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How is party Exp distributed among party members?

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Hi guys I have a question about party Exp distribution. It has been hanging on me since day one of my Wartale play.


Assuming we have a full party of 6 players.


Scenario 1:
## All 6 players are fighting together in the map.
>> All 6 players get Total Exp/6.
This is clear.




Scenario 2:
## 2 players are fighting in the map while 4 are in town.

>> 4 players in town do not get any Exp. 
This is also clear


My question is what happens to the 2 remaining players?
>> Will they get Total Exp/6?
>> Will they get Total Exp/2?


Scenario 3:
## 2 players are fighting in HS while 4 are standing on a rock in the same map but far away from HS. The party indicator will show them as active and not greyed out.

>> 4 players on the rock do not get any Exp from those fighting in HS. 
This is also clear


My question is what happens to the 2 remaining players?
>> Will they get Total Exp/6?
>> Will they get Total Exp/2?


Anyone has the definite answer to this please enlighten me.


Thank you.



Edited by JeleStore

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 Exp / total member in PT. Not depends of how many member in battle field or town. 

If you wanna share exp, you and ur member pt have to stay in range of mini map. green dot. red dot= nothing.


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21 hours ago, KriKa. said:

I remmember when i start play, in lvl 60 70 80 some players say to me

Leader of pt won more xp than others players members

xD and alot of yers after it some times i remmember it and say in game



That's not the case. Otherwise people would fight for the status.


In my case, a lot of times when in party there are some members who are left in town, supposedly other chars of one of the members. That means those chars don't get exp, while fighting members lose the exp that should be divided among them.


Where I came from we would tell the party members who would be away more than a few minutes to leave party and rejoin when they came back. This is to make sure we didn't lose exp unnecessarily.

Edited by JeleStore

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Here you have the exp formula for Wartale 

Regarding your question. No matter if you have a full pt and 4 are in town it will still count as a full party. Hence the 2 people exping in the map will get exp distributed as they are in a full pt which means total exp/6 in your example. This is true for both Scenario 2 and 3.


Atleast this was true 1~ year ago when i tested this. Should still be true now ?

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9 hours ago, Freppe said:

Here you have the exp formula for Wartale 

Regarding your question. No matter if you have a full pt and 4 are in town it will still count as a full party. Hence the 2 people exping in the map will get exp distributed as they are in a full pt which means total exp/6 in your example. This is true for both Scenario 2 and 3.


Atleast this was true 1~ year ago when i tested this. Should still be true now ?

I think this is the way it works too, but I was told that since the game knows some people are out of the map and it greys them out, it only calculate whoever present in the vicinity. Hence, this post.

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3 hours ago, JeleStore said:

I think this is the way it works too, but I was told that since the game knows some people are out of the map and it greys them out, it only calculate whoever present in the vicinity. Hence, this post.

Afaik it will calculate everyone. Those that aren’t in the vicinity will however not receive the exp. I could test this again, but I’m 99% sure it counts everyone in the party.

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