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1 minute ago, iokamazy said:

We just don't agree that the actual damage of the AS is ridiculous (she have almost the same damage as a melee class), and u guys are suggesting to put the damage of AutoMS even below. So... yeah, u want to see an AutoMS hitting the same as a melee.


If you say Archer's damage is ridiculous, close to a melee, then you are assuming melee has ridiculous damage, right?

That's what we trying to explain, I think you got it now.


ALL chars have ridiculous damage comparing to AutoMS, so we try to balance it, done (DON'T NEED TO BE EQUAL AS A MELEE, BUT A LITTLE LESS THAN IT'S TODAY).

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3 minutes ago, iokamazy said:

We just don't agree that the actual damage of the AS is ridiculous (she have almost the same damage as a melee class), and u guys are suggesting to put the damage of AutoMS even below. So... yeah, u want to see an AutoMS hitting the same as a melee.

since the beginning of this discussion about nerf in MS.
I always said that making the MS useless using arc doesn't make sense, but it makes it closer to the AS and ATA which are the real classes at a distance from the game.

About AS, if we look at the graph made by Clem in the other post we will see that it does not need adjustments

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4 hours ago, YourAngel said:

Have you ever checked this before?

I have AS and AUTO MS but i pay almost time in game for AS BRO.

I also have a TANKER MS.

Hi, I played AS from 2013 and I confirm that: PHOENIX SPEED DOES NOT ADD ATTACK SPEED. Only add Move speed and evasion

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54 minutes ago, -Enigma- said:

if his main weapons are Claw and Hammer, his main characteristic is a meele, however, with skills to use jav / bow, it does not make him a ranger of origin. I thought you saw it the first time, so I circled it so you could see:

Are u really reading what im writing? You continue repeat the same thing, that MS can't use weapons and bla bla bla. Please, read what i wrote about it.

53 minutes ago, Hurricane said:

If you say Archer's damage is ridiculous, close to a melee, then you are assuming melee has ridiculous damage, right?

No. Im saying that ranger chars must have significantly more damage than melees. AutoMS damage is ok. AS damage is underpowered.

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12 hours ago, syndra1234 said:



I agree with you that MS is not OP. But why people always want to party MS auto insteat other rangers like ata or as. So weird :))

But in those parties, other classes get accepted too.

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Please, delete skill Automation from game and we're all good. Job's done.



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18 hours ago, syndra1234 said:



I agree with you that MS is not OP. But why people always want to party MS auto insteat other rangers like ata or as. So weird :))

Yeah, and when ppl ask for MG DIQ? Or MS Tanker DIQ? WOW, lets nerf it all.. rs

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5 hours ago, Smilo said:

just cause of the shaman buff... thats it.

i think he mean slot killer in shadow sanctuary for auto ms ...


thats not SS class he meant, thats map ?


unless he say "last slot for SS" 

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Yeah but sometimes they look for shaman or Auto ms. 

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After more than 10 years, many things are still off-balance by a large margin, what can you expect? Really? Like really what can you expect? 


Obviously, balance is impossible in this game just accept it, OR the staff is incapable of doing it so stop expecting it. Either way help yourself.

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