, If I put a sword on my archer and decide to play a melee role with her, it's ok? Then give melee skills for all ranger now.

btw, GM already said that they are going to do something about it, so, I won't argue with auto ms players since we will never get anywhere.

It is worth remembering that each class has a focused point. You, as example, as an Archer, performs much better than a Mech in SW. Or at least should perform.


In contrast, Mech's Exp performance is much better. Just think a little.

Edited by Merenda

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30 minutes ago, Saikan1 said:

PT Full auto mech doing 1tri/ hour in SS while a normal party can make 600b/h?
Other classes being denied because they are not auto ms?

I don't see any " You are not allowed to reject someone ask to join the party " in Wartale rule. So your definition about "Abuse auto-ms" doesnt make any more sense to me. Peace.

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8 minutes ago, geohound said:

I don't see any " You are not allowed to reject someone ask to join the party " in Wartale rule. So your definition about "Abuse auto-ms" doesnt make any more sense to me. Peace.

this is really not in any rule, but according to the ADM any abuse must be reported. (I will try to find the link)
be it Bugs, Gold, Exp etc.



Edited by Palhacitos

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18 minutes ago, Merenda said:

It is worth remembering that each class has a focused point. You, as example, as an Archer, performs much better than a Mech in SW. Or at least should perform.


In contrast, Mech's Exp performance is much better. Just think a little.

Alright, by your logic, a PRS can't be a killer bcz she is a support class, so, the buff on vigor ball was a mistake from staff since now she can be a killer in SS and kills alot in BC.
Your arguments are always the same, there is no point in wasting my time answering you, as I said earlier, Staff is already thinking on a solution so I will not answer this topic anymore.

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20 minutes ago, Saikan1 said:

Alright, by your logic, a PRS can't be a killer bcz she is a support class, so, the buff on vigor ball was a mistake from staff since now she can be a killer in SS and kills alot in BC.
Your arguments are always the same, there is no point in wasting my time answering you, as I said earlier, Staff is already thinking on a solution so I will not answer this topic anymore.

Of course she can be a killer, just don't want her to do the same Exp as a class focused on up. Like I said, just stop and think a little.

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If u guys are so jealous about MS, just change your classes. I warn u: with an auto MS, u cant do SW, SOD, bosses, and dont even can play on PVP during the week.

His only function is to get EXP and hunt. If u guys want it, go on.

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Please read Topic and the Content.


My talk is about invesment to go hunt and train in lastest item drop and highest exp monster  MAP - SS.


As a result, MS auto is less invesment but do DOUBLE damage.


Do not go far away.


And i want to share some opinions:


      1. Someone say that: in game char is strong in some aspect EXP/AOE/BC...


=> Check time: How long and how many players stay in SS map vs BC vs SOD (main chars) => to know what players focus on.


      2. Someone say that: every char support other in PT:


=> Some rangers refuse PT melee becaue of affecting their EXP. From CT3, DIQ, SL and now SS.


      3. Someone say that: you change to MS to play to have "OP".


=> Everybody want to play their favorite char.


In short, (i said many times) player spend almost time in exp and hunt in latest map.


I know the difficulty is a lot MS in server and difficult to change something.


I just wait to what GM think and do.



Edited by ChainLancer
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Whatever the staff does to MS i don't care, make FS great again and be worthy of its name "Fighter"

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i don't know you compare damage of ranger char and melee char for what???


please, GM said he will make something soon, just wait, don't make him confused.

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unreliable statistic.


FS can go directly to BC and SOD without changing any stats or equips unlike MS if he wants to go BC or SOD, needs to reset stats and buy armor shield claw hammer (basically all equips the same as fs) + automs equips+ tanker account with equips. lol

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I do not change TOPIC.


Please read carefully Topic and content.


Recently, we forcus on SS map.





59 minutes ago, anhducbm said:

i don't know you compare damage of ranger char and melee char for what???


please, GM said he will make something soon, just wait, don't make him confused.


24 minutes ago, Keanu said:

unreliable statistic.


FS can go directly to BC and SOD without changing any stats or equips unlike MS if he wants to go BC or SOD, needs to reset stats and buy armor shield claw hammer (basically all equips the same as fs) + automs equips+ tanker account with equips. lol


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Just now, ChainLancer said:

I do not change TOPIC.


Please read carefully Topic and content.


Recently, we forcus on SS map.








that's why it's biased with unreliable statistic. 


It's like comparing 2 mobile phones and you want to pick a specific factor only to "focus" into. For example, you compare an android phone and iphone, then you only want to "focus" on camera. Basically iphones has best camera and you want to nerf that phone because you see it as an "OP" camera. However camera is not the only part of a cellphone, it has processor, display, memory and battery life specs too that define the entirety of a phone. It's the same with MS class, it's true that it is OP as a whole but if you account all factors, MS is very expensive class to use. I bet you haven't used MS class before? You are seeing this matter on one side only and you see what you want to see. 

Again, classes has their own purposes in the game with Pros and cons. 


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13 minutes ago, Keanu said:


that's why it's biased with unreliable statistic. 


It's like comparing 2 mobile phones and you want to pick a specific factor only to "focus" into. For example, you compare an android phone and iphone, then you only want to "focus" on camera. Basically iphones has best camera and you want to nerf that phone because you see it as an "OP" camera. However camera is not the only part of a cellphone, it has processor, display, memory and battery life specs too that define the entirety of a phone. It's the same with MS class, it's true that it is OP as a whole but if you account all factors, MS is very expensive class to use. I bet you haven't used MS class before? You are seeing this matter on one side only and you see what you want to see. 

Again, classes has their own purposes in the game with Pros and cons. 


You really do not understand what i really want to say.


Just read it.


On 5/11/2020 at 8:09 PM, ChainLancer said:


Please read Topic and the Content.


My talk is about invesment to go hunt and train in lastest item drop and highest exp monster  MAP - SS.


As a result, MS auto is less invesment but do DOUBLE damage.


Do not go far away.


And i want to share some opinions:


      1. Someone say that: in game char is strong in some aspect EXP/AOE/BC...


=> Check time: How long and how many players stay in SS map vs BC vs SOD (main chars) => to know what players focus on.


      2. Someone say that: every char support other in PT:


=> Some rangers refuse PT melee becaue of affecting their EXP. From CT3, DIQ, SL and now SS.


      3. Someone say that: you change to MS to play to have "OP".


=> Everybody want to play their favorite char.


In short, (i said many times) player spend almost time in exp and hunt in latest map.


I know the difficulty is a lot MS in server and difficult to change something.


I just wait to what GM think and do.



And 1st char i've played in Wartale is MS full power/auto/tank.


I like him too much because playing auto MS is very comfortable and damage is OP comparing with all chars.


But, because it's OP so server is more than 50/60% MS and other melees char lost their value.


To compare his OP. Please this topic.



Edited by ChainLancer

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:11 AM, ChainLancer said:

Dear community,


Hello, because many arguments about Auto MS (or Rangers char in general) about the Balance. I want to make it clear in aspect of Investment.


I just write something about the Investment of 150 Auto MS and 150 FS to play in top MAP to let you know:


  1. The difference of Investment.
  2. Current issue.
  3. Solution.


I choose FS because for me, FS is the lead char of Melee, can represent of all melee char in most server.


Items chosen is for playing well in SS.



Let's begin:


  1. The difference of Investment.


Unit: 1000 coins/KC


Fs 150 15.0
Armor 140 + 24 Dnt 8.0
Shield 140  + 24 Dnt 8.0
Axe 138 + 24 Dnt 8.0
Axe 142 + 24  15.0 
Brac 140 Bsolm Dnt 3.0
Gaun 140 Bsolm Dnt 3.0
Draxos Bsolm 15.0
Set boss 3 Dnt 6.0
Total 81.0


150 FS Full + 24 = 81kc. 142+24 i choose because most FS kill rock and barkan = 1 hand to easy to survive.


MS 150 15.0
Bow 138 + 24  Dnt 8.0
Hell Set 134 Bsolm 1.5
Set ring 132 BSM 0.5
Hopy Bsolm 1.0
Total 26.0



PRS 150     15.0
Rob 136 + 24 dnt        4.0
Orb 136 + 24 dnt        4.0
Set 136 Dnt Bsolm        2.0
Set boss 3 Dnt        6.0
Total     31.0


Grand total 150 Auto MS + 150 Prs full =  57 KC


We can see the difference of Investment here is: 81kc vs 57kc. (1)


      2.Current issue.


150 FS full item's damage: max ~ 2000.

150 Auto MS: max ~ 4000.

=> Double damage . (2)

I still not mention about speed, atk rating, crit but Ms is better than.


(1) and (2) => MS is "OP" and not fair.


As player spend almost time  to Exp and Hunt. So, can not say that u can use char for other purpose.


   3. Solution: (i will back soon)



What You are suggesting will ultimately be disadvantage to yourself and other players.


Auto mech kill fast, and brings in more EXP to you and party members..


Suggestion to nerf other classes will not benefit everyone. It is just mere jealousy.


Look at bigger picture instead of your narrow minded thinking.


Everyone wants faster EXP.

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17 minutes ago, xxxholic said:

What You are suggesting will ultimately be disadvantage to yourself and other players.


Auto mech kill fast, and brings in more EXP to you and party members..


Suggestion to nerf other classes will not benefit everyone. It is just mere jealousy.


Look at bigger picture instead of your narrow minded thinking.


Everyone wants faster 


Sure. Everybody need faster exp.



But you need to read carefully again.


Many comment same same and never read all content.


I need copy paste many times.


Read again.


On 5/11/2020 at 8:09 PM, ChainLancer said:


Please read Topic and the Content.


My talk is about invesment to go hunt and train in lastest item drop and highest exp monster  MAP - SS.


As a result, MS auto is less invesment but do DOUBLE damage.


Do not go far away.


And i want to share some opinions:


      1. Someone say that: in game char is strong in some aspect EXP/AOE/BC...


=> Check time: How long and how many players stay in SS map vs BC vs SOD (main chars) => to know what players focus on.


      2. Someone say that: every char support other in PT:


=> Some rangers refuse PT melee becaue of affecting their EXP. From CT3, DIQ, SL and now SS.


      3. Someone say that: you change to MS to play to have "OP".


=> Everybody want to play their favorite char.


In short, (i said many times) player spend almost time in exp and hunt in latest map.


I know the difficulty is a lot MS in server and difficult to change something.


I just wait to what GM think and do.




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22 minutes ago, ChainLancer said:


Sure. Everybody need faster exp.



But you need to read carefully again.


Many comment same same and never read all content.


I need copy paste many times.


Read again.



If You are Rich and love Fs, just get a PRS to heal you in a corner, while you fight with your FS.


But for other poorer Players, it make most sense to use Auto Mech to hunt and level, most auto mech owner invested in PRS to help them tank.


Cant u put yourself into other players Shoe? 


Not all players are RICH.


Life is Fair, just depend on how we APPLY it.


BUT some people just love to watch others suffer.

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14 minutes ago, xxxholic said:

If You are Rich and love Fs, just get a PRS to heal you in a corner, while you fight with your FS.


But for other poorer Players, it make most sense to use Auto Mech to hunt and level, most auto mech owner invested in PRS to help them tank.


Cant u put yourself into other players Shoe? 


Not all players are RICH.


Life is Fair, just depend on how we APPLY it.


BUT some people just love to watch others suffer.


I do not fight with FS.


I fight for the balance/ and fair for all chars.


Anyway, server is 50/60% MS and TOP players almost MS=> Are they poor?


So, if we want to exp and hunt in highest exp map and lastest items drop, we need change all to MS?



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Clearly y

4 minutes ago, ChainLancer said:


I do not fight with FS.


I fight for the balance/ and fair for all chars.


Anyway, server is 50/60% MS and TOP players almost MS=> Are they poor?


So, if we want to exp and hunt in highest exp map and lastest items drop, we need change all to MS?



Clearly you are FS player,   What about FS super OP in PVP ? Did you ever mentioned here?


The disadvantage of FS is leveling.


If you really fight for the balance for all characters. It needs to consider other aspects as well.


Every class has pros and cons, just choose wisely.


And stop Crying in forum.



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Another pointless discussion. If you fight for balance then provide a solution. If you can't then what's the point of this post? 


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Just now, xxxholic said:

Clearly y

Clearly you are FS player,   What about FS super OP in PVP ? Did you ever mentioned here?


The disadvantage of FS is leveling.


If you really fight for the balance for all characters. It needs to consider other aspects as well.


Every class has pros and cons, just choose wisely.


And stop Crying in forum.




I have played all chars in game.


And now i do not have any chars now because im too busy to play game but i hope i will come back soon.


Why i pick FS orKS, PS is the same because they have the same investment  => i just pick 1 of them.


My topic is clear about Invesment for SS exp and hunt.


Cause it's lasted hunt and exp map.



2 minutes ago, Keanu said:

Another pointless discussion. If you fight for balance then provide a solution. If you can't then what's the point of this post? 


Someone already made Test.


And just talk about Invesment.




For Conclusion, 


I and many gamer are trying the Best for Balance and Fair for every chars.

MS is my 1st char in Wartale and i also like him. But all gamers need balace for their chars.



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maybe your balance is FS still OP in PVP, and PVE like auto MS

so many people talk about cons and pros, you ignore them all. This game not only SS.

and dmg of melee and ranger never be the same, in all games, right? 

dmg of auto MS and AS, ATA should be balance, not FS



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