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Congrats Heretics

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Don't need to make a topic like this.

If some mod/admin could delete , it would be cool.


Se tirasse a vassalagem acho que seria mais disputado, mas fazer o que, na corte tem de ter tudo, até os bobos que ficam a pagar pau no jogo.


Use your brain the next time you go to bless castle.

Create a tactic that fits what you have best and be happy with it..



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Of course we keep the crown, even without me being there!


Its funny but also puzzling that nobody can figure out a way... there are lots of people that play on this server... so can't be a numbers issue. I guess nobody can overpower us, but maybe with bigger numbers?


Crystals all last about 2 seconds, so crystal wars don't really work. I guess until people are strong enough to overwhelm us in 1 vs 1s, we just won't lose =p


Just remember, as everybody in the server is getting stronger and getting better gears... so are we!


And GZ Heretics, my family ^^

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it's becoming so boring.  :(



One day, the heretics will end eventually, I think, precisely because it is too strong and make the castle bless something boring and tedious.

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it boring if one clan is BC own


first, i try to help Legenday and Barzukas attack BC(to make BC fun)

but some player from 2 clan killlllll meeeee ....


.....with no reason


ok BC owner still Heretics, congrattt !!

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if you work hard you gonna win , if you won't u gonna lose everytime !

so that's why izn't boring to US, we deserve to Win that shit,

since L clan started make this all shit become seriously kSing us, bugged , flame us ,

but iz truth some H member starting become act like s*ckerz.anyway i'm Proud to my OWn SUcess!


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if you work hard you gonna win , if you won't u gonna lose everytime !

so that's why izn't boring to US, we deserve to Win that shit,

since L clan started make this all shit become seriously kSing us, bugged , flame us ,

but iz truth some H member starting become act like s*ckerz.anyway i'm Proud to my OWn SUcess!



That is not the point lelekas. u know dat. i really dun have nuthin against any clan, but if H win all the sieges, ppl will start to quit and talk shit about the server, and blablablabla, and all other strong ppl will be merged with heretics and the server will be disgraced by the great shit that became due to lack clan challenges.

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I don't think there's lack of clan challenge, your clan got SOD crown pretty often and you could take BC aswell if you had more players online. Last 2 sieges you were like 20 ppl max and it's not weird you can't win when you are less than the defenders.

Besides Sod Crown > BC crown imo.

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Yes, fights clans often spoil the server. What spoils it is the Power Abuse of the best clan of server, want HS to themselves, want others to do what they want, it really makes the server go down, Abuse of Power should be banned.

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the best clan of server

Thank you.  :)


Abuse of Power should be banned.

I know a certain someone who fits to that description, too bad she isn't here  ::)


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Guest Mayreen


if you work hard you gonna win , if you won't u gonna lose everytime !

so that's why izn't boring to US, we deserve to Win that shit,

since L clan started make this all shit become seriously kSing us, bugged , flame us ,

but iz truth some H member starting become act like s*ckerz.anyway i'm Proud to my OWn SUcess!



That is not the point lelekas. u know dat. i really dun have nuthin against any clan, but if H win all the sieges, ppl will start to quit and talk shit about the server, and blablablabla, and all other strong ppl will be merged with heretics and the server will be disgraced by the great shit that became due to lack clan challenges.


Obviusly.. it's too easy to talk s*th.. that to think a strategy ;)

We all know it.. ppl loves DRAMA!.


Thanks, come back later ;)

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Yes, fights clans often spoil the server. What spoils it is the Power Abuse of the best clan of server, want HS to themselves, want others to do what they want, it really makes the server go down, Abuse of Power should be banned.

I'd like to know what powers we have and how we abuse of them.


And about HS: only 1 party can train there. If the party is full of clannies none of them will be kicked to let someone else join. But if the members of the party are not from clan they don't get kicked to let clannies join.

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Yes, fights clans often spoil the server. What spoils it is the Power Abuse of the best clan of server, want HS to themselves, want others to do what they want, it really makes the server go down, Abuse of Power should be banned.

I'd like to know what powers we have and how we abuse of them.


And about HS: only 1 party can train there. If the party is full of clannies none of them will be kicked to let someone else join. But if the members of the party are not from clan they don't get kicked to let clannies join.


They don't?  :o

D: so far none of them got kicked for me :'(

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People talk shit? I sure hope they do.


You need people to start a shit storm, how else are we ever going to lose? If people sit back and figure H cant be beaten and give up, that's when you will get people pussy out. When people are like... damn H, let's whoop their ass! Then maybe we will actually have to attack one of these BCs!


Until you either can match power in pvp or have the numbers to overwhelm... then every week we will have a thread like this =P

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Legendary easy ...

Prs clan kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk




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