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What wrong about aging system?

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i was aging 4 item

1.armor 115  age from 1 to 12 no any penalty

2.shield 115 age from 10 to 12 no any penalty

3.weapon 120 age from 1-10 success

  try 1st +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got item failed

4.weapon 120 age from 1-10 success

  try 1st +11 got item failed


3 & 4 aging with candy cane my char spec +1% age success


it's bug or something wrong about %fail in aging system now??

it's look impossible if about my bad luck

thanks all for discussing


(also buy item 120 ms spec :: i don't have weapon to use now...saddd)

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what wrong? Gog

it's 11% aging (-1,-2 and failed)

and it's got 11% 5 times only 120 weapon


what wrong? is common sense to know..

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No, it isn't bad luck


+10>+11 have 12% of failing chance


It's almost 1 in 10


My FA deaged from +10 to +11 >>> Lost 2 defense base stats




a XT deaged -2 from +10 to +11 >>> Lost 4 ATK Rating base stats


OFC something is wrong

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Lol.. you guys are lucky just having your items de-aged. When i age.. I lost 2 115 robe. 4 wand. the two robe i lost it going to +11 and +13 while wands all lost at +13.


So now.. who has bad luck hahahaha


but still. I'm optimistic about it ;)

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age stone solve everything ,that is why add them in game.

if you are afraid of failure ,prepare one while aging.

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age stone solve everything ,that is why add them in game.

if you are afraid of failure ,prepare one while aging.


+1, for security kkkkkkkkk  8)

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Umm, i think should aging without stone 1-12

and +13 up must use stone


i dont think i would got (deaged,failed) at +11 in continue 5 times

but why only item 120 does 115 doesn't



now then this my ideal will change about % in aging system

level item should beware

120 item and 115 item maybe no same in aging %  :P

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Aging is supposed to be hard, and expensive. It shouldn't be made easier.

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if u have the money, then go to Aging Stone, use it  ;)

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i think that have something wrong with higher itens (120)


all brokes and failure so easy +11.. +13..



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No, it isn't bad luck

+10>+11 have 12% of failing chance


It's almost 1 in 10


My FA deaged from +10 to +11 >>> Lost 2 defense base stats




a XT deaged -2 from +10 to +11 >>> Lost 4 ATK Rating base stats


OFC something is wrong


YES IT is bad luck


i aged my jav to +13 without any copper ore/aging stone

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It's unlucky


Rey tried to age his 120 scythe from + 13 to + 14 with aging stone & candy cane, and it broke.

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3.weapon 120 age from 1-10 success

  try 1st +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got item failed



You really need to work that bad luck out of your butt seriously.

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3.weapon 120 age from 1-10 success

  try 1st +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got -1

  try again next +11 got item failed



yah its just a bad luck for +11 with 12% failure...and how about me ??? i age +14 with aging stone so 4% chance to fail but it fails....were just in badluck...if you have a serious heartbeat dont age....^_^

You really need to work that bad luck out of your butt seriously.

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What happens when people age high without any stone? o__o omg something is wrong!!

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someone should read my topic carefully and stop only show pow in topic without any information or suggestion..


if i got (deage,failed) 1-2 time switch 1-2 success

it's normally to happen ... sometime fail sometime success


but not all times aging+11 on weapon 120

only 120 at 11% failed aging all time


it's unreal probability

my ideal is like payne said it's something wrong about 120 item

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Failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability is a ~0.021% chance. Not likely, but 1 in 4823 is far from impossible.


Either way, it's not possible to draw any solid conclusions based on such a small sample. If you can gather a larger sample (say 100 or so) and see a clear bias, then you might have a case.

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My shield -2, -1 two last times age recently. I think have a problem. :))

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someone should read my topic carefully and stop only show pow in topic without any information or suggestion..


if i got (deage,failed) 1-2 time switch 1-2 success

it's normally to happen ... sometime fail sometime success


but not all times aging+11 on weapon 120

only 120 at 11% failed aging all time


it's unreal probability

my ideal is like payne said it's something wrong about 120 item


you did 4 tries. As crius said, failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability isn't impossible.


It's not ALL the time.

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Yesterday, when I first read your topic, I thought it was stupidity.

But now I have to agree with you, THERE'S A PROBLEM IN THE AGING SYSTEM.

Today I tried 7 times aging my great shield to +11, I got: -1,-1,-2,-1,-2,-2 and failed.

Come on guys, that's impossible.

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