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Fighter build

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Hi, I'm new to this server but not to PT, I was thinking if anyone has any good idea for an overall optimized build for damage but also best for the better gears I can get, without lacking so much in spirit..also what's the best way to spend the skill points?  conc or swift axe?

thanks in advance.

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Only saw xp specific/pvp specific build that were very blurry on which stats I should put.


I've got a good lead on which skills but no idea on which stats, I'm not using normal boots cause I'm afraid to add more agi.

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stats also depends on what build ur going for.


exp build would be


str - enough for armor

spr - around 90 - 100

tal - 90

agil - enough for equipment

health - rest of your points


pvp / hunt build


str - rest of your points

spr - 64 would be ideal, but whatever for your ring / ammy set

tal - 90

agil - 72 - 80 would be ideal, but whatever enough for your equipment

health - base

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I see, and for skills?  what's best for exp? cyclone?

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cyclone is only good for maybe up until lvl 100.  after that it gets drastically worse.  if u can get into a pt that would work. other than that if ur gonna solo / duo / trio, u may be better off doing that in a hunt map and using a normal hunt build.

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Later lvl 100. I think that is better do xp leeching with other class (mech,ata,pra,mgs)

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