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2 questions!!!!!

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Well.... these are the questions...i see those items in the item list.


Where can i drop/hunt the DEATH RING????




Where can i drop/hunt the BLIZZARD GIANT CRYSTAL????


Please dont spam =). Ty.

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I've never seen the Blizzard Giant Crystal drop before, not sure if it's actually in game. In Ice1 I've seen up to Iron Crystals. And beyond that it's all spider crystals and up. So i believe the most probable place that drops blizzard giant crystals (if they do drop in game), it's in Ice 2?


Not sure about the death ring though.

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I am 98% sure that there isn't a Blizzard Giant Crystal.

As for the death ring is concern I believe that ring originated from Thai Priston Tale before the "Tears of Kaila (http://www.realmpt.com/quest/85a) quest came to be. By aging the ring you decrease the percentage of loss xp on death.


As far as death ring on Realm is concern, I have yet to see one, and I highly doubt it drop-able. Most likely it's a item from custom events.

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the death ring is just a normal ring that you can age to improve it's statistics, it has nothing to do with any quest


it doesn't exists onwtas of now, maybe later


there is no blizzard giant crystal, but there are other custom crystals : http://www.realmpt.com/monsters/crystals

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There sure is a Blizzard Giant according to the ink u just posted.

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damn, it was still there, weird


anyway, i just removed it from the list, thanks for pointing this out ;)

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did blizzard crystal got removed?


that sucks then, something cool gone  ::)

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While we're on the topic, there's something I've been dying to ask. Are the numbers for skeleton and inferna crystals correct? I mean, they are worse than the spiders in every way, which seems a bit odd considering they are both higher level crystals. They should be able to do something better at least. Would also be nice to see the numbers for the guardian saint, though it seems to be pretty much on par with the spider (but with an AoE attack).

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now that i think about it, it's possible that this list outdated.

i will check the data (and update if necessary) it asap

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It was on a list, never existed~~


Blizzard crystal use to be here, long ago, xD it was implanted along with spider crystal when it was first made.


idk why he removed or  messed up a patch =P


i guess theres no blizzard but its pretty cool if he can put it back ingame

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I would like to know the stats of the Guardian Saint crystal as well.

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blizard xtal existis on upt xD, what i miss here is the chaos cara xtal.

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It was on a list, never existed~~


Blizzard crystal use to be here, long ago, xD it was implanted along with spider crystal when it was first made.


idk why he removed or  messed up a patch =P


i guess theres no blizzard but its pretty cool if he can put it back ingame


you sure of that ? i never saw a blizzard giant crystal on rpt... and i play since day 1

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well there was / were Blizzard crystal O.o i guess its in uPT then but sandurr made it since he create and update both server.  :P

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