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[Suggestions] Dead Class

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Hello Folks.


to all the fighters in server, please give your advice.


to Wartale Staff.


Guys, please this class needs attention. 

right now this is the weakest class in game.


Skills are far not balanced.

no special abilities (Speed or Evade for example)

Very low atk rating


the new skill is just useless...


Would like to suggest few skill changes...


first we have to decide if this char has good AOE or not.

because right now, a 12x prs is stronger than 15x fs with 138 weapon high aged...


we should be strongest char when it comes 1vs1...

so in that case. AC should add more dmg. (the brutal swing chain almost has no effect) < > maybe a bug ?

same with bone crush only fine againts demon type.


CHarge .. 

This skill has 0 bonus of atk rating, and it is 90% miss.

WEAK dmg. and stun for 1 second ? so what do we need it for ?

my suggestions:

Dmg should be 160% ~ 320% hit (not necessary in PVP, we find other balance to that).

Stun at least 4~6 seconds at lvl 10..


Destroyer suggestions --> simply add atk rating boost.. we can't hear the wind sound anymore...


Since Fs has basic defence\block\abs

Fs Boost health should grow by %%% and not by specific number.. the higher the fs, the higher his HP should be...


We can't tank like others (low block, no evade, HP is so so).

We can't hit like others (low ar)

We can't XP Alone/SOD normally, Cyclone Range gets owned by 1x monsters...


Seems like this class is just dead, even the new skill just vanished so many fighters...


this is the last call i guess


R.I.P Warlords..


@Wartale @Fighters @Warlords 


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Fighter class need some boosting in PVE for sure
not in PVP . only PVE

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As i see..

2 options


#1 Forum is dead Tool to change things.

#2 Nobody care about Fighter because there is so Little compared to other classes.


R.I.P Fighter


hope Staff can look inside.

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16 hours ago, Dior said:

Hello Folks.


to all the fighters in server, please give your advice.


to Wartale Staff.


Guys, please this class needs attention. 

right now this is the weakest class in game.


Skills are far not balanced.

no special abilities (Speed or Evade for example)

Very low atk rating


the new skill is just useless...


Would like to suggest few skill changes...


first we have to decide if this char has good AOE or not.

because right now, a 12x prs is stronger than 15x fs with 138 weapon high aged...


we should be strongest char when it comes 1vs1...

so in that case. AC should add more dmg. (the brutal swing chain almost has no effect) < > maybe a bug ?

same with bone crush only fine againts demon type.


CHarge .. 

This skill has 0 bonus of atk rating, and it is 90% miss.

WEAK dmg. and stun for 1 second ? so what do we need it for ?

my suggestions:

Dmg should be 160% ~ 320% hit (not necessary in PVP, we find other balance to that).

Stun at least 4~6 seconds at lvl 10..


Destroyer suggestions --> simply add atk rating boost.. we can't hear the wind sound anymore...


Since Fs has basic defence\block\abs

Fs Boost health should grow by %%% and not by specific number.. the higher the fs, the higher his HP should be...


We can't tank like others (low block, no evade, HP is so so).

We can't hit like others (low ar)

We can't XP Alone/SOD normally, Cyclone Range gets owned by 1x monsters...


Seems like this class is just dead, even the new skill just vanished so many fighters...


this is the last call i guess


R.I.P Warlords..


@Wartale @Fighters @Warlords 


Ridiculous, FS is the melee has highest attack speed in game with swift axe buff, attack rate good with buff too.

FS with 1h axe has more attack power than a KS with 2h sword.

And FS is the hotest char in bc now.

I can see FS defense is pretty weak in pve. But it's the only thing disadvantage of being FS. It's never been a dead class.

Edited by BigFoot

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18 minutes ago, BigFoot said:

Ridiculous, FS is the melee has highest attack speed in game with swift axe buff, attack rate good with buff too.

FS with 1h axe has more attack power than a KS with 2h sword.

And FS is the hotest char in bc now.

I can see FS defense is pretty weak in pve. But it's the only thing disadvantage of being FS. It's never been a dead class.

well , when im talking about him being at disadvantage , im talking in PVE , cause yes he has high attack power with 1h 142 axe , but very very low crit , so in reality no 1 play him like this cause he would be a very slow killer , so everyone play him with 2h sword/axe . and using 2h means u can tank 2 hits from rock and bakan only , maximum 3 hits from rock and bakan if ur lucky ( im talking about a FS full 140+24 dnt and with drax )  . and thats because he doesnt have any evasion and no defense boosting skills .
so ya i think FS needs some help in pve
again im not talking about pvp

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20 minutes ago, HoOoOoDLUM said:

well , when im talking about him being at disadvantage , im talking in PVE , cause yes he has high attack power with 1h 142 axe , but very very low crit , so in reality no 1 play him like this cause he would be a very slow killer , so everyone play him with 2h sword/axe . and using 2h means u can tank 2 hits from rock and bakan only , maximum 3 hits from rock and bakan if ur lucky ( im talking about a FS full 140+24 dnt and with drax )  . and thats because he doesnt have any evasion and no defense boosting skills .
so ya i think FS needs some help in pve
again im not talking about pvp

yes i know FS defensive in pve is weak, i told that. But isn't that the spirit of fighter, sacrifice his absorb for attack power (berserker skill) ?  ?

I just want to say that those opinions of Dior is ridiculous, not even close to real situation:

16 hours ago, Dior said:

no special abilities (Speed or Evade for example)

Very low atk rating


Edited by BigFoot

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it's not a dead class but it will be forsure  x.x

only a few decent diehard FS left and

people are giving up FS due to the fact it's too expensive to gear one

we rely so much on HP with low def/block and  almost no evade.


id say


for AOE

• Cyclone Strike needs atleast longer range from 160 to maybe 180

and a damage boost from 100% to 140%

//if dmg boost is too much i suggest to lower down atleast the MP STM reduction per swing

and give a * higher range *



18 hours ago, Dior said:


CHarge .. 

This skill has 0 bonus of atk rating, and it is 90% miss.

WEAK dmg. and stun for 1 second ? so what do we need it for ?

my suggestions:

Dmg should be 160% ~ 320% hit (not necessary in PVP, we find other balance to that).

Stun at least 4~6 seconds at lvl 10..



• maybe with Charge instead of a 4~6 sec Stun adjustment

we could add Atk Spd Bonus of 15% for x number of sec 

and Additional Evade for x number of sec



1 hour ago, BigFoot said:

yes i know FS defensive in pve is weak, i told that. But isn't that the spirit of fighter, sacrifice his absorb for attack power (berserker skill) ?  ?

• and i also agree with Dior with Health Boost Should grow by %%%  the higher the level the higher the HP to

compensate -abs from berserker skill



it should've been 

Concentration cannot be used simultaneously with InnerSoul and vice versa

instead of Swiftness.

InnerSoul  lvl 10

add AR +185 to 200 

60% Bone Crush

-2% Crit


Concentration lvl 10

add AR 160 to 180

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Thank you for your suppot !


come on more fighters !!!

2 hours ago, BigFoot said:

Ridiculous, FS is the melee has highest attack speed in game with swift axe buff, attack rate good with buff too.

FS with 1h axe has more attack power than a KS with 2h sword.

And FS is the hotest char in bc now.

I can see FS defense is pretty weak in pve. But it's the only thing disadvantage of being FS. It's never been a dead class.

haha in same time Ks is undead with 1 hand againts Fs 1 hand or 2 shields :D 

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FS class been dead for long time :))

recently updated just getting a bit better.

Because lower 25% defend for all  class so  FS can hit a bit more that all. nothing new for FS

As before FS can not hit nothing all class Defend Abs  Evade too high and  beside that  his  ability tank so weak take every hit from enemy.


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8 hours ago, PoAvenue said:

people are giving up FS due to the fact it's too expensive to gear one

thats because even with full items he is still barely playable dear

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7 hours ago, HoOoOoDLUM said:

thats because even with full items he is still barely playable dear


well we should move this to Suggestion board and defend our Warlords  ?

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FS is fine. He's very strong in PvP right now. Perhaps a PvE buff is required.

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ya need a buff in PVE only , PVP is fine as it is now

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i don't care about PVP as in real game.


for now most important thing is to make HP Boost by %.

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6 hours ago, Dior said:

i don't care about PVP as in real game.


for now most important thing is to make HP Boost by %.

Occult Life was also based on % and they reworked the skill, so I imagine they won't change HP Boost as well.

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haha well the is ruined


i am a 15x FS broke as hell

no way to make gold on "high rates server"

because everything is maxed out from coinshop by the BC Clans.

so whatever you find (never happen tho) if its 138 items for example has very very low value.


same with skills.

there is no "Super Skills" of each class, even destroyer is weak skill of Fs because it miss most of the time.


Server is optimized that way we can "pray" for something good to happen. but for now we just waste time in game.


hunting draxo's and centlon, having so shame drops, i am not saying i want to see boot or brac drop everytime.

but Purple skill ? 

crystals ?

at least 136 + items come on


the staff laugh at us very hard i guess.


Enjoy your stay, what can i say.

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On 6/27/2020 at 9:27 AM, Dior said:

haha well the is ruined


i am a 15x FS broke as hell

no way to make gold on "high rates server"

because everything is maxed out from coinshop by the BC Clans.

so whatever you find (never happen tho) if its 138 items for example has very very low value.


same with skills.

there is no "Super Skills" of each class, even destroyer is weak skill of Fs because it miss most of the time.


Server is optimized that way we can "pray" for something good to happen. but for now we just waste time in game.


hunting draxo's and centlon, having so shame drops, i am not saying i want to see boot or brac drop everytime.

but Purple skill ? 

crystals ?

at least 136 + items come on


the staff laugh at us very hard i guess.


Enjoy your stay, what can i say.

still dead class?

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13 hours ago, mastellini said:

still dead class?

well nothing changed since then.


you can see usually people switch to fs when they are 16x..

not many go from 144 to 160 for example.


it needs attention, a little rework\balance.



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2 hours ago, Dior said:

well nothing changed since then.


you can see usually people switch to fs when they are 16x..

not many go from 144 to 160 for example.


it needs attention, a little rework\balance.



many suggestions for years and nothing happened.

my ideas just in case staffs give a single fck

1/ add more HP for FS per Str/Health stat, especially his Boost Health skill should be like 20~25% more Health, not 250. He's a meat shield 250 is a joke.

2/ HP regen faster, like double when HP drop down to a certain threshold 

3/ Same as above, when hp gets lower, add more atk pow.

4/ Cyclone aoe needs to be bigger and when FS cyclone, damage received - 25% at level 10

5/ buff 2 handed axe


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3 hours ago, wtrab209b said:

many suggestions for years and nothing happened.

my ideas just in case staffs give a single fck

1/ add more HP for FS per Str/Health stat, especially his Boost Health skill should be like 20~25% more Health, not 250. He's a meat shield 250 is a joke.

2/ HP regen faster, like double when HP drop down to a certain threshold 

3/ Same as above, when hp gets lower, add more atk pow.

4/ Cyclone aoe needs to be bigger and when FS cyclone, damage received - 25% at level 10

5/ buff 2 handed axe


post in suggestions session

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4 hours ago, wtrab209b said:

many suggestions for years and nothing happened.

my ideas just in case staffs give a single fck

1/ add more HP for FS per Str/Health stat, especially his Boost Health skill should be like 20~25% more Health, not 250. He's a meat shield 250 is a joke.

2/ HP regen faster, like double when HP drop down to a certain threshold 

3/ Same as above, when hp gets lower, add more atk pow.

4/ Cyclone aoe needs to be bigger and when FS cyclone, damage received - 25% at level 10

5/ buff 2 handed axe


i gave up already...


new features are coming every time, but the basic stuff neeeds to be reworked\rebalanced is still messed up...

ofcourse they work on crap that brings cash, different mounts skins and candies..


it takes 30 seconds to log off when i log on haha.

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  • hello good afternoon, I agree with Dior,the fighter is a class that is very weak I have a 13x priest who gives hit kill
     in my fight 148 full, my priest 136 full oredo mix, the situation is deplorable for the fighter, It is a class that needs
     be balanced, the axes could add critical and the fighter needs more attack rating


Edited by Lukems350
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