aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 1st i want to start the topic saying . I Dont have anything against VN! I have many friends VN and like viet without any problem! But lets get to the topic Im playing this game like 1 month already. Always when i go BC a BUNCH of VN come and GANG BANG me . I mean when i go BC is always VN vs other clans ! Why this hate on pvp? lol And lets face it the 1st in ranking is a VN lagger who abuse it and BSB all with stones ! He is 118 and kill me like hell and iam 136 lol. And he is not alone . Many PS vn use this benefit to kill other people high level abusing the lag and 1 hit KO and run! I got to say the real . IAM 136 PIKEMAN FULL 120+20 and i CANT survive BC without VL ! Cuz this noobs keep BSB me and i lose 100exp+ then i kill one of then and i get 2 exp . This is fair ? no lol but i dont care either. Slim is one JuMung another Bi-Dollar another one I can tell so many here So whats up guys? You guys are racist or what? Cuz i dont see VN atacking other VN people ! I just want to know whats going on So whats up guys? lets play fair or what? =) PS: this is not whinning cuz i dont care for losing exp in BC or dying ! Is just a topic to see whats going on in PVP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JotaPe 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 Welcome to Wartale Bro. I started to play in January, when the server had many VN , VN abusers in BC, then i thought that VN are all hackers and buggers, and I began to hate them!! I've been PS 136, top2 server, but the laggers won me every time!! But I don't know who started with lag abuse. Because today I see many BR's = VN in BC rsrs, Maybe BR started with abuse because VN are abuser, or contrary! Then I don't know whats up, but I don't hate VN anymore. I only play with my char and kill who i want (BR's , VN's, PH's and etc.) =] I think the EXP Table will be changed, then this problem will be solved!! GL With ur new char rsrs! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 yes i see many BR abusing this too! But my point is . Where this hate come from? lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seph182 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 First was FaceOff, now VN I dont think it will end =p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JotaPe 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 I think... When they lose , they die for abusers... I dont know if is something vs. race... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geovane 78 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 This guys just make u lose the will of playing, as u said guys u can have a 13x char full 120 +20 and even so u will die Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uok_vn 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 I hate them, too. I see some people say he is pro because he have high XP with lag abuser. What the meaning when war (battle) with hit and run. Let's DIE BUT DON"T RUN, BC just for fun with some kk buy Restoration Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 It isn't vn problems, it is a PLAYER matter. Players who are lag abusers, players that use lag only for their own benefit, I can name you a few: kitkid, Tyr4nt, CHU, Bskr, members of Assassins clan...I guess these are the "kings" of lag. They make PvP an unbearable thing sometimes, they make you don't want to donate better itens cause they make you die for their lag. If it were unconscious, I wouldn't hate them, but they do that wanting you to be angry to them, they do that with that purpose. That, I guess, it's the main thing. yes i know as i said in beggining of topic ! Is not VN problem . Im just saying many guys who does that are VN! And atm this is a problem who make BC lame Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 yes i see many BR abusing this too! But my point is . Where this hate come from? lol You might say that it started when Heaven/MyHome (mostly VN hackers and trollers) started to ruin realmpt's pvp and ranking lists by mostly cheating, then taking credit for 'being good players', pretending to be innocent, started calling everybody else noobs, and pretty much brought the /hate upon themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 Like melo said. It's almost like the immigrant situation in this country (perhaps every country), U got 2 groups, the fair ppl who try to do the best they can. Aaaand the 4ssholes. That group is always bigger then the one who wants to be equal to the rest by doing the best they can. In this case, some cheaters f*cked up for the fair ppl and now they both suffer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Odoaker 0 Report post Posted July 9, 2011 yes i see many BR abusing this too! But my point is . Where this hate come from? lol You might say that it started when Heaven/MyHome (mostly VN hackers and trollers) started to ruin realmpt's pvp and ranking lists by mostly cheating, then taking credit for 'being good players', pretending to be innocent, started calling everybody else noobs, and pretty much brought the /hate upon themselves. Can we get an AMEN!? And while we are at it, a HALLELUJA!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkPunker 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2011 hate come from Vietclan(just v n players ) ..if i remember.. many hackers in this clan.. ! so.. the hate start for they all ! AND PL0X.. to defenders of clan VN.. no post sh1t! everyone know that 80% are hacker.. GM banned many ppl there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkPunker 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2011 ah..! i forgot something.... THEY INSULT US EVERYTIME SAYING.."DOG BR.. COME TO BC" DOG DOG" DOG RUNNER" DOG NOOB" DOWN DOG" DOG DEAD" (really LOLED ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davv 2 Report post Posted July 10, 2011 for the last time : there is no such thing as lag abusing most of the people you call "laggers" have really no idea what's happening. from their point of view there is no difference. now stop the hating and the racism. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites