muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 15, 2020 What is burn/freeze strength? I see this a lot in the skill description and I do not really understand what this means. For every 1 second burn, how many incremental burn damage is there? It is hard for me to count and I estimate it to be around 8 burn increments. I tried this out on my mage and wanted to you guys to clarify some more if you have more to add. What does a moonhunter crystal do? With a 1 second spell cooldown, what is the max attack speed I can have without my weapon being faster than the 1 second cooldown? Is it 8, 9, or 10? For the priestess skill called "holy reflection," not only does it reflect damage back to the undead, it also heals the priestess. The skill (in game and website) does not describe how the healing works. Do you know how the healing is calculated? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 15, 2020 6. Do spells that attack multiple monsters deal critical damage? I see yellow and white text when the damage shows up on monsters. The yellow damage text is always higher than the white. 7A. This question relates to #6, if area of affect spells deal critical damage, then what is the critical damage calculation? 10% more than white damage text? 7B. This question relates to #6, if area of affect spells deal critical damage, then what is the chance at dealing critical damage? Is it the same as your character's total critical percent? I ask this question because the yellow text appears about 10% of the time when my critical is 20%. The math doesn't add up to me. It'll be great if I could get some clarification on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted September 16, 2020 1. This is how much damage the burn will apply under 1 second, based on the attack that caused the burn itself. Example, Shadow Bomb from assassin - if it dealt 1000 damage on monster, and it was burned, it will tick a total of 1000 damage per second. 100% of the source of the damage that caused burn. Freeze Strenght is how much the freeze will slow the target down. 50% freeze strenght means halving target attack and move speed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinixD 383 Report post Posted September 16, 2020 4. Skills without cool down actually have 0.5 of delay, not sure if you're able to reach this with attack speed, it will depend of the skill or basic attack animation. 6. There's no critical for aoe skill except for perforation, what you see is the damage variation between your min and max attack power 7. Critical damage is always 70% damage boost, for 1x1 you can see your critical rate pressing C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted September 16, 2020 2. It deals the % of the burn strenght over 1 second, as I have explained before. 3. Moonhunter transform monsters on any non-exp map into mini monsters, only on nighttime. Mini monsters may drop premium items like sacred stars, mp and sp down, and other stuff. It also gives a lot of exp for low level players. 4. It depends on the skill, but, if your attack speed is faster than a 1 second cooldown, you can use a Feather to reduce the cooldown even further by 10%, so the cooldown would last for 0.9 seconds, on some cases, enough to use the skill non-stop. A Priestess with Summer Suit and Shaman's Advent Midranda might need a tier 5 feather to cast Ice Meteorite as fast as possible. 5. Holy Reflect does not heal the Priestess. It only reflects undead damage. Summon Muspell converts undead damage into HP. 6. No, but there are exceptions. Perforation from Archer and Ciclone Strike from Fighter deals critical AoE Damage. Some other skills that has two hits, one 1v1 and other AoE, the 1v1 hit can deal criticals. But as a general rule, AoE attacks can not deal critical strikes. Critical Strike is Orange, not Yellow. Yellow damage is a damage that was under 10% or bellow from your max attack power. Example, if you have 800-1000 ATK Pow, any attack that is dealt when using a base damage of 980 or higher, will be displayed in yellow. Critical Strikes that is also on the 10% range of Max Atk pow, will be an even darker orange. 7A. Base Critical Damage from all classes are 70%, but it can also be boosted further with Assassin Eye and Centlom Bracelets. If an AoE skill can deal crits, the boost modifier will be your current Critical Damage. 7B. Out of the 2 AoE skills that can deal Critical hits, the base chance of dealing a critical aoe hit is the same as your critical chance. If you have 30% Critical Chance, then your AoE skill will have a 30% chance of dealing a critical hit, then, being boosted by your current critical damage. Archer Perforation has a Critical Chance boost of 40% at level 10, so if you have 30% critical chance, a Perforation at Level 10 will have a 70% chance of dealing a critical hit. 70% is the maximum chance of dealing critical hits in the game, regardless if you have more than 70%. Perforation has 0% critical chance if you're using Phoenix Speed. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzy 0 Report post Posted September 18, 2020 Thank you so much for the explanation. Thanks to a combined effort, I have a better idea of how Wartale logistics are calculated! I have a few more questions to add to this thread. 8. What monsters (and which map are those monsters in) drop the: throne amulet throne ring lucifer ring great shield 9. How is damage calculated? Let's assume we have a fighter with the following specifications: strength stats = 130 x 3 weapon damage = 100 casting avenging crash which boosts damage = 105% no other buffs or forces or crits etc My understanding is that: weapon damage = 100 * 3 * 2.05 = 615 total damage from casing avenging crash. Let me know where I am incorrect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 18, 2020 10. How is elemental resistance (poison, organic, frost, lightning) factored into the damage reduction? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 21, 2020 11. What is better? 30% block or 15% block + 15% evasion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted September 21, 2020 (edited) 8. Throne itens are only dropped on Hell Gate. Lucifer Ring is dropped by Fallen Angel. Great Shield is droppable from monster that is the same or higher level than the Great Shield. 9. Damage calculation is simple. (Base Attack Damage * Damage Modifier) * target damage reduction - target abs. Your Attack Power on C-Menu is used to determine Base Attack Damage, Min ATK POW + Random(Max ATK POW - Min ATK POW). If you have 100-120 Attack Power, a random number between 0 and 20 is generated, and added to your min ATK POW. FS vs Knight 100-120, base damage = 113. Knight ABS = 20 Knight Godly Shield DMG Reduction = 25% (113 * 2,05) * 0,75 - 20. Damage would be 153. 10. If an attack is elemental, the skill damage is further reduced multiplicatively by the factor of elemental resistance. To be honest i'm not sure when the elemental resistance is applied, before or after dmg reduction and abs. I believe it comes after. Damage =( (Base Attack Damage * Damage Modifier) * Target Damage Reduction - ABS) * Elemental Resistance. Using previous example, but being an elemental attack and the Knight having 50 elemental resistance:((113 * 2,05) * 0,75 - 20) * 0,5 Damage would be 76. 11. It is an accuraccy question, and not block/evasion one. Acuraccy is lower when you have 30% block. Acuraccy is: 100% * !def chance * !block chance * !evasion chance 1, !evasion chance 2, ... !evasion chance N 30% Block = 100 * 0,70 = 70% Accuracy 15% Block, 15% Evasion 100 * 0,85 * 0,85 = 72,25% Accuracy Edited September 21, 2020 by DarkLink64 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 22, 2020 12. This is a level bridging question. I find that I can only do a max level difference of 40. For example, I can get my level 100 account to send a party request to both 120 and 80 accounts. How do I bridge a level 120 account with a level 40 account (as an example)? Could you walk me through the process? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 23, 2020 13. What are the differences among the 3 pet settings (aggressive, sentinel, on command)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted September 23, 2020 (edited) Deleted post. Edited November 12, 2020 by muzzzy I had a repeat question that I easily answered Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigFoot 375 Report post Posted September 23, 2020 (edited) On 9/22/2020 at 10:05 PM, muzzzy said: 12. This is a level bridging question. I find that I can only do a max level difference of 40. For example, I can get my level 100 account to send a party request to both 120 and 80 accounts. How do I bridge a level 120 account with a level 40 account (as an example)? Could you walk me through the process? Use lvl 100 invite party to 120 and 80, use lvl 80 invite party to 60, use lvl 60 invite party to 40. Then lvl 120 accept, 80 accept, 60 accept and 40 accept party invited. Edited September 25, 2020 by BigFoot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted October 28, 2020 I wanted to repost this because this question wasn't answered. 13. What are the differences among the 3 pet settings (aggressive, sentinel, on command)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted October 29, 2020 14. How much absorb do I need as a mech to tank Death Island Quest? Currently I am level 133 with 372 absorb (with skills) + 58% block (with skills) + 4700 defense rating + mech love sword. I cannot tank even tank 1 monster without potting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted November 11, 2020 15. How much absorb do I need to tank 132 Iron Core with a non-mech character? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinixD 383 Report post Posted November 11, 2020 (edited) On 10/28/2020 at 2:33 AM, muzzzy said: I wanted to repost this because this question wasn't answered. 13. What are the differences among the 3 pet settings (aggressive, sentinel, on command)? Agresisve pets will attack every monter nearby randomly ,while sentinel pets will only defend the "owner" from enemies. Command mode will wait you to press "F"(focus) on a target to attack. Edited November 11, 2020 by vinixD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzzzy 24 Report post Posted November 12, 2020 Thank you so much for the #13 clarification! I am sure others had questions about the pet modes just like I did! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites