wanna 14 Report post Posted November 29, 2020 There's 3 parts of the game that kinda confuse me because they feel strange to me. 1: Weight vs inventory. I don't get why this was implemented the way it was. Games tend to use one or the other but in PT it's both. With an inventory system and items having predefined shapes, the idea would be to puzzle it together to make as much of it fit. With a weight systems, the approach tends to be along the lines of pick whatever you want until you reach the weight limit. This game does this weird hybrid where you have to puzzle things together while dealing with an unfun version of weight, mostly because it's tied primarily to the strength stat. I feel like the original idea behind it was to have some classes use other main stats but then give them specific tools. For instance mage and prs having strong aoe (when t2 was the thing, watornado and lightning) means they could clear lots of mobs but couldn't pick up as much so they're be incentivized to group up with more strength based classes. But they already got inherent weaknesses (low armor so not tanky) so why double it that way? You end up with band-aid solutions like the premium item adding 1k weight. Do people actually like how all of that works? 2: stamina vs mp. The more I was playing, the more boring it felt to have two resources that... did the same? Stamina used to be this thing where you'd run out of it if you ran around too much. But with increased teleportation, mobility and the like that never ever happens anymore (not to mention just potting). At this point it feels like a glorified mp bar that just goes down when casting spells. This is such a missed opportunity to make it into class specific resource. The "coolest" interaction I've had with it so far is on a knight with lightning sword needing you to pool enough before use as it drains it all cast. As it stands it's just a button to press to pot every once in a while. 3: exp vs hunt maps. I don't know if the origins of the split happened on the official servers or through the private server community but it feels odd to me to have this very obvious split in how the game is played. All the og maps just had everything baked in them. You farmed mobs for both xp and loot. In many ways this games feels closer to an Arpg like PoE/Diablo than an mmo to me. Instead of being instanced though you have open world with respawning mobs. But the actions is pretty quick, you spam skills a lot, and there's tons of loot on the floor (most of it bad ofc). Then all of a sudden you have to choose between xping and that more action gameplay to killing mobs for loot with mobs that have tons of hp and deal way more damage than you xp mobs. You got from killing 10 mobs in 10 seconds to 1 in 20. I saw a video about someone in SS, a priest using a mech tank and it took like 30s to kill 4 mobs. It just looks and feels so... bland compared to sitting in a hellspawn, lots of mobs around you, casting some strong aoe to clear them. If you do it at appropriate levels it's still a challenge to tank, and pot on time. It just feels so different from the intended gameplay that I'm confused as to how it became like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted November 29, 2020 (edited) One of the unique aspects of this game as a whole, is how it is bizarrely designed. Many aspects of P.riston Tale as a game is completely unreasonable nor follow any kind of sense. It is completely out of touch with all other games of it's era and others that came before and after. I'd love to imagine how it was done and designed back then. To be honest, I strongly believe it wasn't designed to begin with, they simply kept doing stuff out of their heads and/or copying many things of Diablo. When you play Diablo you realize how much of a "inspiration" the koreans had over on this game, haha If you paid attention: Inventory system is the same, HP / MP and Stamina (yellow) is the same, the bracelet slots for potions, overall GUI design is the same, characters also have 2 rings and necklace, and instead of bracelet, it has belts. Even the itens is almost the same design! haha 12 hours ago, wanna said: 1: Weight vs inventory. One thing for sure, as a RPG it tried to be realistic in some sense. The inventory system is playe unique and interesting. Albeit, well, a copy of Diablo inventory system, I like it. There are very, very few games that uses this inventory system, and the ones I can remember off is just PTale and Diablo. The realism on this inventory system is kinda the same when you're trying to put more stuff on your bag or on your closet. If you simply put stuff there without any organization, it will get cluttered and you might not make use of the physical space as a whole. But when you take care and organize it, you can use 100% of the physical space. Weight is also another shot on realism, technically you can't carry unlimited aumont of things on your bag, it will be too heavy, you'll be slowed down and be even unable to move. On this game, stuff that well, realistically should weight more, actually weights more. That's why Axes are heavier than Swords, same way Armors are heaviner than Robes. Weight is a system much more common on other games. As a game aspect, it's primary objective is to be a resource, just like many other you have, like MP, cooldowns, etc. When you see Weight as a resource, just like any other resources in any game, you'll have to manage it. Managing resources is one of the small things that can make a difference between mindless and competitive gaming. As any resource, it is finite and variable, so, it forces you to actually plan a build to make the best of it, and then disallow you to keep playing farming/hunting forever, nor allow you to carry unlimited aumont of items and potions. The secondary objective of both Iventory Size / Weight is to, well, allow the developers monetize over it, selling powerups/upgrades for real money. Like - increase your inventory size and weight capacity. As on how it works on Wartale, I believe it's decent. I mean, many things were done to improve on many inventory/weight issues, like more pages of warehouse inventory, caravans and Gravity Stone. However I believe it could be improved, on many aspects. Like a completely overhaul on actual, per item weight. Then, an overhaul on the formula that defines weight. And I would like more emphasis on weight on a per-class basis. I find no problem on a class having more weight capacity over others. Let's remember, this game is supposed to be a RPG. A magician would never be able to carry the same weight of an wild warrior like Fighter. I do miss skills and effects that uses both the player and target weight. both PTale and Wartale has none. Ragnarok made very good use of weight system to also affect on how skills and classes should be played. 12 hours ago, wanna said: 2: stamina vs mp. Here is one of the many bizarre design decisions and a copy of Diablo. Having two primary resources to actually fight is a good idea, but how it was executed and mechanically worked was a disaster. I believe when the young korean students that create the game first build on their 3D university, thought of having two resources, one primary for physically based classess, and other for more magic oriented classes, then, spicing things by having some skill using the opposite resource here and there. Stamina is clearly a resource attached for physical aspects of the body - Walking and running depletes it, but for no reason at all, attacking does not, depletes it, just stop. On the end, it was just a copy of Diablo's Stamina system. Even the formula! Diablo's Stamina is just for movement system, it determines how much you can actually run, and Vitality increases your stamina. That's the exact same formula here, haha. The worst - it just became a secondary MP resource system, where skills follows the same pattern of stamina requirement spreaded over all classes. Actually, there are very very few skills that uses a different pattern of MP and STM requirements. In the end, I belive Stamina does feel completely useless. I've always hated it because, well, Knight has a passive that boost Stamina. Imagine - having a skill of your character that literally provides 0 benefit, a complete waste of skill tree slot. Leveling it (and wasting precious skill points) allowed you to... Cast two to three skills more before having to pot Stamina. I was the one who suggested Lightning Sword on KS to use it's Stamina over time, to simply JUSTIFY the existence of this lame passive. (the original release of the skill, it was just a normal MP and STM requirement, where holding the skill didn't consume anything after initial cast). You have to actually put some points on this passive to allow you fully cast Lightning Sword. That's why I believe LS should have more power and effectiveness it has today, bascily you have to level another skill to make use of it. Personally I would expand a lot on Stamina and Mana, making both to behave as true different types of resources and allowing new, exclusive features attached to each resource. Here is one for Stamina:1. Dash. A key shortcut for "Dash" mode to some classess - allowing you to dash faster than normal running speed. Initial Dashing speed is based on maximum stamina, but the increased dash speed reduces based on your current stamina. While Dashing: Ignores Unit Collision (you can move through any object) Enemies still calculates unit collition with the player under dash. When it makes contact, enemies will be pushed away(knock backed) Ignores Stuns and Slow Downs, but receiving stuns and ice/slows during dash greatly decreases your Stamina by each source of these crowd controls Decreases stamina by each attack received, regardless of damage or if it was blocked/defended/evaded Ignores flinch Ignores all AoE attacks damage Starts a timer counter, and after dashing, Attack Speed and Attack Power is increased, and Attack Rating is greatly increased for the total aumont of time spent while Dashing. Dashing consumes your Stamina extremely quickly, and once you stop dashing, you'll be on "Exhausted / Fatigued" state. Dashing should grant super movement speeds and consume a full stamina bar over few seconds. Using any potion ends the dash. Character enters Exhaust state after stopping to dash while still having remaining Stamina.When Exhausted: The Initial cooldown of the Exhaustion is based on how much stamina you have after stopping to dash. All elemental resistances obtained through items are removed (character has 0 resistance if it doesn't have any kind of elemental resistance passive or Magician isn't using Zenith) Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Potion animation is 33% slower You can't cast Skills based on Stamina Swapping Current Weapons Set (Changing current weapons through W ) or unequipping / equipping gears, grealty consume the remaining Stamina Attacking / Casting MP skills while Exhausted will halt it and increases the cooldown time by a large margin per second spent on attack/skill animations, and greatly consume the remaining Stamina. Running while Exhausted will halt the Exhaust cooldown and even increase it by a little each second you have, plus, consuming the remaining Stamina even faster than normal running STM comsumption. Walking counts the Exhaust cooldown normally, but consumes remaining stamina a bit less faster than running. Standing still counts the Exhaust cooldown faster, stamina regeneration is halted.If you run out of stamina completely by Dashing or actions used during Exhaust state, you'll be fatigued.When Fatigued: Can't attack Can't Run or Walk Character can't swap weapons set nor equip gears. Using HP, Mana and Stamina potions wouldn't have any effect at all Potion animation is 50% slower Can't block, defend nor evade any attack All elemental resistances are 0, regardless of passives or using Zenith Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All HP, MP and Stamina sources are 0, even external ones Can't be healed by any external sources Current buffs from skills stop having any kind of effect Fatigue cooldown is based on maximum stamina aumont. The cooldown is displayed by regenerating the Stamina itself. If character has higher maximum stamina, the cooldown translated on stamina regen is higher. Fatigue ends when character get's it's stamina back to 100% (end of cooldown) or dies.Exhaustion and Fatigue could be instantly removed by Cleansing effects (like new itens/ potions and Priestess t5) 2. Making Skills to use just one resource, based on class stereotype. Like, all physical based classes should use Stamina as a primary resource. Example, Fighter, Mechanician, Pikeman... All classic examples of physical, so they should use only Stamina on their skills. Where Magician, Priestess, Shaman should use only Mana as a primary source. But, some key skills, should still require both sources or the opposite source, to mix things up. Some unused/less powerfull skills could be tweaked to use the opposite resource, to work as a backup when going on Exhaust mode3. Classes based on Stamina should have a greatly reduced Mana formula, Classes based on Mana should have a greatly reduced Stamina formula Some classes should and will have different ratios for both resources, regardless of it's primary type. For example, I would fit Knight to be primary Stamina, but still having key Mana aspects, acting more like a hybrid class.4. Arcane Overflow Just like Dashing, this is a special mode for Mana based characters. A shortcut to this mode should also be added. During Arcane Overflow: Mana based skills have many parameters boosted: Cast range, Radius size, cone width and reach, linear width and reach, Attack Damage Side effects of the skill itself is also boosted (like chances of applying some elemental effect, and the strenght of the effect itself) Attack Speed of said skills is greatly increased Can't be cast interrupted by stun nor re-allocated by knockbacks Passively deals constantly, but little damage to enemies near you Passively heals allies Mana near you Default attacks and Skills will always hit the target Each Mana Skill greatly consumes your current Mana Greatly reduces your MP just being on this state, when going out of it, enters on Lethargy State Using any potion ends Arcane OverflowWhen Lethargic: The Initial cooldown of the Lethargy is based on how much mana you have after stopping to Overflow. All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Attacking / Casting MP skills will have just 1/3 of all it's effects (be cast range, range itself, attack damage, etc) Critical chance is 0%, regardless of having external crit chance buffs Any debuff/crowd control skill has 0% chance and 0% strenght Casting Stamina skills will consume the remaining Mana and Stamina Casting mana skills will greatly consume the remaining Mana Default attacking will consume the remaining Mana Same rules of Exhaust, to halt, prolong or quicken the Lethargic CooldownIf you run out of Mana completely by Arcane Overflow or actions used during Lethargic state, you'll be Magic fatigued Magic Fatigue has all the same rules of Fatigue, the key difference is Mana being used to display the cooldown, and it's time is based on the Mana regeneration. 12 hours ago, wanna said: 3: exp vs hunt maps. This is mostly a trait developed on non-officials servers. Honestly I kinda get the idea behind it, but at least on Wartale it could've executed far better. To be honest, the progression system is the worst aspect of Wartale as a server, and is the biggest flaw of the server by far. Exp and Hunt was kinda forced on 2 aspects: AoE and 1v1. This is where the idea went from good to absolutely horrible on execution. Having exp maps based on this style of gameplay created a very hard balance problem to solve. Exp maps or party quests for exping greatly favoured strong AoE classes, where hunting greatly favoured strong 1v1 classes. Over the course of the server History, there wasn't a middle ground. There always a best class for AoE leveling, and always a best class for 1v1 Hunting. As soon as a class got some really good AoE and 1v1, it would simply be the most broken class of the game. I find no problem on maps focused on exping and others on hunting, but I would do it on a different way. First, not make Exp maps 100% exp maps - I mean, when playing on Exp maps, you could still drop items, but at a much lower frequency. So, overall the chance of getting items would be much less. Then, the same trait for Hunt Maps - Instead of just wasting time on the hope of dropping something actually good, you could get a lot more exp, but not the same as an exp map. Then, mix both modes with all styles of gameplay. Exp maps could be both 1v1, aoe, roaming and party quest. Same could be said to Hunt maps. Edited November 29, 2020 by DarkLink64 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
z0r 68 Report post Posted November 29, 2020 59 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said: One of the unique aspects of this game as a whole, is how it is bizarrely designed. Many aspects of P.riston Tale as a game is completely unreasonable nor follow any kind of sense. It is completely out of touch with all other games of it's era and others that came before and after. I'd love to imagine how it was done and designed back then. To be honest, I strongly believe it wasn't designed to begin with, they simply kept doing stuff out of their heads and/or copying many things of Diablo. When you play Diablo you realize how much of a "inspiration" the koreans had over on this game, haha If you paid attention: Inventory system is the same, HP / MP and Stamina (yellow) is the same, the bracelet slots for potions, overall GUI design is the same, characters also have 2 rings and necklace, and instead of bracelet, it has belts. Even the itens is almost the same design! haha One thing for sure, as a RPG it tried to be realistic in some sense. The inventory system is playe unique and interesting. Albeit, well, a copy of Diablo inventory system, I like it. There are very, very few games that uses this inventory system, and the ones I can remember off is just PTale and Diablo. The realism on this inventory system is kinda the same when you're trying to put more stuff on your bag or on your closet. If you simply put stuff there without any organization, it will get cluttered and you might not make use of the physical space as a whole. But when you take care and organize it, you can use 100% of the physical space. Weight is also another shot on realism, technically you can't carry unlimited aumont of things on your bag, it will be too heavy, you'll be slowed down and be even unable to move. On this game, stuff that well, realistically should weight more, actually weights more. That's why Axes are heavier than Swords, same way Armors are heaviner than Robes. Weight is a system much more common on other games. As a game aspect, it's primary objective is to be a resource, just like many other you have, like MP, cooldowns, etc. When you see Weight as a resource, just like any other resources in any game, you'll have to manage it. Managing resources is one of the small things that can make a difference between mindless and competitive gaming. As any resource, it is finite and variable, so, it forces you to actually plan a build to make the best of it, and then disallow you to keep playing farming/hunting forever, nor allow you to carry unlimited aumont of items and potions. The secondary objective of both Iventory Size / Weight is to, well, allow the developers monetize over it, selling powerups/upgrades for real money. Like - increase your inventory size and weight capacity. As on how it works on Wartale, I believe it's decent. I mean, many things were done to improve on many inventory/weight issues, like more pages of warehouse inventory, caravans and Gravity Stone. However I believe it could be improved, on many aspects. Like a completely overhaul on actual, per item weight. Then, an overhaul on the formula that defines weight. And I would like more emphasis on weight on a per-class basis. I find no problem on a class having more weight capacity over others. Let's remember, this game is supposed to be a RPG. A magician would never be able to carry the same weight of an wild warrior like Fighter. I do miss skills and effects that uses both the player and target weight. both PTale and Wartale has none. Ragnarok made very good use of weight system to also affect on how skills and classes should be played. Here is one of the many bizarre design decisions and a copy of Diablo. Having two primary resources to actually fight is a good idea, but how it was executed and mechanically worked was a disaster. I believe when the young korean students that create the game first build on their 3D university, thought of having two resources, one primary for physically based classess, and other for more magic oriented classes, then, spicing things by having some skill using the opposite resource here and there. Stamina is clearly a resource attached for physical aspects of the body - Walking and running depletes it, but for no reason at all, attacking does not, depletes it, just stop. On the end, it was just a copy of Diablo's Stamina system. Even the formula! Diablo's Stamina is just for movement system, it determines how much you can actually run, and Vitality increases your stamina. That's the exact same formula here, haha. The worst - it just became a secondary MP resource system, where skills follows the same pattern of stamina requirement spreaded over all classes. Actually, there are very very few skills that uses a different pattern of MP and STM requirements. In the end, I belive Stamina does feel completely useless. I've always hated it because, well, Knight has a passive that boost Stamina. Imagine - having a skill of your character that literally provides 0 benefit, a complete waste of skill tree slot. Leveling it (and wasting precious skill points) allowed you to... Cast two to three skills more before having to pot Stamina. I was the one who suggested Lightning Sword on KS to use it's Stamina over time, to simply JUSTIFY the existence of this lame passive. (the original release of the skill, it was just a normal MP and STM requirement, where holding the skill didn't consume anything after initial cast). You have to actually put some points on this passive to allow you fully cast Lightning Sword. That's why I believe LS should have more power and effectiveness it has today, bascily you have to level another skill to make use of it. Personally I would expand a lot on Stamina and Mana, making both to behave as true different types of resources and allowing new, exclusive features attached to each resource. Here is one for Stamina:1. Dash. A key shortcut for "Dash" mode to some classess - allowing you to dash faster than normal running speed. Initial Dashing speed is based on maximum stamina, but the increased dash speed reduces based on your current stamina. While Dashing: Ignores Unit Collision (you can move through any object) Enemies still calculates unit collition with the player under dash. When it makes contact, enemies will be pushed away(knock backed) Ignores Stuns and Slow Downs, but receiving stuns and ice/slows during dash greatly decreases your Stamina by each source of these crowd controls Decreases stamina by each attack received, regardless of damage or if it was blocked/defended/evaded Ignores flinch Ignores all AoE attacks damage Starts a timer counter, and after dashing, Attack Speed and Attack Power is increased, and Attack Rating is greatly increased for the total aumont of time spent while Dashing. Dashing consumes your Stamina extremely quickly, and once you stop dashing, you'll be on "Exhausted / Fatigued" state. Dashing should grant super movement speeds and consume a full stamina bar over few seconds. Using any potion ends the dash. Character enters Exhaust state after stopping to dash while still having remaining Stamina.When Exhausted: The Initial cooldown of the Exhaustion is based on how much stamina you have after stopping to dash. All elemental resistances obtained through items are removed (character has 0 resistance if it doesn't have any kind of elemental resistance passive or Magician isn't using Zenith) Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Potion animation is 33% slower You can't cast Skills based on Stamina Swapping Current Weapons Set (Changing current weapons through W ) or unequipping / equipping gears, grealty consume the remaining Stamina Attacking / Casting MP skills while Exhausted will halt it and increases the cooldown time by a large margin per second spent on attack/skill animations, and greatly consume the remaining Stamina. Running while Exhausted will halt the Exhaust cooldown and even increase it by a little each second you have, plus, consuming the remaining Stamina even faster than normal running STM comsumption. Walking counts the Exhaust cooldown normally, but consumes remaining stamina a bit less faster than running. Standing still counts the Exhaust cooldown faster, stamina regeneration is halted.If you run out of stamina completely by Dashing or actions used during Exhaust state, you'll be fatigued.When Fatigued: Can't attack Can't Run or Walk Character can't swap weapons set nor equip gears. Using HP, Mana and Stamina potions wouldn't have any effect at all Potion animation is 50% slower Can't block, defend nor evade any attack All elemental resistances are 0, regardless of passives or using Zenith Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All HP, MP and Stamina sources are 0, even external ones Can't be healed by any external sources Current buffs from skills stop having any kind of effect Fatigue cooldown is based on maximum stamina aumont. The cooldown is displayed by regenerating the Stamina itself. If character has higher maximum stamina, the cooldown translated on stamina regen is higher. Fatigue ends when character get's it's stamina back to 100% (end of cooldown) or dies.Exhaustion and Fatigue could be instantly removed by Cleansing effects (like new itens/ potions and Priestess t5) 2. Making Skills to use just one resource, based on class stereotype. Like, all physical based classes should use Stamina as a primary resource. Example, Fighter, Mechanician, Pikeman... All classic examples of physical, so they should use only Stamina on their skills. Where Magician, Priestess, Shaman should use only Mana as a primary source. But, some key skills, should still require both sources or the opposite source, to mix things up. Some unused/less powerfull skills could be tweaked to use the opposite resource, to work as a backup when going on Exhaust mode3. Classes based on Stamina should have a greatly reduced Mana formula, Classes based on Mana should have a greatly reduced Stamina formula Some classes should and will have different ratios for both resources, regardless of it's primary type. For example, I would fit Knight to be primary Stamina, but still having key Mana aspects, acting more like a hybrid class.4. Arcane Overflow Just like Dashing, this is a special mode for Mana based characters. A shortcut to this mode should also be added. During Arcane Overflow: Mana based skills have many parameters boosted: Cast range, Radius size, cone width and reach, linear width and reach, Attack Damage Side effects of the skill itself is also boosted (like chances of applying some elemental effect, and the strenght of the effect itself) Attack Speed of said skills is greatly increased Can't be cast interrupted by stun nor re-allocated by knockbacks Passively deals constantly, but little damage to enemies near you Passively heals allies Mana near you Default attacks and Skills will always hit the target Each Mana Skill greatly consumes your current Mana Greatly reduces your MP just being on this state, when going out of it, enters on Lethargy State Using any potion ends Arcane OverflowWhen Lethargic: The Initial cooldown of the Lethargy is based on how much mana you have after stopping to Overflow. All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Attacking / Casting MP skills will have just 1/3 of all it's effects (be cast range, range itself, attack damage, etc) Critical chance is 0%, regardless of having external crit chance buffs Any debuff/crowd control skill has 0% chance and 0% strenght Casting Stamina skills will consume the remaining Mana and Stamina Casting mana skills will greatly consume the remaining Mana Default attacking will consume the remaining Mana Same rules of Exhaust, to halt, prolong or quicken the Lethargic CooldownIf you run out of Mana completely by Arcane Overflow or actions used during Lethargic state, you'll be Magic fatigued Magic Fatigue has all the same rules of Fatigue, the key difference is Mana being used to display the cooldown, and it's time is based on the Mana regeneration. This is mostly a trait developed on non-officials servers. Honestly I kinda get the idea behind it, but at least on Wartale it could've executed far better. To be honest, the progression system is the worst aspect of Wartale as a server, and is the biggest flaw of the server by far. Exp and Hunt was kinda forced on 2 aspects: AoE and 1v1. This is where the idea went from good to absolutely horrible on execution. Having exp maps based on this style of gameplay created a very hard balance problem to solve. Exp maps or party quests for exping greatly favoured strong AoE classes, where hunting greatly favoured strong 1v1 classes. Over the course of the server History, there wasn't a middle ground. There always a best class for AoE leveling, and always a best class for 1v1 Hunting. As soon as a class got some really good AoE and 1v1, it would simply be the most broken class of the game. I find no problem on maps focused on exping and others on hunting, but I would do it on a different way. First, not make Exp maps 100% exp maps - I mean, when playing on Exp maps, you could still drop items, but at a much lower frequency. So, overall the chance of getting items would be much less. Then, the same trait for Hunt Maps - Instead of just wasting time on the hope of dropping something actually good, you could get a lot more exp, but not the same as an exp map. Then, mix both modes with all styles of gameplay. Exp maps could be both 1v1, aoe, roaming and party quest. Same could be said to Hunt maps. +1 nice suggestion all members should read this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TigerShark22 489 Report post Posted November 29, 2020 (edited) 13 hours ago, wanna said: There's 3 parts of the game that kinda confuse me because they feel strange to me. 1: Weight vs inventory. I don't get why this was implemented the way it was. Games tend to use one or the other but in PT it's both. With an inventory system and items having predefined shapes, the idea would be to puzzle it together to make as much of it fit. With a weight systems, the approach tends to be along the lines of pick whatever you want until you reach the weight limit. This game does this weird hybrid where you have to puzzle things together while dealing with an unfun version of weight, mostly because it's tied primarily to the strength stat. I feel like the original idea behind it was to have some classes use other main stats but then give them specific tools. For instance mage and prs having strong aoe (when t2 was the thing, watornado and lightning) means they could clear lots of mobs but couldn't pick up as much so they're be incentivized to group up with more strength based classes. But they already got inherent weaknesses (low armor so not tanky) so why double it that way? You end up with band-aid solutions like the premium item adding 1k weight. Do people actually like how all of that works? 2: stamina vs mp. The more I was playing, the more boring it felt to have two resources that... did the same? Stamina used to be this thing where you'd run out of it if you ran around too much. But with increased teleportation, mobility and the like that never ever happens anymore (not to mention just potting). At this point it feels like a glorified mp bar that just goes down when casting spells. This is such a missed opportunity to make it into class specific resource. The "coolest" interaction I've had with it so far is on a knight with lightning sword needing you to pool enough before use as it drains it all cast. As it stands it's just a button to press to pot every once in a while. 3: exp vs hunt maps. I don't know if the origins of the split happened on the official servers or through the private server community but it feels odd to me to have this very obvious split in how the game is played. All the og maps just had everything baked in them. You farmed mobs for both xp and loot. In many ways this games feels closer to an Arpg like PoE/Diablo than an mmo to me. Instead of being instanced though you have open world with respawning mobs. But the actions is pretty quick, you spam skills a lot, and there's tons of loot on the floor (most of it bad ofc). Then all of a sudden you have to choose between xping and that more action gameplay to killing mobs for loot with mobs that have tons of hp and deal way more damage than you xp mobs. You got from killing 10 mobs in 10 seconds to 1 in 20. I saw a video about someone in SS, a priest using a mech tank and it took like 30s to kill 4 mobs. It just looks and feels so... bland compared to sitting in a hellspawn, lots of mobs around you, casting some strong aoe to clear them. If you do it at appropriate levels it's still a challenge to tank, and pot on time. It just feels so different from the intended gameplay that I'm confused as to how it became like this. About mp vs stm, its not the same. 2. Stamina is like ur physical tiredness, MP is like ur magical tiredness in a magic word. the sense behind it that u cant cast spells/ use skills forever. Both spells and skills might make u more tired physically, and mentally ( stm and mp ), I think thats where it comes from. 1.At weight vs invetory limit- you got ur answer, though gotta fish it from the long af text of DL ( didnt read all of it too, just skip the unimportant parts and get straight to the point ). 3. exp vs hunt maps ( Idk if he answered it, didnt bother fishing that, Ill do it anyway ) - its a privet server, pay attention that there are benfits to this server. u can also lvl in hunt maps too, it is just isnt as effective as lvling in exp maps, till you catch up to the rest. in high lvls ( especially 140~144 + ) those maps are" combined", and u can gain both exp and loot. the exp maps at the start kind of boost you, and help you lvl up way faster, but in exchange yes, theres no loot there except potions and gold( which is still , something nice ) . Edited November 29, 2020 by TigerShark22 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luca 226 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 2 hours ago, DarkLink64 said: One of the unique aspects of this game as a whole, is how it is bizarrely designed. Many aspects of P.riston Tale as a game is completely unreasonable nor follow any kind of sense. It is completely out of touch with all other games of it's era and others that came before and after. I'd love to imagine how it was done and designed back then. To be honest, I strongly believe it wasn't designed to begin with, they simply kept doing stuff out of their heads and/or copying many things of Diablo. When you play Diablo you realize how much of a "inspiration" the koreans had over on this game, haha If you paid attention: Inventory system is the same, HP / MP and Stamina (yellow) is the same, the bracelet slots for potions, overall GUI design is the same, characters also have 2 rings and necklace, and instead of bracelet, it has belts. Even the itens is almost the same design! haha One thing for sure, as a RPG it tried to be realistic in some sense. The inventory system is playe unique and interesting. Albeit, well, a copy of Diablo inventory system, I like it. There are very, very few games that uses this inventory system, and the ones I can remember off is just PTale and Diablo. The realism on this inventory system is kinda the same when you're trying to put more stuff on your bag or on your closet. If you simply put stuff there without any organization, it will get cluttered and you might not make use of the physical space as a whole. But when you take care and organize it, you can use 100% of the physical space. Weight is also another shot on realism, technically you can't carry unlimited aumont of things on your bag, it will be too heavy, you'll be slowed down and be even unable to move. On this game, stuff that well, realistically should weight more, actually weights more. That's why Axes are heavier than Swords, same way Armors are heaviner than Robes. Weight is a system much more common on other games. As a game aspect, it's primary objective is to be a resource, just like many other you have, like MP, cooldowns, etc. When you see Weight as a resource, just like any other resources in any game, you'll have to manage it. Managing resources is one of the small things that can make a difference between mindless and competitive gaming. As any resource, it is finite and variable, so, it forces you to actually plan a build to make the best of it, and then disallow you to keep playing farming/hunting forever, nor allow you to carry unlimited aumont of items and potions. The secondary objective of both Iventory Size / Weight is to, well, allow the developers monetize over it, selling powerups/upgrades for real money. Like - increase your inventory size and weight capacity. As on how it works on Wartale, I believe it's decent. I mean, many things were done to improve on many inventory/weight issues, like more pages of warehouse inventory, caravans and Gravity Stone. However I believe it could be improved, on many aspects. Like a completely overhaul on actual, per item weight. Then, an overhaul on the formula that defines weight. And I would like more emphasis on weight on a per-class basis. I find no problem on a class having more weight capacity over others. Let's remember, this game is supposed to be a RPG. A magician would never be able to carry the same weight of an wild warrior like Fighter. I do miss skills and effects that uses both the player and target weight. both PTale and Wartale has none. Ragnarok made very good use of weight system to also affect on how skills and classes should be played. Here is one of the many bizarre design decisions and a copy of Diablo. Having two primary resources to actually fight is a good idea, but how it was executed and mechanically worked was a disaster. I believe when the young korean students that create the game first build on their 3D university, thought of having two resources, one primary for physically based classess, and other for more magic oriented classes, then, spicing things by having some skill using the opposite resource here and there. Stamina is clearly a resource attached for physical aspects of the body - Walking and running depletes it, but for no reason at all, attacking does not, depletes it, just stop. On the end, it was just a copy of Diablo's Stamina system. Even the formula! Diablo's Stamina is just for movement system, it determines how much you can actually run, and Vitality increases your stamina. That's the exact same formula here, haha. The worst - it just became a secondary MP resource system, where skills follows the same pattern of stamina requirement spreaded over all classes. Actually, there are very very few skills that uses a different pattern of MP and STM requirements. In the end, I belive Stamina does feel completely useless. I've always hated it because, well, Knight has a passive that boost Stamina. Imagine - having a skill of your character that literally provides 0 benefit, a complete waste of skill tree slot. Leveling it (and wasting precious skill points) allowed you to... Cast two to three skills more before having to pot Stamina. I was the one who suggested Lightning Sword on KS to use it's Stamina over time, to simply JUSTIFY the existence of this lame passive. (the original release of the skill, it was just a normal MP and STM requirement, where holding the skill didn't consume anything after initial cast). You have to actually put some points on this passive to allow you fully cast Lightning Sword. That's why I believe LS should have more power and effectiveness it has today, bascily you have to level another skill to make use of it. Personally I would expand a lot on Stamina and Mana, making both to behave as true different types of resources and allowing new, exclusive features attached to each resource. Here is one for Stamina:1. Dash. A key shortcut for "Dash" mode to some classess - allowing you to dash faster than normal running speed. Initial Dashing speed is based on maximum stamina, but the increased dash speed reduces based on your current stamina. While Dashing: Ignores Unit Collision (you can move through any object) Enemies still calculates unit collition with the player under dash. When it makes contact, enemies will be pushed away(knock backed) Ignores Stuns and Slow Downs, but receiving stuns and ice/slows during dash greatly decreases your Stamina by each source of these crowd controls Decreases stamina by each attack received, regardless of damage or if it was blocked/defended/evaded Ignores flinch Ignores all AoE attacks damage Starts a timer counter, and after dashing, Attack Speed and Attack Power is increased, and Attack Rating is greatly increased for the total aumont of time spent while Dashing. Dashing consumes your Stamina extremely quickly, and once you stop dashing, you'll be on "Exhausted / Fatigued" state. Dashing should grant super movement speeds and consume a full stamina bar over few seconds. Using any potion ends the dash. Character enters Exhaust state after stopping to dash while still having remaining Stamina.When Exhausted: The Initial cooldown of the Exhaustion is based on how much stamina you have after stopping to dash. All elemental resistances obtained through items are removed (character has 0 resistance if it doesn't have any kind of elemental resistance passive or Magician isn't using Zenith) Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Potion animation is 33% slower You can't cast Skills based on Stamina Swapping Current Weapons Set (Changing current weapons through W ) or unequipping / equipping gears, grealty consume the remaining Stamina Attacking / Casting MP skills while Exhausted will halt it and increases the cooldown time by a large margin per second spent on attack/skill animations, and greatly consume the remaining Stamina. Running while Exhausted will halt the Exhaust cooldown and even increase it by a little each second you have, plus, consuming the remaining Stamina even faster than normal running STM comsumption. Walking counts the Exhaust cooldown normally, but consumes remaining stamina a bit less faster than running. Standing still counts the Exhaust cooldown faster, stamina regeneration is halted.If you run out of stamina completely by Dashing or actions used during Exhaust state, you'll be fatigued.When Fatigued: Can't attack Can't Run or Walk Character can't swap weapons set nor equip gears. Using HP, Mana and Stamina potions wouldn't have any effect at all Potion animation is 50% slower Can't block, defend nor evade any attack All elemental resistances are 0, regardless of passives or using Zenith Elemental debuffs has double the effect (Watornado reduces 100 of lightning resistance, instead of 50) All HP, MP and Stamina sources are 0, even external ones Can't be healed by any external sources Current buffs from skills stop having any kind of effect Fatigue cooldown is based on maximum stamina aumont. The cooldown is displayed by regenerating the Stamina itself. If character has higher maximum stamina, the cooldown translated on stamina regen is higher. Fatigue ends when character get's it's stamina back to 100% (end of cooldown) or dies.Exhaustion and Fatigue could be instantly removed by Cleansing effects (like new itens/ potions and Priestess t5) 2. Making Skills to use just one resource, based on class stereotype. Like, all physical based classes should use Stamina as a primary resource. Example, Fighter, Mechanician, Pikeman... All classic examples of physical, so they should use only Stamina on their skills. Where Magician, Priestess, Shaman should use only Mana as a primary source. But, some key skills, should still require both sources or the opposite source, to mix things up. Some unused/less powerfull skills could be tweaked to use the opposite resource, to work as a backup when going on Exhaust mode3. Classes based on Stamina should have a greatly reduced Mana formula, Classes based on Mana should have a greatly reduced Stamina formula Some classes should and will have different ratios for both resources, regardless of it's primary type. For example, I would fit Knight to be primary Stamina, but still having key Mana aspects, acting more like a hybrid class.4. Arcane Overflow Just like Dashing, this is a special mode for Mana based characters. A shortcut to this mode should also be added. During Arcane Overflow: Mana based skills have many parameters boosted: Cast range, Radius size, cone width and reach, linear width and reach, Attack Damage Side effects of the skill itself is also boosted (like chances of applying some elemental effect, and the strenght of the effect itself) Attack Speed of said skills is greatly increased Can't be cast interrupted by stun nor re-allocated by knockbacks Passively deals constantly, but little damage to enemies near you Passively heals allies Mana near you Default attacks and Skills will always hit the target Each Mana Skill greatly consumes your current Mana Greatly reduces your MP just being on this state, when going out of it, enters on Lethargy State Using any potion ends Arcane OverflowWhen Lethargic: The Initial cooldown of the Lethargy is based on how much mana you have after stopping to Overflow. All sources of HP, MP and Stamina Regen from gears are nullified (0 regen). External sources still work, but halved. Using Mana or Stamina potions wouldn't restore any point of both resourcesHP potions refill 1/3 of it's HP restoration values (like, if HP potion restores 1000 HP, it would then restore just 333). Healing received by Priestess or any other source like party heal items restores 1/3 of the initial heal value. Attacking / Casting MP skills will have just 1/3 of all it's effects (be cast range, range itself, attack damage, etc) Critical chance is 0%, regardless of having external crit chance buffs Any debuff/crowd control skill has 0% chance and 0% strenght Casting Stamina skills will consume the remaining Mana and Stamina Casting mana skills will greatly consume the remaining Mana Default attacking will consume the remaining Mana Same rules of Exhaust, to halt, prolong or quicken the Lethargic CooldownIf you run out of Mana completely by Arcane Overflow or actions used during Lethargic state, you'll be Magic fatigued Magic Fatigue has all the same rules of Fatigue, the key difference is Mana being used to display the cooldown, and it's time is based on the Mana regeneration. This is mostly a trait developed on non-officials servers. Honestly I kinda get the idea behind it, but at least on Wartale it could've executed far better. To be honest, the progression system is the worst aspect of Wartale as a server, and is the biggest flaw of the server by far. Exp and Hunt was kinda forced on 2 aspects: AoE and 1v1. This is where the idea went from good to absolutely horrible on execution. Having exp maps based on this style of gameplay created a very hard balance problem to solve. Exp maps or party quests for exping greatly favoured strong AoE classes, where hunting greatly favoured strong 1v1 classes. Over the course of the server History, there wasn't a middle ground. There always a best class for AoE leveling, and always a best class for 1v1 Hunting. As soon as a class got some really good AoE and 1v1, it would simply be the most broken class of the game. I find no problem on maps focused on exping and others on hunting, but I would do it on a different way. First, not make Exp maps 100% exp maps - I mean, when playing on Exp maps, you could still drop items, but at a much lower frequency. So, overall the chance of getting items would be much less. Then, the same trait for Hunt Maps - Instead of just wasting time on the hope of dropping something actually good, you could get a lot more exp, but not the same as an exp map. Then, mix both modes with all styles of gameplay. Exp maps could be both 1v1, aoe, roaming and party quest. Same could be said to Hunt maps. I really like DL's explanations. These are ideas that can be improved and I dream one day that they will be used by the team. I think this game has a lot of potential, to change to a more current path. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge that could help. About potions, I never understood why these very high rates. There is no use strategy, only repetition. That is tiring. There no fun. And what DL talked about maps: no matter what map you're on, everything will be together, that is, it will be you alone or in a group, which strategy will be defined for the gameplay, "let's use AoE, some lure, another tank or we will use our next 1v1", empowering us with buffs from each class. Edited November 30, 2020 by Luca Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wanna 14 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 3 hours ago, TigerShark22 said: About mp vs stm, its not the same. 2. Stamina is like ur physical tiredness, MP is like ur magical tiredness in a magic word. the sense behind it that u cant cast spells/ use skills forever. Both spells and skills might make u more tired physically, and mentally ( stm and mp ), I think thats where it comes from. I know where it comes from, that's how it sounds on paper but that's not how it plays out at all, let's be honest here. They're the same thing in two different colors. 5 hours ago, DarkLink64 said: The secondary objective of both Iventory Size / Weight is to, well, allow the developers monetize over it, selling powerups/upgrades for real money. Like - increase your inventory size and weight capacity. As on how it works on Wartale, I believe it's decent. I mean, many things were done to improve on many inventory/weight issues, like more pages of warehouse inventory, caravans and Gravity Stone. That's what I feel it comes down to. Very much in the same way so many eastern games, including PT, have a ****ty aging system. I actually brought some of those up myself and mentioned the "solutions" are just band-aids. Caravans have a time limit, gravity stone is a coin shop or premium item. And look, I get weight is a resource, but what baffles me is that it's combined with a limited inventory space. While "realism" should help you ground some systems, let's remember this is a game where you're casting magic, riding weird bunnies and stuff. So it only gets you so far. It's not realistic to carry 600 potions on you either. The main reason I brought this up was to see if people enjoy how it's implemented in the game. The more I played, the less I wanted to play and rather design a new games using the foundations of this one because I genuinely think it has a lot of good things. I realize it's a pipe dream but I already make game models for a living so if I ever pick up some programming... heh. 5 hours ago, DarkLink64 said: First, not make Exp maps 100% exp maps - I mean, when playing on Exp maps, you could still drop items, but at a much lower frequency. So, overall the chance of getting items would be much less. Then, the same trait for Hunt Maps - Instead of just wasting time on the hope of dropping something actually good, you could get a lot more exp, but not the same as an exp map. I saw some other place have an interesting implementation of essentially what you wrote. You could have a party wide toggle that decides if you go more exp like of hunt like. If you toggled the exp buff you got more exp but the amount of drops were reduced, and vice versa with the hunt mode. The obvious split is just so opposite to the general gameplay. As you pointed out, having to either go aoe or 1v1 is a big issue. I think there are more elegant solutions to still allow both gamestyles to co exist. If you look at og maps, like Oasis, you have 1-2 mob types with a lot more health and damage which make it hard for squishy ao classes to solo those maps and need more tanky 1v1 classes to help. While I like you put thought into giving stam and mp interesting mechanics, some of it reads like the most unfun things ever not going to lie. Did you ever think of redesigning classes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 9 hours ago, wanna said: That's what I feel it comes down to. Very much in the same way so many eastern games, including PT, have a ****ty aging system. I actually brought some of those up myself and mentioned the "solutions" are just band-aids. Caravans have a time limit, gravity stone is a coin shop or premium item. And look, I get weight is a resource, but what baffles me is that it's combined with a limited inventory space. While "realism" should help you ground some systems, let's remember this is a game where you're casting magic, riding weird bunnies and stuff. So it only gets you so far. It's not realistic to carry 600 potions on you either. The main reason I brought this up was to see if people enjoy how it's implemented in the game. The more I played, the less I wanted to play and rather design a new games using the foundations of this one because I genuinely think it has a lot of good things. I realize it's a pipe dream but I already make game models for a living so if I ever pick up some programming... heh. It doesn't baffle me. Like i've said, I like the way the Inventory works on P.riston. Having limited "physical" space and weight is not a bad thing on my point of view. To me it is a shot on realism, not a realism simulator. These are 2 different things. Many does feel the inventory being the way it is, might feel pure garbage. But once you save a day to just manage stuff, I do feel a reward satisfaction, the same way I feel a huge satisfaction when I stop to clean and organize my own house. It is tiredsome, a waste of time, but nonetheless, nothing than laying down on my bed after making my room tidy and organized. Feels great. I have so many stuff gathered over the past 10 years, to the point I need a ****load of accounts to store itens into. But when I stop to organize stuff, it's a major "waste of time", but I feel a relief on making my stuff to be organized and making use of what I have on an efficient way. This is one of things that I consider "micro advantages" concepts. You do this without thinking on a daily basis, but, it leaves you a storng impression as you play. Be negative or positive, it doesn't matter. Managing and wasting time with inventory system, If you do not feel baffled, it kinda creates a bond with the character and the stuff you have. And I feel a "bond", because, well, as much as I hate to keep logging so many frigging accounts to find whatever I want, i do feel rewarded after organizing everything so I could make use of my stuff on an easy way for a half a year or so, before stuff gets cluttered again. You get a strong bad impression on the system, I get frustrated on times I have to stop to play to just organize it, but when finish, I feel a relief and sensation of job done. Positive and negative, hand by hand. Whereas if it had the perfect inventory system, unlimited space and weight, you wouldn't create any kind of bond, nor memories / experience with it. As soon as stuff gets so easy, you take it for granted and instead of requiring some actual thought, it is just a braindead process of storing / picking up things. It's just there, without any kind of user experience impact/impression. However, for players like you that doesn't enjoy the system, I find it very, very unlikely to be a throwback to the point forcing a player to abandon the game, just because of it. It is doable if you prepare yourself beforehand. Edited November 30, 2020 by DarkLink64 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshy 1,385 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 11 hours ago, wanna said: I saw some other place have an interesting implementation of essentially what you wrote. You could have a party wide toggle that decides if you go more exp like of hunt like. If you toggled the exp buff you got more exp but the amount of drops were reduced, and vice versa with the hunt mode. The obvious split is just so opposite to the general gameplay. As you pointed out, having to either go aoe or 1v1 is a big issue. I think there are more elegant solutions to still allow both gamestyles to co exist. If you look at og maps, like Oasis, you have 1-2 mob types with a lot more health and damage which make it hard for squishy ao classes to solo those maps and need more tanky 1v1 classes to help. I kinda wish we had instanced dungeons, based on new or current maps. Instanced dungeons already have all mobs spawned, instead of spawning when you get close to it. If the monsters could be pre-spawned, interesting configurations could be done. Some rooms of the area could be set with strong monsters, with a distance from each other and very small lure distance, so, players would group themselves and kill said monster on a 1v1, and, someone would be required to stand the closes to it to tank. Then, a place could have a "continuous waves of spawn", like, a room where weaker monsters keep spawning in waves, up untill a certain aumont of waves are clear, unlocking the next area. And, same could be done for a room with so many monsters, so players could kill them in AoE fashion. The possibilities are vast, all it requires is a good time spent designing the dungeons altogheter. 11 hours ago, wanna said: While I like you put thought into giving stam and mp interesting mechanics, some of it reads like the most unfun things ever not going to lie. Did you ever think of redesigning classes? My my, since I ever started to play games, I keep thinking about changes that i think could be done, or creating my own designs for a game that I would love to play. Since i've joined Wartale, almost all of my threads are suggestions. If you got interest, when I was a child/teen, I wasn't able to play all days, i was able to play mostly on weekends, and when I got my own computer, i had to share it with my brother, so there are days that he could use, and days I could use. So when I was free, both on the school or on my job, and when I was home on days i wasn't able to play, one of my hobbies was to draw. But not only draw characters and stuff, but also write story, write down design/systems that I would like to make in the future or would want to play in a game. I have a notebook of my younger days, where I kept making my own characters and classes, items, system, skills, effects, animations, etc, heavily influenced by Grand Chase and P.riston Tale. Here are some pages of it. Edited November 30, 2020 by DarkLink64 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
z0r 68 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 36 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said: I kinda wish we had instanced dungeons, based on new or current maps. Instanced dungeons already have all mobs spawned, instead of spawning when you get close to it. If the monsters could be pre-spawned, interesting configurations could be done. Some rooms of the area could be set with strong monsters, with a distance from each other and very small lure distance, so, players would group themselves and kill said monster on a 1v1, and, someone would be required to stand the closes to it to tank. Then, a place could have a "continuous waves of spawn", like, a room where weaker monsters keep spawning in waves, up untill a certain aumont of waves are clear, unlocking the next area. And, same could be done for a room with so many monsters, so players could kill them in AoE fashion. The possibilities are vast, all it requires is a good time spent designing the dungeons altogheter. My my, since I ever started to play games, I keep thinking about changes that i think could be done, or creating my own designs for a game that I would love to play. Since i've joined Wartale, almost all of my threads are suggestions. If you got interest, when I was a child/teen, I wasn't able to play all days, i was able to play mostly on weekends, and when I got my own computer, i had to share it with my brother, so there are days that he could use, and days I could use. So when I was free, both on the school or on my job, and when I was home on days i wasn't able to play, one of my hobbies was to draw. But not only draw characters and stuff, but also write story, write down design/systems that I would like to make in the future or would want to play in a game. I have a notebook of my younger days, where I kept making my own characters and classes, items, system, skills, effects, animations, etc, heavily influenced by Grand Chase and P.riston Tale. Here are some pages of it. +1 wow nice draw @Wartale should read this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 2 hours ago, z0r said: +1 wow nice draw @Wartale should read this. Thanks! I never developed drawing skills to the point I wanted, but as soon i learned the basics, i wasnt able to focus on drawing lessons anymore, all i wanted is to draw wathever came up into my mind. I have plenty more if you guys wants to see. This is one of the oldest I have on my old hard disk, i believe i made it on 2007. I had so many drawings on this notebook, but, i never found it again after moving to a different house. My own take on Glacial Spike Edited November 30, 2020 by DarkLink64 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Palhacitos 480 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, DarkLink64 said: he always dreamed of you @Merenda ✿♥‿♥✿ Edited November 30, 2020 by Palhacitos 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merenda 694 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 14 minutes ago, Palhacitos said: he always dreamed of you @Merenda ✿♥‿♥✿ O_O' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted November 30, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, Palhacitos said: he always dreamed of you @Merenda ✿♥‿♥✿ I dreamt on learning how to actually make good drawings (never got good at it) and finish my own characters story haha Edited November 30, 2020 by DarkLink64 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites