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New player, looking for clan!

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Hi guys, I'm an old player who has played original PT from 2001 on and off but never tried private servers, i'm looking to be apart of the smaller communities as I feel they are much more personal and rewarding getting to know each other.


I've also been playing alot of Diablo I & II lately and it has built up my craving to return to PT, I have heard great things about this server and hope to find a group of people I can chat with and ask advice in-game. If anyone knows of a Clan that is welcoming and supportive of new players please let me know!


Current Character: LupinThe3rd  (2x Pikeman)

(I am willing to make what ever is recommended as I only really intend to play one character and experience my nostalgia days of this amazing game as I only ever got to 6x on official PT.)


 I'm 31yrs, from Australia and work from home so I have a lot of time to play each day, really just looking for somewhere to belong on this great server!

Hope to see you all in-game and happy hunting and here's a video for nostalgia! ?


Old PT Trailer
Back in my day there was only the Tempskron Tribe ?

Edited by Lupin
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Thanks Dior!


Deshi was my Pikeman on official although I only ever got to around 5x or 6x and didn't have the time to play everyday back then.

I also had MS & KS 4x but my favourite was always PS just because of the looks, can you give any advice on the current classes that are doing well? I will mainly stick to my PS but am willing to try others if it will give me a better experience as a new player to the server.

Edited by Lupin

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5 hours ago, Mayreen said:

Welcome! ?


Thank you! I have seen your guild around, they seem very friendly and very professional players. ^^


One day I hope to try PvP on this server with all these dedicated players it looks really competitive and fun!

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