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•Virtual Life (VL) hidden absorb increase attribute removed ??

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now how train .......only ms and ks or 130+ all item+20(must use shield) can tank........



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Wartale will fix it later.


totally agree, like sandurr fixed the problem with mage and prs. Since removing hidden abs. he made 40 spirit = 0.7 abs which is totally awesome :)

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Wartale will fix it later.


totally agree, like sandurr fixed the problem with mage and prs. Since removing hidden abs. he made 40 spirit = 0.7 abs which is totally awesome :)


then only mage and prs can tank? is that what you mean? how about the other melee char that based spirit????  ???

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Wartale will fix it later.


totally agree, like sandurr fixed the problem with mage and prs. Since removing hidden abs. he made 40 spirit = 0.7 abs which is totally awesome :)


then only mage and prs can tank? is that what you mean? how about the other melee char that based spirit????  ???

No. Let's see. Mage and Prs has lower abs to start. Why? because of its equipments Armor > Robe and Shield > orb in terms of abs. and those 2 characters has low hp formulas also. Compared to fs,pike,ms excluding archers, of course they would suffer alot but i think sandurr made some changes for them too. Fs, has insane hp and they would not tank in a middle of a mob. Pike, maybe would be affected little but they have good evasion that would help them tank too. mech, no question about it.

So all in all, melee char has a better abs,block and hp than mage and prs. So removing hidden abs would affect all but, the character that would affect hard would be mage,prs and archer :)

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The only chars that is to have a good life in all maps are the tankers (MS for sample) the rest are to have a support if you cant tank ask for help to a MS.

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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.


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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.



End discussion.

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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.

this is not sure though, sandurr said he will look into it lol

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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.

this is not sure though, sandurr said he will look into it lol


If he said that, he will do that.

We already have some plans to reduce monster dmg in EXP maps so you can lvl up in the EXP map of your lvl best

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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.

this is not sure though, sandurr said he will look into it lol


If he said that, he will do that.

We already have some plans to reduce monster dmg in EXP maps so you can lvl up in the EXP map of your lvl best

hope so  ::) i wanna lvl w/o much pain in potting LOL

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40 spi =0.7 abs  ,it can't help u tank. 125prs max only have 600+ spi, 10 abs can help u stand at 20+mobs no die? no!


OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.


it is true?

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40 spi =0.7 abs  ,it can't help u tank. 125prs max only have 600+ spi, 10 abs can help u stand at 20+mobs no die? no!



Find some quiet spot and solo then. xD


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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.



End discussion.

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OMG, sandurr said, he will decrease monsters damage.

this is not sure though, sandurr said he will look into it lol


If he said that, he will do that.

We already have some plans to reduce monster dmg in EXP maps so you can lvl up in the EXP map of your lvl best

hope so  ::) i wanna lvl w/o much pain in potting LOL



I think PT is not the game for you...


We have increased HP and increased base absorb which means you don't die when VL runs out... if you can tank where you are, vl will help you notdie, not be the reason you don't die. Also, didnt they adjust the prs hp formula as well? so pretty much prs are going to be quite similar and everyone else will suffer... or find parties

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Monster damage will reduce plus 40 spirit adds abs plus pvp abs = * 1.0 = much better than before.





The prs should now tank because of vl. ppl seem not to understand. they should tank y their own and VL as a plus.  Now it's correct.


Also, magic characters are not supposed to be awesome tankers as vl+hp prs builds are. (realize cloth being better then metal. It sounds really weird).


Of course both magical classes were tanking less then expected (by their own, no skill). now lets see if this tweak will fix things a bit.

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Wartale will fix it later.


totally agree, like sandurr fixed the problem with mage and prs. Since removing hidden abs. he made 40 spirit = 0.7 abs which is totally awesome :)


then only mage and prs can tank? is that what you mean? how about the other melee char that based spirit????  ???

No. Let's see. Mage and Prs has lower abs to start. Why? because of its equipments Armor > Robe and Shield > orb in terms of abs. and those 2 characters has low hp formulas also. Compared to fs,pike,ms excluding archers, of course they would suffer alot but i think sandurr made some changes for them too. Fs, has insane hp and they would not tank in a middle of a mob. Pike, maybe would be affected little but they have good evasion that would help them tank too. mech, no question about it.

So all in all, melee char has a better abs,block and hp than mage and prs. So removing hidden abs would affect all but, the character that would affect hard would be mage,prs and archer :)





Pike, maybe would be affected little ....did you just look all of what sandurr says in next patch? 

btw thats why prs have VL ang mage have shield protection... to protect themselves... + the 40 = 0.7 abs...

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If I have to wait to monsters get atk pow decreased, Wartale can wait VL hidden absorb to be removed too. Because waiting for the game to be playable again will be boring and ppl will just leave (or lvl in maps 20 lvls below).


I think the best option would be remove VL hidden bonus in BC only.

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lol.... yall got way to used to Vl.


i train without it alot.... not easy... but


it can be done... stop and wait.. see what happens!!!

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lol.... yall got way to used to Vl.


i train without it alot.... not easy... but


it can be done... stop and wait.. see what happens!!!


You play mage. ES still do great things :P But for archers, pikes (with block % reduced), prs... we WILL have to go to lower lvl maps. Potting every 1 sec isn't HARD, is IMPOSSIBLE lol. I remember when my knight was like 105-ish I had to lvl in MD1, and still had to use 1 hand because 2 hand in HS my HP would drop like crap. And I should have leveled at MD3 :)

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you guys complain too much.. just wait T_T



You guys get scared before you get hit~

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Monster damage will reduce plus 40 spirit adds abs plus pvp abs = * 1.0 = much better than before.





The prs should now tank because of vl. ppl seem not to understand. they should tank y their own and VL as a plus.  Now it's correct.


Also, magic characters are not supposed to be awesome tankers as vl+hp prs builds are. (realize cloth being better then metal. It sounds really weird).


Of course both magical classes were tanking less then expected (by their own, no skill). now lets see if this tweak will fix things a bit.


If you're going to try to make things practical then you're going to run into a bunch of nonsense that won't make for practical game mechanics. Sure, Cloth > Metal, but last I checked, a huge freaking meteorite would probably hurt a lot more than any melee attack, yet the damage there is next to zero on the meteor. Also, you can't move a giant polearm as fast as pike does in CS, so pike animations should get drastically slower or you should speed everyone else up, since their weapons would weigh a lot less. These types of comparisons to reality could go on for quite a while if you want to be serious about it.


You see why its terrible to argue about how things work in reality for justification in a fantasy game? You won't ever get balanced mechanics that way.


Magic characters HAVE to be good tankers now. Melee AoE is too similar to magic AoE, and at least for prs, their 1 v 1 is far from being on the same level [maybe not mgs so much anymore]. For the sake of balance to make up the difference, Magic characters must be the best tankers in the game with the exception of mech who would still be #1 [on TANKmech build, not power]. Prs should also be ahead of mages for obvious reasons.


The idea magic classes shouldn't tank is outdated as power/spark mech shouldn't exist, fs should have ZERO AoE, melee should have hardly any AoE anyway, Base HP builds should be a laughable thought only idiots do, etc. They're outdated viewpoints that won't get us the balances we need. Far too much has changed since those ancient times.



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Virtual Life was very bad, Priestess now will only serve to give cupid hearts, I'm sorry but this is my opinion.

Two friends of mine said that he would stop playing because of that.  :'(

Since it took the Virtual Life should reward something else as the Priestess in the Chain Lightning skill for example, it should take much more damage and also take up more monsters.

Now no one else will want a Priestess in the party, since it has no Virtual Life and also does not kill.

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No, CL is useless anyhow. PRS need a real AoE that works more than just on undead.


I am highly tempted to quit myself. The reason the original developers put a 30% damage reduction was clearly because VL did nothing for the players. hell, a 100% increase to hp would still be useless when your hp bar drops all the way every 2 seconds and you a stunned every hit.


The abs boost did nothing as well. Prs either seriosuly need to be the best damage dealers now or remove the class from the game as the only thing we were good for is gone.

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