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What wrong about aging system?

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..



/offtopic ^

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+11 is judas number in rpt. something is wrong with the mathematics here. yes someone are saying it is just bad luck. but did u ever try aging your things 5-7 times?. and failed everytime?. and u said you have to have a bigger sample. who the hell will test 100 samples at +11?. can you?. if you can. will you??.

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No I've never aged something 5-7 times in a row and have it fail that many times in a row, because I always use aging stones after +9, because I'm afraid of failure.


And no I wouldn't test something just to prove it, because it's cheaper to use an aging stone to guarantee success. If it works with an aging stone, I'll just use it. I don't care much for testing purposes. Doesn't matter if anyone will test 100 samples at +11, just saying that it's inaccurate to immediately come to a conclusion that there is something DEFINITELY wrong, just because you failed 5 times in a row. As Crius said, it is "not likely" to fail 5 times in a row, but it is "far from impossible".


Ignoring the inaccuracies because it is 5 times, and 11% probability (according to Qman), the gist is still there:


Failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability is a ~0.021% chance. Not likely, but 1 in 4823 is far from impossible.


Either way, it's not possible to draw any solid conclusions based on such a small sample. If you can gather a larger sample (say 100 or so) and see a clear bias, then you might have a case.

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..




lol stfu bro


i never used any hack or something like that. all my stuff is drop shit and i worked hard on gettin all items 120 for my mech so dont blame me! maybe i got luck until +13 but from that on i used aging stones which i bought with my own money! flame someone else when u r gettin pissed (sry for re-flame ;))



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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


What does this have to do with being in Heretics? He said aging from +13 to +15, not aging from +1 to +15, meaning he only aged from +13 onwards on the day itself, aging TO +13 was done BEFORE today. Read carefully before posting shit.


i read it carefully and use real action from aging

(dont post with only ideal think and speak with wind from mouth same u)


sry for offtopic but i am feel angry

in his/her need 1-2 success to control or change idea about too many failed in aging

and try to close this topic


as he said first post against all in topic (in dont failed)

and why only one success try to change head topic??

we said this week aging and what about +1 to +13 before my topic???


as all known Heretics is a GM and Staff clan

sure is not all in Heretics

but sure some are


nowday in this topic only Meeks player from H have all in aging success

then i and other?

dont try to control board and change the true with u need to be(now about aging system are)

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all can see only some against this topic with his/her need

too many failed  +  1 success = topic close(and heading changed..)

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Dear lord... You are making an argument based on statistics of all things - flawed statistics at that - and a conspiracy theory. It's difficult to take you very seriously under those conditions. Perhaps you're right and there is something wrong, but you have zero hard evidence for it.

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No I've never aged something 5-7 times in a row and have it fail that many times in a row, because I always use aging stones after +9, because I'm afraid of failure.


And no I wouldn't test something just to prove it, because it's cheaper to use an aging stone to guarantee success. If it works with an aging stone, I'll just use it. I don't care much for testing purposes. Doesn't matter if anyone will test 100 samples at +11, just saying that it's inaccurate to immediately come to a conclusion that there is something DEFINITELY wrong, just because you failed 5 times in a row. As Crius said, it is "not likely" to fail 5 times in a row, but it is "far from impossible".


Ignoring the inaccuracies because it is 5 times, and 11% probability (according to Qman), the gist is still there:


Failing 4 times in a row at 12% probability is a ~0.021% chance. Not likely, but 1 in 4823 is far from impossible.


Either way, it's not possible to draw any solid conclusions based on such a small sample. If you can gather a larger sample (say 100 or so) and see a clear bias, then you might have a case.


the gist is still there. but it is mathematically incorrect.

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the gist is still there. but it is mathematically incorrect.


Fine, it's ~0.00161% probability, or 1 in 62092. Happy? It's still not impossible and still statistically insignificant, so that I used the wrong numbers is so not the problem you should be focusing on.

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


What does this have to do with being in Heretics? He said aging from +13 to +15, not aging from +1 to +15, meaning he only aged from +13 onwards on the day itself, aging TO +13 was done BEFORE today. Read carefully before posting shit.


i read it carefully and use real action from aging

(dont post with only ideal think and speak with wind from mouth same u)


sry for offtopic but i am feel angry

in his/her need 1-2 success to control or change idea about too many failed in aging

and try to close this topic


as he said first post against all in topic (in dont failed)

and why only one success try to change head topic??

we said this week aging and what about +1 to +13 before my topic???


as all known Heretics is a GM and Staff clan

sure is not all in Heretics

but sure some are


nowday in this topic only Meeks player from H have all in aging success

then i and other?

dont try to control board and change the true with u need to be(now about aging system are)


all can see only some against this topic with his/her need

too many failed  +  1 success = topic close(and heading changed..)


if u would read my posts, u would c i justed posted my 2 cents to this...

i only wanted to tell u my aging experience with my 120 gear...

i never said u should close that topic...

my success is no prove of a balanced aging system...

i wouldnt stay in H, if i would do GM work...

also i didnt try to control board? dont have any rights to do that shit, only posted my sight...


im out...

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


What does this have to do with being in Heretics? He said aging from +13 to +15, not aging from +1 to +15, meaning he only aged from +13 onwards on the day itself, aging TO +13 was done BEFORE today. Read carefully before posting shit.


i read it carefully and use real action from aging

(dont post with only ideal think and speak with wind from mouth same u)


sry for offtopic but i am feel angry

in his/her need 1-2 success to control or change idea about too many failed in aging

and try to close this topic


as he said first post against all in topic (in dont failed)

and why only one success try to change head topic??

we said this week aging and what about +1 to +13 before my topic???


as all known Heretics is a GM and Staff clan

sure is not all in Heretics

but sure some are


nowday in this topic only Meeks player from H have all in aging success

then i and other?

dont try to control board and change the true with u need to be(now about aging system are)


all can see only some against this topic with his/her need

too many failed  +  1 success = topic close(and heading changed..)


if u would read my posts, u would c i justed posted my 2 cents to this...

i only wanted to tell u my aging experience with my 120 gear...

i never said u should close that topic...

my success is no prove of a balanced aging system...

i wouldnt stay in H, if i would do GM work...

also i didnt try to control board? dont have any rights to do that shit, only posted my sight...


im out...

i am sry

i think u and friend need to discredit this topic with yr aging success

apologize me

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I can't belive that:Today, I age my shield 4 times, all -1. My friend age 2 times, all -2. What happen ???

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yesterday i try + 11 , two time and all back -2




lost 80kk

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Tip: try running around Moriph 5 times, clockwise, while holding your nose and singing kumbaya... and don't forget to close your eyes when clicking the Age button ;)


Just saying...

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Tip: try running around Moriph 5 times, clockwise, while holding your nose and singing kumbaya... and don't forget to close your eyes when clicking the Age button ;)


Just saying...

yep,this is trick,last time i dont do this,and my sword broke.

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first yr post u said aging today

next post said aging long before my topic



i said the true of aging was in 1 week ago


i and other post in this topic still failed.. except u

kkk i am not Heretics..


Of course not.

Only a retard would have had joined Heretics to get no break chance while aging when Heaven had the full aging hacks.


Heaven aged a lot of shit without even needing gold or sheltoms or whatever for a long time until that hack was patched, don't you remember? :( Silly you.

:o  ::) aging without gold ? sheltoms or whatever? wow...  is there  new hack tool for it? LOL


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