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am i doing something wrong?

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im lvl 96 and here is my stats:

314 str

90 spirit

110 agi

30 health

90 talent


10 brutal axe

10 melee mastery

10 avenging crach

10 concentration


10 destroyer

7 the health uper, i dont remember its name


is it suppose to be that hard to hunt monsters in ice2 or md?? places for lvl 95... even in ice1 its not easy... i dont have any greatly gears. just good base of them

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Well, at 96 if you want to tank mobs easily, the best place would be ct 2 or ct 1. If you have a party and a prs (VL), then iron 2. Otherwise, it is generally quite difficult to kill in the same level map as you are. Unless you have uber gear or you're a mech or you have VL.

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Why 110 Agi? max agi for a fs is 80 with 120brac fs lv/1

Swift axe is better, more speed on atk.

Brutal Swing need to be lvl 10 for give critical bonus.



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I imagine he puts 110 agi for hunting better. More attack rating less miss.

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I imagine he puts 110 agi for hunting better. More attack rating less miss.


That, or he cannot find the proper FS equip, maybe has NS items.

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I imagine he puts 110 agi for hunting better. More attack rating less miss.


That, or he cannot find the proper FS equip, maybe has NS items.


Yes, that's another point :)

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