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About CT3 entrance.

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Wartale , please block the entrance!

Or make the server auto-kick work better.

Me and a lot of people are getting their ass kicked to lvl up to 115 and finally go hunt there and when we are "near" that lvl , we look at this bug and how it is fucking up the server.

The only person who is supposed to go there atm is SexyWoman and when you check ricarten , you see a lot of people selling 103~106 gear.

I've seen people selling those items and that makes me think.

Why am I lvling like crazy now? Since everybody who is 95+ is able to go hunting a 108 item and I'm stuck in this insane exp trying to reach 115 for "nothing"..


I believe that I am not the only one who thinks this way and in my opinion , those who are bugging the map should be punished.

Not by permanent block , because they are just exploiting a in-game bug , but an alert or a 2~3 day block could be a nice solution.


Thx all.

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ET2 can drop 103-106 too

the 108 items are probably from event.


have you ever TRIED to get a 106 item in et2?

it's easier to win on the lottery than get 106 gear there.

I know about the 108 gear from the event , there are few equipments.. but now , you see ric and check the shops.

A lot of people who are selling 103~106 gear didn't dropped them in event.

They dropped those stuff in ct3 , a 115 map.

And many of those people aren't even 11x..


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a lot of ppl are abusing of this bug.....sure they deserve some punishment, but how Wartale will punish them if he cant know who are bugging? it s kindy difficult...


I agree with some days blk, or put some insane mega ultra fucker monster in the entrance that kill who enter there, and make CT3 viable to teleport by core.


everybody knows that a lot of players 94+ that know about this bug are doing that, at least know someone.....



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a lot of ppl are abusing of this bug.....sure they deserve some punishment, but how Wartale will punish them if he cant know who are bugging? it s kindy difficult...


I agree with some days blk, or put some insane mega ultra fucker monster in the entrance that kill who enter there, and make CT3 viable to teleport by core.


everybody knows that a lot of players 94+ that know about this bug are doing that, at least know someone.....




I would lol if someone paid a decoy to pass through that "uber monster" xD

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Normaly i use colloquial and some bad word with some friend on a joke play, but, can you please guys don't use them on forum.  This is part of the whole community and Wartale surely will answer faster.


Is true that you want is worth, but the deep idea of MMORPG games is play and community, so as the community is not as bigger for make this changes, we will have to wai for.  or create another character meanwhile.    Don't be lazzy or obsesives ^^, enjoy the game!


And is a good idea about the make CT3 viable to teleport core, anyways is not a need yet.


and remind check this topic http://www.realmpt.com/forum/index.php?topic=2596.0

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i did not knew that things like that were happening ... im ;O with it ... im so tired  trying to reach 115, this is so unfair 

cant believe

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Normaly i use colloquial and some bad word with some friend on a joke play, but, can you please guys don't use them on forum.  This is part of the whole community and Wartale surely will answer faster.


Is true that you want is worth, but the deep idea of MMORPG games is play and community, so as the community is not as bigger for make this changes, we will have to wai for.  or create another character meanwhile.    Don't be lazzy or obsesives ^^, enjoy the game!


And is a good idea about the make CT3 viable to teleport core, anyways is not a need yet.


and remind check this topic http://www.realmpt.com/forum/index.php?topic=2596.0


I'm not complaining about the monster events and the 103~106 gear that has appeared in Ricarten..

I'm complaining about the bug at CT3 entrance.

Anyone who is 95+ can go there because the entrance is bugged , and a lot of 106 gear can be found there..

And , I know ET2 , I'm 100% sure that the 106 drops aren't from there.. A few of them maybe , but the majority of the drops are from people who are exploiting a bug.

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