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New nerf PRS

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People in this server is so dumb that keeps asking for nerf for another char instead of improvements for their own. So these type of people will keep wasting coins changing char every single time and people who plays with the nerfed char will get harmed. The server needs improvements and not nerf. It's addicting this nerf system and this must stop. Server will never improve if there's nerf non stop.

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Hyuga Hinata

TY for Staff ... Now i hate this game, They just want to balance PVP, dont care PVE.


Suggestions :

Cool down :

PVE : 10s

PVP : 25s

Or Disable it in BC like holy valor of KS


Edited by Hyuga Hinata
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6 hours ago, Hyuga Hinata said:

Disable it in BC like holy valor of KS

Wrong example bro ? holy valor never been a buff for pvp because it only add damage on undead, there is no undead in bc ?.

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1 hour ago, vBerbes said:

Players have talked to staff members before this came in to the game and they were not possible to make it x amoint of seconds for pve and x amount of seconds for pvp ?but prs is still a good char in anyway because this skill got a longer cool down doesnt mean it cant do anythinh anymore i play a prs and i basicly almost never use the holy mind in pve only pvp and in pve still tank mobs with 2h in ss map

oh boy... 

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That's a great step to improving a little PvP, but really bad for PvE.


I mean, there is not a lot of Prs who actually do exp in SS. Most of Prs lvl up to get full geared to be a tanker for other main char.


When you really lvl a prs killing 1x1 in SS without a tanker, you realize she needs to use many resources to buff/debuff players and mobs. Holy mind is one of them, as Glacial Spike, for example.


So when we talk about PvE, you can't compare a debuff like Inertia with Holy mind. Shamans doesn't need to use it all the time to lvl fine. Why? One of the main reasons is the skill Rainmaker, wich adds a lot of abs and ar, combined with Occult Life (+200 hp). That combination allows greater autonomy to kill and handle hits.


So Priestess are much more fragile than Shamans. And I'm talking about pure or semi pure Priestess (1,3k~1,5k hp 1handed), since she is actually killing. There is no need to make lvling  a Prs even worse. Is not easy at all, you have to combo all the time, changing weapon to 1/2 hand to kill in an acceptable way. 


Concluding, Holy Mind's cooldown was doing fine for PvE, it should stay the same as before. For PvP is much better, different cooldown would be nice.



Edited by Hurricane
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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
50 minutes ago, Hurricane said:

So when we talk about PvE, you can't compare a debuff like Inertia with Holy mind. Shamans doesn't need to use it all the time to lvl fine. Why? One of the main reasons is the skill Rainmaker, wich adds a lot of abs and ar, combined with Occult Life (+200 hp). That combination allows greater autonomy to kill and handle hit

also, shaman is a 1 hand char, he has a pet, stun and a heal skill,although, last time I tested, since Scratch nerf, a shaman with phantom 142+24 has the same DPS as a Priest with staff 142+24, and both does way less damage than a mage with flame wave.

implying that Priest without holy mind on PvE is good it's the same thing as saying that Knight without Godly shield is good, 1 week after godly shield  'fix'' so it wouldn't work with 2 hand SW, Ks players whined till they got it reverted.


50 minutes ago, Hurricane said:

Concluding, Holy Mind's cooldown was doing fine for PvE, it should stay the sam as before. For PvP is much better, different cooldown would be nice.

I still think enabling virtual life ABs for priest herself is a better option, trying to revert holy mind will just bring this as a argument to not nerf Ground pike, dist and Lightning sword on the future.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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21 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

I still think enabling virtual life ABs for priest herself is a better option, trying to revert holy mind will just bring this as a argument to not nerf Ground pike, dist and Lightning sword on the future.


Maybe is also a good option, and remember that Distortion and Ground Pike are debuffs much more powerfull than Holy Mind, since are aoe skills and make opponents much more vulnerable. The real problem with Holy Mind was its low cooldown, enabling players to abusing of it on PvP.

Edited by Hurricane

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You guys who talks about endless debuff are missing a crucial point.


If the prs focus on you with Holy Mind, she will not be able to kill you. Holy mind in PvP lasts for 6~7 seconds, 2 seconds are taken to cast the skill.


The hypocrisy starts when everybody calls prs a support char, and cry for nerf when a prs is in your ass casting Holy Mind. Isn't she supposed to be a support? Are any better situation than constantly debuff the enemy?


Very interesting path this game is going to....

Edited by Lyseria

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1 hour ago, Lyseria said:

You guys who talks about endless debuff are missing a crucial point.


If the prs focus on you with Holy Mind, she will not be able to kill you. Holy mind in PvP lasts for 6~7 seconds, 2 seconds are taken to cast the skill.


The hypocrisy starts when everybody calls prs a support char, and cry for nerf when a prs is in your ass casting Holy Mind. Isn't she supposed to be a support? Are any better situation than constantly debuff the enemy?


Very interesting path this game is going to....

Still a debuff without cooldown gap should not exist in pvp, it makes pvp so ugly.

In pve, i think staffs should revert it (if it's possible), no need to nerf holy mind in pve.

Prs will always being a great support in pvp with this holy mind nerf. She has ice, holy mind, devine cleansing. That's already so powerful for a support role.


I think the main reason why staffs can't separated the change on a skill for pvp and pve because bless castle is not a 100% pvp map. It has towers and guards (pve) too. Maybe they don't have solution for now. 


Beside, staff should decrease the battle exp gain of prs now because Virgo Ball damage is big, she is no longer a weak pvp char.

Edited by BigFoot

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
10 minutes ago, BigFoot said:

Beside, staff should decrease the battle exp gain of prs now because Virgo Ball damage is big, she is no longer a weak pvp char.

indeed, Priest battle exp should be equal to shaman's formula, Priest can get ~60 bp of someone on the same level range as hers.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -
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a main priest comes to complain about a nerf and how does the community react?


ask for more 970635182380 nerfs



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19 hours ago, hyoryuji said:

Bro no char in the game takes 2 and a half minute to kill rock in SS, and you can't be serious to compare SS with a PRS. You want so let's do it

SS have 220% damage from Scratch + 220% from press deity + Advent Midranda a boost with 15% attack speed vs Prs damage is only with vigor ball and it is 75% damage ...
While on pvp SS still can use Judgemenmt 320% damage are you really, what's your point? Oh poor SS he is so weak now with scratch nerf and press deity bo freaking who.


15 seconds isn't forever, distorcion last 15 and you can use it already 2 seconds after that. Those 15 seconds on distorcion that feels like eternity on siege. It's a freaking aoe debuff and while holy mind is single target since when people care about one freaking single target debuff?


The nerf would be justified if PRS was already a broken Char but it is not, there are very few main prs in the server and the reason is she is pretty weak now, and it has being for a long time, holy mind nerf was just the nail in the coffin for prs main.



Again using another broken debuff to say that Holy Mind didn't deserve a fix, this isn't the way brother.

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I've changed it a bit.


Would be nice if we could have different cooldowns for PvP/PvE maybe ?

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On 9/30/2020 at 8:51 PM, hyoryuji said:

to me that just prove me one thing, Staff make changes, and adjustments just based on player review and that they think is the best for the game, instead of playing the actual game or at least have other people on staff to do a class test, such as leveling, on low level maps, high level maps, doing sod or pvp.


So the staff have no clue that PRS is the most hated char in the entire game to level up in SS. Have you guys consider improving her game play? Cause i'm leveling one up and she takes 2 minutes to kill a freaking Rock, with wand 138 +24 donated and with a prs 150. Try to get a prs 144 and level up in ss, and find a pt that accept a prs with a staff with sap mix or something along those lines, you will not get pt or if you do will be a really bad one that won't last.


Make some changes based on actually test, prs is already a pretty sad char to level up 144+ her damage is miles away from being consider at least playable.

Wow 2 minute to kill rock ? that's fast. try FS.

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17 minutes ago, Senpai said:

I've changed it a bit.


Would be nice if we could have different cooldowns for PvP/PvE maybe ?


PVP = 25 seconds cooldown

PVE = 15 seconds cool down

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Hyuga Hinata
4 hours ago, Senpai said:

I've changed it a bit.


Would be nice if we could have different cooldowns for PvP/PvE maybe ?

TY. Senpai ❤️

Edited by Hyuga Hinata

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4 hours ago, Senpai said:

I've changed it a bit.


Would be nice if we could have different cooldowns for PvP/PvE maybe ?

please apply this for all classes and skills!!!  

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I've already made implemented it for us to do so in the next patch, so we have the option to do so after that

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46 minutes ago, Senpai said:

I've already made implemented it for us to do so in the next patch, so we have the option to do so after that

Yay, do you have a different damage for PvP/PvE too ? So we could make many tier 1/tier 2 skill useful in PvP.

The idea is making all attack skills big cooldowns so players has to switch between many skills to PvP. Better go this way than spamming 1 skill no cooldown for PvP (pretty boring).

For example:

Fighter has Impact (t1) : 10s cd,
Tripple impact (t2) 8s cd,

Brutal swing (t2) 7s cd,

Rage of Zecram (t2) 10s cd,

Bone Crash (t3) 10s cd

He has to use all of these skill "Impact > Tripple impact > Brutal swing > Rage of Zecram > Bone Crash" for a PvP skill rotation.


With this change players has to balance skill point for a better skill rotation, players will have difference PvP build with their favorite skill choice.

Edited by BigFoot

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On 30/09/2020 at 15:56, Toi yeu cho said:

O problema de deixar as coisas erradas por muito tempo é que nos acostumamos com isso.




let us know what’s wrong, right? ?


just the passion for playing with a certain character doesn't work anymore.

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Like - D E A T H S T R O K E - said, is not only SS and PRS skill that is broken, all skills on pvp need to have a 50/50 chance to miss or maybe have the cooldown doubled on PVP, a full time debuff 15seconds debuff with 15cd is too much op 

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On 10/3/2020 at 9:56 AM, iokamazy said:

staff is killing wartale


Staff taking suggestions from players who do not want any improvement to server is killing Wartale***.


They just want to win PvP Wars. As much so, Knight is the most ridiculously OP class ever, and nobody does anything.


Knight, Fighter and Pike are untouchable, because they are the classes of those who cry for nerfs.


Maybe when only the small group that cries for nerfs every day is playing, Staff understands that these players just want to favor themselves with these nonsense changes.


In fact, I think that many players, mainly low/medium level, accepted our friend's suggestion and exchanged Wartale for Flappy Bird xD


Edited by Merenda
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1 hour ago, Merenda said:


Staff taking suggestions from players who do not want any improvement to server is killing Wartale***.


They just want to win PvP Wars. As much so, Knight is the most ridiculously OP class ever, and nobody does anything.


Knight, Fighter and Pike are untouchable, because they are the classes of those who cry for nerfs.


Maybe when only the small group that cries for nerfs every day is playing, Staff understands that these players just want to favor themselves with these nonsense changes.


In fact, I think that many players, mainly low/medium level, accepted our friend's suggestion and exchanged Wartale for Flappy Bird xD


Nothing much we can do.

Can just watch them nerf one by one.

Never ending. one after another nerf.

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1 hour ago, Merenda said:


Staff taking suggestions from players who do not want any improvement to server is killing Wartale***.


They just want to win PvP Wars. As much so, Knight is the most ridiculously OP class ever, and nobody does anything.


Knight, Fighter and Pike are untouchable, because they are the classes of those who cry for nerfs.


Maybe when only the small group that cries for nerfs every day is playing, Staff understands that these players just want to favor themselves with these nonsense changes.


In fact, I think that many players, mainly low/medium level, accepted our friend's suggestion and exchanged Wartale for Flappy Bird xD


As GM said, you can go play other games if you dont enjoy Wartale. ?

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