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Integrity? What it does or means?

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Normaly any item crafted,buyed,remaded,or took from drops are not with the integrity maximized.  On some items when you age your items the integrity downgrades and on anothers this upgrade.  I do not if means a brokeable posibility, but when i remaded (mix with yera,nied,gyfu) an item with low integrity some time ago it broke  O.o!.      Another things that its possible, as better quality of the items has a higther integrity base.  So, that's why im asking this ^^



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Well, usually integrity should make a weapon or armor and stuff get weaker as the integrity goes down. tho in pt thats bugged i guess.


If I'm right full integrity will give you higher age succes rate i guess?  and It's worth more in npc :P

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It should be the durability of your items, that's why the Blacksmiths have a repair option. But yeah as Rkokie said it must be bugged.

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Maybe at one point they were planning on having a system setup where you would HAVE to repair your weapons, or the damage of them would go down, or you wouldn't be able to use them. Something along those lines.


And then they said to hell with it and just didn't do anything with it.

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Imagine if you failed to repair your items before the integrity hit 0 and the item breaks and is irreparable! That would force people off hellspawns after a few hours. :P

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Idk, but I always repair my items b4 I age them, coz I'm superstitious like that. Was common consesus that it improves rate of aging/decrease chance of fail/break.


If u r npcing drops u can get more money by repairing them, the repair cost is less than the price increase for npc. Learnt this in ept, think it applies here too.

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