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Question: MWM

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MWM 40 % damage is still big compared to knight's sword mastery 35% and fighter's melee mastery only 32%


i cant just compare those skills...

u have to see the overall resulst in dmg with other classes while fully buffed...


Maximize 150% with a 130 hammer +20 gives MUCH more ATK POW

I've already did the maths, its much more than Knight's god bless (everyone call this god bless buff as Overpower)


So there is no point, into MWM to be 40%


maxi should be > ks 100 buff!



mech will lose his best defence skill while using maxi, ks still can buff all his defence shit. so yes, maxi should be better than ks skill...the way it is now!


maximize + extreme shield + compulsion


The build name is POWER, not power and tanker

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i see so many people talk about "compulsion" but do u guys even know how that skill work?

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it only work when your enemies are in range while you use it. or else tat 42 abs has not effect at all.

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next time it will reduce MWM to 35%

and Maximize to 120%


bcos of mech can kill..

it will stop when mech cant kill trust me...

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