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Problem in Battle Town

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I was doing the Tier 5 quest then when i went to battle town to buy the pick axe i got stucked then i log out and when i try to log in again it shows a mesage that i'm temporaly banned...

I dont understand, i didn't do anything to get banned, or it's because i got stucked???

So if someone can help me i will be grateful.



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Its just a DC bann bug. Go into the request unbann section and ask to be unbanned and the gm will fix


[glow=red,2,300]How To Request Unban


You request for unban for a Game Account or Forum Account which has been banned.

* Only post requests for accounts you have access to, and are banned

* Do not post more than once

* Outdated bans are not processed

* Form your topic according to the guide below


How to form your topic:

Topic Title: Request Unban <name>

<name> will be the Game Character Name or Forum Name which this is about.


Topic Contents:

- Why do you think you got banned

- Why you should be unbanned

- Your game account name

- All character names in your game account


If you were banned as a result from being reported on this forum, include the links to these topics in your post.


PS. Multiple unban requests about the same account may result in permanent ban in-game AND forum.



here is where u need to go


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