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•Virtual Life (VL) hidden absorb increase attribute removed ??

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Yes, lets all switch to mechs. we will switch the name of the server to MechPT


this is what Gogg and some other players wants since RPT was launched


And i'm not kidding

Yea, you were here since it was lauched, right?

Oh wait, you weren't :/


So fuck you. If you got nothing to say keep your mouth shutted


Youre so manly <3 Why you dont show your mighty powers on bed?



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Or... just wait decrease mobs damage. << best choice


But that will not solve the problem of devaluation of the Priestess.

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I've said before:


Fix VL Hidden ONLY at PvP, not PvE


Everyone flammed on me, now you're seeing by yourself :3 There is no reason to party a Priest now

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I've said before:


Fix VL Hidden ONLY at PvP, not PvE


Everyone flammed on me, now you're seeing by yourself :3 There is no reason to party a Priest now


Can't count how many times I've said this on other topic :P

There's no reason to remove VL from PVE if you're gonna need to nerf all monsters... Even with that PRS will still suck and wont be needed in a pt (unless there's undead monsters crawling everywhere... but then ppl will whine that KS is OP...)


SOLUTION: give PRS something useful if you're not getting VL back.

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i'm pretty new to rpt but from what I can see if you only look at the recent nerfs to the prs and ata it looks like its unfair but if you look at the tier 5 skills it may all balance out in the end.


For example for ata they get a nerf to damage but in tier 5 they attack so much faster so in my mind pvp should somewhat even out.


For prs in tier 5 they have aoe skills which makes them not so useless.


So basically what's left to argue over is what to do in the meantime between now and when all tier 5 skills are released. With that being said, everything thats been done seems to be fairly tolerable except for the vl change which makes xping and partying for prs harder.


What could be done is a revert back to old vl until newer skills come out since that could be the least work for the developer which means more time to work on tier 5 skills. Either that or everyone just accepts that its a temporary situation and that sooner or later things will be brought back into balance. Just my 2 cents lol


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Hey Zero, please chill out.


You are right in which reffers to compare reality to the game. In this, nothing to add to your first paragraph.


I actually don't know much about prs since i don't play it, so feel free to expose all the necessary points about it.


I don't think magical characters should be tankers. they should tank like other classes, and maybe a bit less then the other classes, with the correct power exchange.

I can't see the need why they should tank, as i told before, it will make more sense if they tank a bit less than melee (like pikemen, fighter). Actually, it should be something like that:


tanking: mech|knight > other melees| atalanta > prs > mgs > archer


If not so, how magician and priestess can claim for awesome deadly damage?  AFAIK mages have the best AoE and can kill in pvp, while prs are going to receive and good AoE in t5, and i hope someday they will have 1 on 1 power (it took the whole living time of the server to get it for mages, but i hope every char should 1 on 1 as i exposed before). By the way, i'm not talking about a tanking power similar to archer or the mages before 3208, which is what we see now a days, but still less than melees. Of course, if there's a reason for being awesome tank it would be awesome it to be showed up, to add this idea to the community. Also, the idea of magic being fragile but powerfull seems nice! For me it sounds better then bein awesome tankers.


Our claim for awesome damage is in AoE, not 1 v 1 [at least for prs]. Having a gap in 1 v 1 ability between prs and other classes that is about as big as the distance between here and the moon for having possibly slightly better AoE is not a balanced trade off at all, a big AoE boost for us is well justified. FYI, the current situation has us near dead least in AoE.


There is no point in doing what you just said to do, why? Because then you might as well have just one class for the entire game, when there is almost no difference in 1 v 1 or AoE ability. You want basically everyone to damage well and hardly anyone to tank. If everyone has good 1 v 1 and decent AoE and decent tanking, what is the point in different classes? I roll a magic class with the intention I can tank and AoE well while being horrible at 1 v 1. If I wanted the opposite, I would've rolled pike or FS [who by contrast are horrible in AoE and excel at 1 v 1]. There needs to be classes who clearly have an edge in AoE, just like FS/PS clearly have a edge in 1 v 1. The edge in AoE has basically been lost thanks to melee improvements and abundant mana potions, there shouldn't be complaints about prs getting back what they're owed. The other classes like ks/ata should be well rounded and fill in the middle area of most categories. This is what class variety and balance is about, making everyone the same is pointless if it creates 1 class and 7 clones of it.


There is no reason a prs should 1 v 1 so well, someone has to be last and whoever it is will always be complaining. Prs is best suited for it and we should accept it for compensation in AoE and tanking.

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My God! Somebody do something, at least lower the attack of those monsters!

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I am not against the change in VL, but it doesn't help me feel somewhat cheated

- VL is now no longer critical, even somewhat useless because we can't tank so more HP means nothing more than buying an extra 1 or 2 seconds

- Monsters' damage will be reduced


--> I wonder who will need PRS in pt now considering they can't deal good dmg? They're cute? (Ok, I did play them for that but...)


Possible fix balance:

- Muspell adds damage reduction/abs/something?

- Holy Reflection reflects all type of mobs (although, this will not help us tanking any better but this is better than nothing)

- Tier5?!

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My knight tanks just fine 2h sword btw. Stop whining.


Knights need nerfing, then come back and talk to us when you're equal with the rest of us.

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My knight tanks just fine 2h sword btw. Stop whining.


in undead maps, my knight doesn't even get hit. when they do get hit by a mass of non-undead of your lvl, tho, you'll be smashed to pieces :D


Life doesn't start at AD! You guys seem to forget that :S (and not everyone has undead boost lol)


Unless you want a negative player income, you should lower damage on exp maps ASAP.



Knights are fine. We excel at undead and should be like that. But as I stated, when not tanking undead we are getting heavy damage as much as everyone else.

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Md3 new hs. low lvl :D

............. Sigh... well we talking about higher than MD3.



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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell

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pri with hidden abs get a lot items in et3 by extinction , they can tank easily with 4+ monster.

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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell


Wartale, even if you make it fair to all, PRS has lost its major usefulness to parties. In fact, I'm not worried about abs impact at all, I know it will be fixed. I'm worried about PRS being left to solo forever. PRS don't damage high, can't tank, and now can't buff others "properly". We need something to keep the edge at PVE so we get party invites.

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yes ...now prs can't do anyting ...can't exp ,can't hunt....


and all can't train (except much and k9 )....



BTW, k9 can tank all map ever .....i think all k9 have a error now.  if u train, 1 hand ever better than 2 hand.  1 hand damage+HV > 2 hand+HB

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Heres my 2 cents, plain and simple:




But fix dmg on monsters like sandurr said he would look into! And lower monsters HP in exp maps!  OMG WIN WIN FOR EVERYBODY!

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Heres my 2 cents, plain and simple:




But fix dmg on monsters like sandurr said he would look into! And lower monsters HP in exp maps!  OMG WIN WIN FOR EVERYBODY!


yes ,if like u said , all can train ,


but still no reason pt a prs ,even no reason play a prs

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Heres my 2 cents, plain and simple:




But fix dmg on monsters like sandurr said he would look into! And lower monsters HP in exp maps!  OMG WIN WIN FOR EVERYBODY!


Seriously? You think that makes sense?  Destroy the onlything exp wise a class has going for them and then nerf monsters making it easier for others to play the game and not need priests?

First let me get my anger of the whole situation and your stupidity out ina  noob way here Ahem... you are fking retarded.


Sorry. nothing personal.


This is not a "win for everyboady" because it just means everyone can solo maps now. VL was the spell used to create parties. everyone needed it, like they needed a tank. so party make up was mech, prs, 4 damage dealers.


now, if we lose damage by monsters, this game will be overrun with wizards, and everyone will cry and they will be nerfed. then the next most powerful. ifwtpeople made the abs in vl then sure, i wouldnt care, this has actually been a feature since the spell came out. why? because its a fking useless spell otherwise. why was it hidden? because people would cry and say zomg OP.


Seriously, if all you do to fix how bad you just bent the priest population over the chair is by reducing monster hp and dmg then i will leave this game. because the mods clearly have no idea how to run a server or mod a game. All the work up until this point I loved, it brought me back to PT which I havent played for years. but this latest patch is fking stupid. no other words for it. sorry, but that is what it is.


Thing is in ET3 it waswtwho built it with all undead right? knowing full well priests extinction was what it was. so I'm sorry but go unfk your ET maps if this is why you have nerfed the class.


I highly suggest the GMs look at my post in the sugestions.


Sorry for the harsh words and any bad spelling, my last post was lost and it made me a bit angry. so this thread has a bit more emotion in it. Anywhos happy gaming to all,

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This is not a "win for everyboady" because it just means everyone can solo maps now. VL was the spell used to create parties. everyone needed it, like they needed a tank. so party make up was mech, prs, 4 damage dealers.



First of all you must not understand how parties work. Parties are used to get BETTER xp. VL should not bring parties together, it should aid them but u should not need VL! Each character has his own buffs for a reason. Yes i believe the VL should have been nerfed, and sandurr is looking into the dmg of exp monsters so this will help all classes by not dying as much.

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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell




sandurr From your post i can tell that the main reason VL was changed is because of PVP that was a huge mistake.

I have seen quite a few games fail for this exact reason (using pvp as a reason to buff or nerf)


By far the highest impact is on the PRS and this needs to be fixed ASAP!

This game is far from its originaly intended form

Class balance is a must and at this point most melee classes outdo caster classes for survivability and for damage does this sound correct to you?? 




BTW decreasing damage of monster will just give all the other classes a bigger advantage than us so it is useless.


Buff  PRS damage to balance us with other classes

Buff PRS survivability to balance us with other classes


Ignore these ideas and we will all end up playing knights! lol boring


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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell




sandurr From your post i can tell that the main reason VL was changed is because of PVP that was a huge mistake.

I have seen quite a few games fail for this exact reason (using pvp as a reason to buff or nerf)


By far the highest impact is on the PRS and this needs to be fixed ASAP!

This game is far from its originaly intended form

Class balance is a must and at this point most melee classes outdo caster classes for survivability and for damage does this sound correct to you?? 




BTW decreasing damage of monster will just give all the other classes a bigger advantage than us so it is useless.


Buff  PRS damage to balance us with other classes

Buff PRS survivability to balance us with other classes


Ignore these ideas and we will all end up playing knights! lol boring

so make no undead monsters in hunting map.

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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell

Better to increase ABS on HP better than SPIRIT, cause people use HP tended to tank better.If LOW DMG then gain TANK

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I understand that removing the hidden abs% has an impact on the VL


However our interest is to improve the game for everyone and so we try to remove unbalanced issues in the game step by step. Our interest is not to ruin the game.. If we believe there is no other way then to return the 30% hidden abs of VL then we will.. but for now we'll look at other ways.


We don't like the 30% hidden abs because it makes affects PvP and PvE alot.. The one with VL wins from the one who doesn't by far..


Ofcourse the biggest impact is for the priestess itself. so I am looking to increase absorb because I feel like absorb is being left behind and is outdated. And perhaps decrease damage of exp map monsters a slight bit aswell


I have to agree, that the difference between VL/non-VL in PvE was too drastic. It should just add 30% HP and if prs needs more, put it on muspell. Just as a party shouldn't be dependent on a ks, ata, or other classes, it shouldn't be totally dependent on a prs. It should add nice bonuses like any class for sure, but to be dependent on it cripples those parties or people who would solo who don't have VL.


I think the biggest thing you could give prs Wartale is just to release their ice meteorite skill so they can AoE and be desired for parties, along with reducing monster attack. Tanking would be nice, but I think that can come after our AoE, b/c even if we tank, we still don't damage which is what gets you parties, no one wants an afk wall in their party. We can get by on being squishy until that can be fixed if we have a meteorite AoE. This is the most pressing issue on prs and I simply think that it cannot wait, with being dead last in 1 v 1 for clear reasons, we must obtain the AoE we are owed to make us a viable class, or we don't have any damage at all [CL is crap no matter what].



HP won't work, and everyone [not just prs], can use that, so we won't gain any advantage on other classes with it. The Spirit boost was designed to make spirit more balanced with agi/str gains, you're defeating the point of that if you take it away. Also, most keep spirit/HP at least at a 1:1 ratio, moving it from spirit -> HP won't change anything, it would be the exact same gain.

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Zero is right.

And it's sad to see sandurr's thoughts about priest.  :-\

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