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PikeTale and FighterTale ?

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The problem with these tests is that they end up taking too long. It was evident that in terms of PvP, only FS and PS currently play. And in terms of AoE, only Mage has damage.


I particularly prefer the old PvP, killing and dying are part of the game, especially in an RPG in this style. But since the intention is to change this style of PvP, I think it would have to be something for everyone. Unfortunately we have some urgent downsides for now:


- Lv and Items make no difference now: A mage 144 scores more than an Archer, an Ata, a Knight, a Mech, a Shaman, a Prs 16x in Siege War.


- Lv and Items make no difference now Vol.2: A Mech 165 full 142/144 +24 tanks the same thing as a Mech 155 full 138/140 +24. This completely ruins the item market.


- In terms of PvP, only classes that kills by "overkill" are giving HK now (PS & FS), in contrast to classes that did not have "overkill", do much less damage now, leaving PS & FS Gods in PvP.


We are all seeing the hard work of the Wartale team to balance PvP, but the more time that passes, the more people are stressed by the current format.


And the time that PvP will stay like this ends up being unknown, which makes things much more stressful for most players.


I hope everything is fixed soon. ❤️

Edited by Merenda

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bro pvp is boring because is the same way since 1999 the best pvp players are the one who have better ping, and pot faster lol

as simple as that, and as boring as that.

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Yah wait 1 Month and u dont see more other classes then FS and PS.... Its already Full of them. For me i dont have any fun in bc anymore. Something must happen asap

Edited by Moussi7
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all the crying tears is around one thing only PVP

try to do SOD and see which class get highest score

try to XP and see which char gets the best XP SOlo or with PT

you all forgot that nobody Party PS and FS in DI quests ? why ? because they are useless there ?


Stop that selfish PVP crying baby topics.

hope Staff just close these or just don't pay attention.

  • Haha 1

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