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S>T> MGs 152.18%nk >>> 14kc


S>T> FS 142.29%nk >>> 4.5kc/Mgs


S>T> Prs +24 122 DNT Wand >>> 3kc

S>T> Prs +20 120 DNT Robe >>> 1kc


S>T> Ms +24 134 -0-0 Claw >>> 3.5kc/Staff

S>T> Ms 136 DNT Boots BSol Velocity >>> 1kc/Mgs/Prs


S>T> Ata +24 120 DNT Shield >>> 3.5kc/Staff/Orb


S>T> MGs +23 134 Staff 157-166 >>> 3.5kc/7GB

S>T> MGs +22 128 Robe Def2000+60 Abs52.1 >>> 1.5kc

S>T> MGs +20 120 DNT Robe >>> 1kc


S>T> Ks 136 DNT Boots BSOL 1000STM  >>> 1.5kc/3GB


S>T> SS 134 DNT GauntBsolVit >>> 1kc





Edited by OrangeJuice

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pm (still no answer) dont want to deal ?

Edited by Smilo

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On 07/12/2020 at 20:59, OrangeJuice said:

S> T> MGs 151,10% nk >>> ???


S> T> Prs 140,15% nk >>> 4kc


S> T> Prs 136,70% nk >>> 1,7kc


S> T> Prs +22 128  DNT Robe >>> 2,5kc

S> T> Prs +22 128  DNT Orb >>> 2,5kc

S> T> Prs +21 122  DNT Varinha >>> 1,5k / 3GB

S> T> Prs +20 122  DNT Varinha >>> 1kc / 2GB

S> T> Prs 134 Gaunt BSM Vit Def437 + 92 Abs24.4 + 1.4 AtkPow / 10 >>> 400kk

S> T> Prs +20 120 DNT Robe >>> 1kc


S> T> MGs +24 136  DNT  Orb >>> 6kc

S> T> MGs +22 128 Robe Def2000 + 60 Abs52.1 >>> 2kc

S> T> MGs +20 120 DNT Robe >>> 1kc

S> T> MGs 138 Wand 129-138 -0-0 Bsol Vigor >>> 3,2kc / 6GB + 200kk

S> T> MGs 134 Equipe 144-156 Bsol Vigor >>> 800kk

S> T> MGs +23 134 Equipe 157-166 >>> 3,5kc / 7GB

S> T> MGs 136 Brac BSOL Vit AR266 Def 389 ARLv / 1 >>> 250kk


S> T> Ks 136 Botas DNT BSOL 1000STM >>> 1,5kc / 3GB


S> T> SS 134 DNT GauntBsolVit >>> 1kc

S> T> SS  136 Botas BSOL Velocidade Def313 Abs31.1 + 1.6 Spd11.5 + 1.8 >>> 500kk


S> T> +24 Magic Dagger Skin >>> 500kk

S> T> +22 Pele Candy Bow >>> 500kk

S> T> +24 Fs Samurai Sword Skin >>> 500kk


S> T> +23 Mgs 136 Orb Def 1924 + 55 Abs41.1 + 2.8 Blk16 + 8 >>> 4kc

S> T> Ms 136 Gaunt BSOL Vit Def455 + 96 Abs26.1 + 1.6 >>> 250kk

S> T> Ms 136 Boots BSOL 1000STM Def314 Abs24.8 + 1.6 Spd14.6 + 2.2 >>> 600kk

S> T> MGs 134 Gaunt BSM Fortitude Def498 + 97 Abs25.1 + 1.3 AtkPow / 10 >>> 400kk




(ServerTime: 01.00 ~ 11.00)

INT ATA 154 60% NAKED IN MG 151+ORB 136+24 MG DNT + WAND 138?

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