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Emerald Bellatra Stone?

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Does the bellatra stone revive you too or is that just a bug in SoD? Because i had a stone and died, but my prs friend tried to ress me but didnt even press the buttom before I was revied, so does the stone only do that sometimes or?

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All the Bellatra Stones are only for PREVENT LOSING EXP! They don't resurrect you in SOD.

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I've seen the emerald bellatra stone ress people before. I've also had the emerald bellatra stone ress my char before. Not sure if its thee intended purpose for the emerald bellatra stone only, but the higher ones don't ress you, just prevents you from losing xp.

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it was a bug... months ago.


bellatra stones sometimes resurrected people, but never were meant to do so


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it was a bug... months ago.


bellatra stones sometimes resurrected people, but never were meant to do so

Cause I got ressed today by the stone and was just wondering if it was a bug or meant to be

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Well..It seems the bug is not fixed.. Because my Gold bellatra stone revive me 4x this day hahaha  :)

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You won't lose exp, and if you're lucky you'll get ress.

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it was a bug... months ago.


bellatra stones sometimes resurrected people, but never were meant to do so


I vote document and call a feature... the ress is an awesome aspect that only happens with low chances like 5% of the time. I think I read that somewhere from TripleR (<<disclaimer if its wrong)

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I used to revive it a lot with my pike when I was 7x, 8x...

With my mage it never happened...

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