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How to equip a high level char?

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Hi all,


I'am genuinely curious about how do other players manage to buy equipment for high level chars? I mean I have a high level char but my gear is really bad compared to what I should have, I've tried buying good gear 140 or 136 +24 but it is just too expensive , just for a ring I have to pay 1-1.5kc, that's 1 - 1.5 billion gp for ONE RING, and I just havent found a way to make that much gold, SOD rewardsis too low , moonhunter is ok but not enough to fully equip a char..... so please could anyone share how do you make your gold nowadays? 

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the easiest way to get the items is to participate in all events.
They provided you with a good amount of gold to equip your character.
Another thing is to participate in HG, and be lucky to win a Throne item (Set Boss 3) or 134 (Set Hell).

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Just to add what Palhacitos said, you can also sell xp service and ask as payment gold, coins or items

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18 minutes ago, fernando said:

Just to add what Palhacitos said, you can also sell xp service and ask as payment gold, coins or items

Well remembered.
Thank you for completing the information.

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What I have seen 'till this time so far is that High Lvl Players who are fully equipped have a lot of coins, and some of them make XP Service.

They are the type of hardcore players who play for long hours by day. So then, it's very easy to them reach these expensive gears.


As they said above, if you join all events and try hard on them, you will make a lot of GBs and trade them for coins.


But, for now Staff are nerfing all ways of farming because Gold have no value. There's no other way to farm Gold to gear ourselves now. We must wait the Server economy comes back to normal.

XP Service is the only way for now.



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There are no ways, staff nerf all ways to make gold into the server: sell items on the blacksmith it is no longer possible. Moon hunter items extremely reduced drop rate. Gold Farm maps are useless. SOD is the only way u can make gold, but u need at least a 14x magic char to rush it till round 6 and make some gold. 
Unfortunately, GMs just want us to buy coins by $$.

Hope they discover how dumb this is...

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Thank you all. I think we are all on the same page, guess I'll have to wait to see how the server's economy changes. I'm not against donating , but 10 kc ($ 122 USD) , for one item is outrageous, I know it is cheaper to buy from players , but still a set will cost you 15-20kc or even more. That is too much money , this does not motivate me to have multiple characters...., But well lets just hope this gets better






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