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Question About Skills

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Okay, so I am used to usually using AC, making Brutal Swing level 10, but what I am wondering, does AC have a delay on it? Also, does Cyclone Strike have a delay as well? I know some servers have it, and some don't. I am not at the level to be able to use these skills just yet, but will be eventually.

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AC doesn't have delay as usual, nor does Cyclone Strike.


AC doesnt have delay ? But i have a fighter that have delay on AC [Avenging Crash]

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Is it trained to 100%? Skills in tier 1-3 all have to be trained (basically use it over and over until the little bar next to the skill says 100%) to get the cooldown as low as possible. Some skills have a delay even when it is fully trained, and all skills have an animation that must be completed before you can attack again.

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Cyclone strike no cooldown and you dont have to train 100%

, but ya the reason u still have a delay because you need to train it

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