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Reposted Issue-was in bug report didn't get much help

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I've been trying to install and play for a few hours now; but I find myself unable to get the game to open up. The launcher runs and installs; patches all the way to 5196, but then when it tries to open the game. All I get is a message saying "Failed loading the game."
I've tried turning off the Anti-Virus and I've done all the firewall exceptions possible, went as far as making it for each individual app. I checked if it was the fact that my files were in "Read-Only" but that  didn't work either. I've tried these solutions seperately and together, but so far nothing's worked. Anyone have any ideas?

Someone mentioned a file that is likely removed by antiviruses, (Trojan:Win32/Azorult.AB!MTB) but the file doesn't seem to exist on my computer.
It has actually not been removed, the whole files are there and I've even removed alot of other things that might be stumbling my installation. I even turned off Windows Defender.
My system is a Windows 7, so alot of the solutions I've been receiving for Windows 10 don't exactly have the same OS to work on.

But the file you mention is not present on my drive, nor is it apparently being quarantined by any drive anywhere. Is there anywhere I could get it?

Edited by Delmar
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All i can do is ask you to download the game client again and keep your eyes in the windows defender, then you check if wartale files are one of the "allowed threats" inside the windows security.

Edited by vinixD

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There is no installer , you just need the folder and the game.exe to run the game

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Yeah but that is not working for him. For some reason his launcher connects with the server to update, but not to connect to the game.

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Seems like something is corrupting the game while updating, I'm almost sure it is windows defender or another antivirus.

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This didn't work. ?

The anti virus I have is Bitdefender, which I did everything possible to assure it didn't block the game. (Short of just straight up uninstalling it) I've tried various other potential blocked apploications on windows side too, and none have found anything blocked.

Do you happen to know if anyone has experienced issues like this, based off of connection ports?

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I´ve havent done anything with windows 7 in a long time and, im unsure if there is the same options as in the windows 10 version.

Unsure if you are able to restore files, with litterly " Restore files" but if its been deleted by the windows defender/anti virus I dont know.


Most of all only thing I could see you do is turning either your defender and anti virus software off or approve the folder where you install Wartale aswell win 32


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  1. Open Windows Security.
  2. Select Virus & threat protection and then click Protection history.
  3. In the list of all recent items, filter on Quarantined Items.
  4. Select an item you want to keep, and take an action, such as restore.




If this doesnt work then delete all wartale files from PC, then download game again and run. If the issue reoccurs then follow the above steps to remove from the defender.


And upgrade from win7... even Microsoft are no longer supporting the OS so dont expect game developers to support or assist you on it either

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