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What wrong about aging system?

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someone should read my topic carefully and stop only show pow in topic without any information or suggestion..


if i got (deage,failed) 1-2 time switch 1-2 success

it's normally to happen ... sometime fail sometime success


but not all times aging+11 on weapon 120

only 120 at 11% failed aging all time


it's unreal probability

my ideal is like payne said it's something wrong about 120 item


you did 4 tries. As crius said, failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability isn't impossible.


It's not ALL the time.


babyarcher u follow up as crius said but he said not correct at all

because it's 5 times and 11% chance (with candy cane)

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Yesterday, when I first read your topic, I thought it was stupidity.

But now I have to agree with you, THERE'S A PROBLEM IN THE AGING SYSTEM.

Today I tried 7 times aging my great shield to +11, I got: -1,-1,-2,-1,-2,-2 and failed.

Come on guys, that's impossible.


yes it's something wrong

but 2-3 person only disagree without any prove


u have good work for trying to test and post this information here

thx for share with real ^^

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someone should read my topic carefully and stop only show pow in topic without any information or suggestion..


if i got (deage,failed) 1-2 time switch 1-2 success

it's normally to happen ... sometime fail sometime success


but not all times aging+11 on weapon 120

only 120 at 11% failed aging all time


it's unreal probability

my ideal is like payne said it's something wrong about 120 item


you did 4 tries. As crius said, failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability isn't impossible.


It's not ALL the time.


babyarcher u follow up as crius said but he said not correct at all

because it's 5 times and 11% chance (with candy cane)


doesn't matter, the main point is that sample size is too small for you to make any absolute claims that there is something wrong. Whether or not it's 4 or 5 times, it doesn't matter. If you age 100 items, and all 100 items you fail 4-5 times in a row, then yes, something is wrong.


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i age my 110 spear to +1 up to +15 (no aging stones)


no BUG, no LAG, no HACK,

its on how the Luck is in your side  ;D

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Well... my hammer has broken on +11 aswell... shouldn't never do that >__<


It's really weird as more and more people keep popping out complaining about the same aging level and the same item level, failing so much

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i age my 110 spear to +1 up to +15 (no aging stones)


no BUG, no LAG, no HACK,

its on how the Luck is in your side  ;D

when u aging it

this week?

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i age my 110 spear to +1 up to +15 (no aging stones)


no BUG, no LAG, no HACK,

its on how the Luck is in your side  ;D

when u aging it

this week?


last week.

but my HA +10 broke in +11 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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O.o guess im lucky then, i aged most my items to +15 without aging stones.. shield + 16 without aging stones.. or without deage >.<

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atm, i never de-age or failed in +11+12 in 110 below items.

but when i try to age my HA to +11, it was failed LOL

hmm. i think there is something with 115/120 items. just wondering  ;D

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Doesn't matter if you aged your item to +20 without aging stone, the problem start happening probably this week, with random items.

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it has % of failing your item.

as i said, "it depends on how luck is at your side";)

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I think is just a bad lucky. I aged the robe 120 of my mage to +13 only with candy, the orb 120 to +14 only with candy and my staff 120 to +13 only with candy. The robe 120 is now +15 (+14 and +15 I used age stone), orb is +15 I used a age stone only in +15, and the staff I used age stone only in +14. My knight have a sw 120 I age it to +11 only with candy... On age +12 and +13 I used age stone (expensive iten I can't to risk). I don't got any de-age or fail age...

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ive aged today:


120 hammer +15 to +16 success

120 claw +13 to +15 success

120 shield +13 to +15 success


aged all items until +13 without any stones/ore/candy, started going +14 with using aging stones...


call me lucky ;)

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ive aged today:


120 hammer +15 to +16 success

120 claw +13 to +15 success

120 shield +13 to +15 success


aged all items until +13 without any stones/ore/candy, started going +14 with using aging stones...


call me lucky ;)

Myth busted, lock this topic  ;)

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too many failed, only one success


too many failed before topic create


one success after topic show now aging system are..


kkk close topic maybe aging are fixed  :/

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too many failed, only one success


too many failed before topic create


one success after topic show now aging system are..


kkk close topic maybe aging are fixed  :/


age up until +13 was long before u made this topic...

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


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i fail while manage to age 17 with a g stone for my 115 sword.

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


What does this have to do with being in Heretics? He said aging from +13 to +15, not aging from +1 to +15, meaning he only aged from +13 onwards on the day itself, aging TO +13 was done BEFORE today. Read carefully before posting shit.

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


Of course not.

Only a retard would have had joined Heretics to get no break chance while aging when Heaven had the full aging hacks.


Heaven aged a lot of shit without even needing gold or sheltoms or whatever for a long time until that hack was patched, don't you remember? :( Silly you.

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