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•Virtual Life (VL) hidden absorb increase attribute removed ??

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I'll say one more time: more than ever, ALL will need VL (except mech and knight).

It's hard with +30% HP? And without!?


Just use your brain.

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not sure what you are getting at.


anywhos. all 30% hp does is allow you to be angry 30% longer while you are stun locked and smashing your pot button but nothing happens.

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not sure what you are getting at.


anywhos. all 30% hp does is allow you to be angry 30% longer while you are stun locked and smashing your pot button but nothing happens.

So... is better without this additional HP? oO

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pretty much. especially when i'm pretty sure they reduced our HP. thought i had ~1200 hp before now i run at ~1000.


you actually think an extra ~250 hp is going to do anything? if you do then you clearly have no idea how this game works. 1v1 sure extra hp = good. 1v20 = no difference

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pretty much. especially when i'm pretty sure they reduced our HP. thought i had ~1200 hp before now i run at ~1000.


you actually think an extra ~250 hp is going to do anything? if you do then you clearly have no idea how this game works. 1v1 sure extra hp = good. 1v20 = no difference

If you are talking about Priestess, they got more HP and ABS after this patch.


We are also planning to decrease the monsters' damage and HP in EXP maps.

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pretty sure we lost hp, all im saying. not 100% but i was very sure i had something with 1200 hp, my mech doesnt have it so thoguht it was the priest. and if you are going to reduce monster damage. why wait? it is literally impossible for me to play the game now, so get to it. actually, that really isnt a good fix now is it? destroy priests to the point where nobody will care to party them because they cant kill anything, they cant give anyone extra survivability, i'm sorry but vl is a usless skill along with heal and grand healing, I'm sorry but this patch was 100% bullshit and useless. at 108 i cant play in i2 like i used to when i was 95. and i have 40 or more abs now.

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If you're going to try to make things practical then you're going to run into a bunch of nonsense that won't make for practical game mechanics...


You see why its terrible to argue about how things work in reality for justification in a fantasy game? You won't ever get balanced mechanics that way.


Magic characters HAVE to be good tankers now. Melee AoE is too similar to magic AoE, ...


The idea magic classes shouldn't tank is outdated as power/spark mech shouldn't exist, fs should have ZERO AoE, melee should have hardly any AoE anyway, Base HP builds should be a laughable thought only idiots do, etc. They're outdated viewpoints that won't get us the balances we need. Far too much has changed since those ancient times.


Hey Zero, please chill out.


You are right in which reffers to compare reality to the game. In this, nothing to add to your first paragraph.


I actually don't know much about prs since i don't play it, so feel free to expose all the necessary points about it.


I don't think magical characters should be tankers. they should tank like other classes, and maybe a bit less then the other classes, with the correct power exchange.

I can't see the need why they should tank, as i told before, it will make more sense if they tank a bit less than melee (like pikemen, fighter). Actually, it should be something like that:


tanking: mech|knight > other melees| atalanta > prs > mgs > archer


If not so, how magician and priestess can claim for awesome deadly damage?  AFAIK mages have the best AoE and can kill in pvp, while prs are going to receive and good AoE in t5, and i hope someday they will have 1 on 1 power (it took the whole living time of the server to get it for mages, but i hope every char should 1 on 1 as i exposed before). By the way, i'm not talking about a tanking power similar to archer or the mages before 3208, which is what we see now a days, but still less than melees. Of course, if there's a reason for being awesome tank it would be awesome it to be showed up, to add this idea to the community. Also, the idea of magic being fragile but powerfull seems nice! For me it sounds better then bein awesome tankers.



@all prs lovers(its not specific for one person and the very last sentence may apply for all specific fellas in the forum):

You guys have to sorry me, but, as i exposed before, that VL was simply the most ridiculous thing in the whole game!  I don't have property to talk about prs but one thing i can state is that if one character must have a awesome skill, it should not be a buff (to other players). And if it's a buff (to other players), it should never be the main tanking attribute of a class, NEVER. Otherwise it will happen what you see, priestess mules standing outside the flags, and outside the parties, or the situation in which the prs guy have a "main char" c'mom!  Most people who play prs with passion, even the ones who show intelligence and sense in almost every situation, they simply can't think syntagmatically about the vl thing, which is lame too. When i talked it in 3r's topic i was fiercely called "prs hater" and other shit. How can i tell my thoughts if people simply won't try to look at? I hope this explanation let more clear why i have this point of view.

VL is gone now, and i hope it won't come back, if priestess eventually need a tanking correction, it should be done in another way. BTW, VL still will be a very nice skill, it adds a lot of HP! Eveybody will keep asking for it.



Chill out guys, we are, first of all, human being. Second, most of us have enough age to talk without flaming.


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In few words: Priest can't tank now. No even in AD2. I poted 200 times in 3 minutes. As I said, 50spirit=1abs is nothing comparing to VL abs. This bonus in abs from spirits points gave me 6 abs, what is nothing.

So, from now, people who doesn't know about priest, please, stop giving these stupid suggestions.



If priest don't tank, don't do any damage (except to undeads), our buff isn't so necessary now, what are we doing in the game ? Why don't just remove the class ?

Priest had something before, now they have nothing, except extinction. Oh, stop, at least no one can tank now. That was the best patch ever. Not even mechs abs was fixed.

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no, it isnt a nice skill. 30% hp is nothing. I'm sorry but it just isn't. the only time it is usefull is in hunting.


How do I know? i have just been playing with it.


hp is not your main tanking stat. if it were, then sure vl would be "awesome" at the moment. it is bloody useless


also, vl, didnt add abs (from what i understand), it added damage reduction the difference is if you take 30 damage you will then take what? 27? or 20? i dunno the math and dont feel like doing it. 30 more abs would have been you take 30 damage you would then take 0

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no, it isnt a nice skill. 30% hp is nothing. I'm sorry but it just isn't. the only time it is usefull is in hunting.


How do I know? i have just been playing with it.


hp is not your main tanking stat. if it were, then sure vl would be "awesome" at the moment. it is bloody useless


also, vl, didnt add abs (from what i understand), it added damage reduction the difference is if you take 30 damage you will then take what? 27? or 20? i dunno the math and dont feel like doing it. 30 more abs would have been you take 30 damage you would then take 0

30% hp is something, it's good in bc and hunt, as you said. And it helps a little in xping. The problem is, everybody to survive, needed VL, and without VL abs no one can survive, soon sandurr probably will reduce monsters damage, but priest will be completely unnecessary, except in maps witch has undeads.

30% of the damages got absorbed. It didn't add abs, it absorbed damages.

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pretty much. especially when i'm pretty sure they reduced our HP. thought i had ~1200 hp before now i run at ~1000.


you actually think an extra ~250 hp is going to do anything? if you do then you clearly have no idea how this game works. 1v1 sure extra hp = good. 1v20 = no difference

omg... are u kidding me, right? funny guy.

do you already test? go play before reply.

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pretty much. especially when i'm pretty sure they reduced our HP. thought i had ~1200 hp before now i run at ~1000.


you actually think an extra ~250 hp is going to do anything? if you do then you clearly have no idea how this game works. 1v1 sure extra hp = good. 1v20 = no difference

If you are talking about Priestess, they got more HP and ABS after this patch.


We are also planning to decrease the monsters' damage and HP in EXP maps.


Well not only the Priestess now has more abs and also the magician.

ABS was added yes, but very little barely noticeable difference.

The Priestess has lost all value in buying and selling of accounts, no one else wants.

I'm trying to sell mine now, but in vain because no one is buying, I only spend time with her.

With my knight with VL before I md3 leveling in no problems, now can not take more or less md1, as I like leveling?!

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pretty much. especially when i'm pretty sure they reduced our HP. thought i had ~1200 hp before now i run at ~1000.


you actually think an extra ~250 hp is going to do anything? if you do then you clearly have no idea how this game works. 1v1 sure extra hp = good. 1v20 = no difference

omg... are u kidding me, right? funny guy.

do you already test? go play before reply.



when you die in 3 seconds compared to 2.6 seconds... it isnt hard to test that it does nothing. especially when you are stun-locked and cant even use potions.

perhaps you have not played ept from the beginning? perhaps all you have ever played are private servers that it is easy to get to 100 in a day or two.

I played ept since t2, ive spent days in ruinen to get to be able to spend days in forgotten land to be able to get to play weeks in oasis.

Ive played priests where, with the ability to kite i dont care about abs or tanking. give me dl to be a bad ass spell and i'll quit complaining. give me an aoe that hits everything and i'll quit complaining. give me something to make my class worth playing, thats all i ask.


why make skills good for pvp if it breaks them for exping when pvp in this game was an after thought and has never worked well from the beginning?

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I have one but that really isn't a working solution now is it?


Yes, lets all switch to mechs. we will switch the name of the server to MechPT

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Yes, lets all switch to mechs. we will switch the name of the server to MechPT


this is what Gogg and some other players wants since RPT was launched


And i'm not kidding

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Yes, lets all switch to mechs. we will switch the name of the server to MechPT


this is what Gogg and some other players wants since RPT was launched


And i'm not kidding

Yea, you were here since it was lauched, right?

Oh wait, you weren't :/


So fuck you. If you got nothing to say keep your mouth shutted

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Now VL is all about HP skill . Why don't you guys make a suggestion like make it add 100% or 150% hp instead of 30% as it is right now. No more hidden abs attribute  ;D

100% means everybody will be immortal in pvp. Just keep it as it was before =/

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if they dont want it to add dmg reduction to everyone, then we have plenty of self buffs they can add stuff to. i dunno... like holy reflection for example.

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I want old VL back!


That is all.







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Maybe keep VL hidden damage abs in EXP maps for everyone and in pvp/hunt maps only for priestess?


Or... just wait decrease mobs damage. << best choice

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