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Big sale items 13x-140 , + jewelry , skin . News items added, topic cleared

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Big sale items 13x, many class. Offer in coins or golds (1coins = 1kk golds) items have no M/B , Just offer .



Pm in game  -ZHenryZ-

Sell items:

Sets136 many spec .


Skins, costume

Samuraiswords aged

Magic daggers aged

Fortress dagger +20

Hallowen crossbow +24

Hallowen dagger

Dion bow

Candy sword

Weddinc dress

Hopy ms bsolm



New add wand 138 clean pri -0-0




Ring amulets 134 all specs,

Ring amulets138 many specs

Lucifer ring shaman bom

Throne amulet mage+ mech clean

Tulla amulet clean shaman




Bow ms 138 sol critical mix -0-0

Bow ms 138 +24 -0-0

Hellset ms bsm

Bow134 ms sol vigor

Gaulet 136 bsolm mech

Bow 134 mech +18

Bow 134 mech +24



Armor 140 +18 fs

Shield 140+ 15

Brace 136 bsm

Hellgaunlet+ boot bsolm

Axe 138 +20 Fs

Axe 122 -0-0 +20

sword 138 fs -1-0 lv/1 

Axe 138 fs -0-0  mix sol crit

Axe 138 Fs -0 -1 mix sol vigor 

Sword fs 138 -0-1 Clean  

Fs sword 122 -0-0 sol dex mix

 2x ring 138 fs bom 



Sold outs


Other class

Dagger 142 clean -0-0

 Phantom clean 138 -1-0  clean

Rone 140 pri sol finesse 

Dagger assasin 138-0-0 sol vigor mix

Armor 140 assasin sol finesse mix

Ata javelin 138 bsm

Shield ata 132 block mix sap

Orb pri 136 +20

Wand pri 122 sol dex -0-0

Staff 134 pri + mage -0-0 sol vigor

Edited by Allforlady
Cleared old items

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