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First 14x on server.

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this char was mine, i did xp on it from 1 till 125

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Paying xper with real money, easy~


No work, no glory, just saying~

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Gzz WatchMan first 14x on our server.

Gzzzzzzzzzz  8) 8) 8) 8)

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Gz man!


It was really worthy to sit 24/7 in that chair, without being afk in any moment, and leveling and reporting that ks, without a sleep. This guy is an example.


I bte his girlfriend and family are plain proud of him, as well as his friends and teacher...  (leveling at the school... ??  'o_O).



If i behave at least 30% like that, i could have my mage's ass to 130. :)



He really deserver everything since he made all alone. The rest are just jelly on him.



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14x, mwah its a nice lvl


Im a donater myself, but yeh, xp serv is easy ;p

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Gz Watch!


And to bibi, for first exp service to get a char to 14x! :P

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Vanbibi's the one who leveled to 14x? Then why is WatchMan getting all the gz's and all the honor?


Gz Vanbibi for first 14x

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GZ ata with 5 leechers making over 20b/h at FT2!!!


GZ super skills that can't be explained by math or anything logic!!!


GZ for free xp service!!! As there's no ongoing deal over the game, might be for free!!!



I'd say... WTF

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Put me intro 135 members and i'll be eternally grateful, with or without hacks! Ty

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im 123 with no xp service since birth!!. gzzzzz to me!.

Such an ass hahaha

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If he used hack he would have been banned already. Example: DLM but too bad GM unbanned and de-lv him.

Yea, because there was no proof. I got banned for macro while chatting with people ingame.  :P As far as I'm concerned, I'm 140 2 months ago if it hadn't been for some bs in the server logs. Anyway, gz.

1st phrase is not true.

2nd phrase is not true.

3rd phrase is not true.

4th phrase may be true, but I don't agree with that.

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