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•Virtual Life (VL) hidden absorb increase attribute removed ??

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yes ...now prs can't do anyting ...can't exp ,can't hunt....


and all can't train (except much and k9 )....



BTW, k9 can tank all map ever .....i think all k9 have a error now.  if u train, 1 hand ever better than 2 hand.  1 hand damage+HV > 2 hand+HB


Holy Valor doesnt work with Brandish, and i think it's pretty lame


Whats the point on being a class focused on undeads, and it's buffs related to undeads, isn't usefull for nothing than unting on LOST1?


Holy Valor should work with AoE skills, not only Knight's AoE, but, every class


It's a party skill, everyone will benefit from Knight's Holy Valor


So, everyone will shut up about knights since 42% of EXTRA dmg against undead comes really handy at AD, for EVERYONE




The same goes to Priest >> Their main Party skill to increase overall gameplay was nerfed - VL.


Wartale, just try to do it: Priest VL Hidden ABS to WORK only at PvE, not PvP - Problem Solved


And try to work on Party buff skills - like Knight's Holy Valor that only works at 1v1


If others class, like Pike and Fighter have a nice party buff skill, then, every character on the game should increase the party gameplay


Priests>> VL and Divine Force

Mages>> Magic Source and Enchanting

Archer>> FoN

Ata>> Triumph of Vahalla

Mech>> Gravitation

Knight >> Holy Valor (That Needs to fixed -- work with AoE skills)

Pike>> ??

Fighter>> ??


Honestly i would remove Pike T5 ATK Rating Mastery (that is too powerfull) to be a active buff skill, wich increase party members critical or evade


And for Fighter, Fire Axe to be casted on other players and works on every kind of weapon - so, changing the skill name... like Vulcan Power


Then, every class will have a nice boost for the entire party

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Holy Valor doesnt work with Brandish, and i think it's pretty lame


Whats the point on being a class focused on undeads, and it's buffs related to undeads, isn't usefull for nothing than unting on LOST1?


Holy Valor should work with AoE skills, not only Knight's AoE, but, every class


It's a party skill, everyone will benefit from Knight's Holy Valor


So, everyone will shut up about knights since 42% of EXTRA dmg against undead comes really handy at AD, for EVERYONE


And for Fighter, Fire Axe to be casted on other players and works on every kind of weapon - so, changing the skill name... like Vulcan Power


Then, every class will have a nice boost for the entire party


I agree that HV should add for AoE as well, and I hope all skill buffs do. Its an undead specific buff to begin with, so its already fairly limited in application, not to mention it doesn't stack with some other buffs for the KS.


FS does need a party buff, but I think fire axe would be a mistake. The critical boost helps melee a lot while doing nothing for magic classes, more differences between the two we don't need, assuming the damage boost would work for magic to begin with. That buff is just too strong for a party anyway and should be kept class unique.

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I can not tank with any character without VL! First picked MD3 level and now can not at least MD1!

I stopped playing because of that, one day at least reduced by 60% attack these monsters I come back.

Regardless of my priestess total lost value.

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New formulas.


Well, that will certainly shake things up quite a bit :P. That is too much of a change to guess what will happen until it is in game, so I'll wait to discuss the impact until then.

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New formulas.

Woha, is that the solution for the current useless abs?

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hmm! why do not you try to play a character you'll see have what priestess.

very small type, weak defense ... nothing outside the beautiful  ;) ;)

I also play pries, previously, although rated very low, but the priestess is a good defense skills and VL. help me easier to find groups. but now you try to all map train to see if anyone wants  pries pt with again?

Priestess ...where to go ... need sandurr reply :)

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New formulas.


This is not a fix for nerfing priests. Sorry but I will not be satisfied until i get some buffs rather than nerfs. Either give me the ability to pvp, or stop "balancing" other classes by nerfing me.


you cannot destroy a class and then change things globally for everyone and expect this to be a fix. the class will still be useless because now everybody else can go out without the need for anything a priest can offer.

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Vitality should increase ABS and Defense aswell


There is no point into a melee class to use Vitality



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Priestesses will get major improvements on tanking and support soon.


Be patient please.

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Priestesses will get major improvements on tanking and support soon.


Be patient please.


With "major improvements" and "soon" being relative. Personally, I think the priestess got pretty royally screwed, and they weren't even all that great to begin with. I don't think it's uncalled for to mention that when there has not even been an official statement that the priestess is going to be improved, not to mention how. Perhaps I seem ungrateful though I'm not trying to, but at the end of the day, how am I to know if there's a light at the end of the tunnel to be patient for when I can't even see an official acknowledgement that there is a problem to begin with?

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you might as well reroll a new character if you are a priest. There is nothing they can do short of completely rebuilding the character from the ground up to make it viable like the other classes are. This is of course a lot of work and I don't see that happening any time soon.


As for fixing priests support and tanking, vl seemed to do the trick lol... just sayin


So now, either we need massive damage pre-t5 or... well... vl. If you are altering monsters and formula, then i suggest massive damage. make CL hit a range rather than 15 mobs. or tripple or even quadruple the damage on it. It should pretty much be the most powerful multi-hit spell out there. killing 15 monsters faster (perhaps even twice as fast) than any aoe kills all monsters in range. The reason i say so powerful is, it is the only damage we have.


I know comparing reality to fantasy doesnt work but lighting is effing powerful, it can melt rock in a fraction of a second. fire takes a very long time to achive the same effect.

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you might as well reroll a new character if you are a priest. There is nothing they can do short of completely rebuilding the character from the ground up to make it viable like the other classes are. This is of course a lot of work and I don't see that happening any time soon.


As for fixing priests support and tanking, vl seemed to do the trick lol... just sayin


So now, either we need massive damage pre-t5 or... well... vl. If you are altering monsters and formula, then i suggest massive damage. make CL hit a range rather than 15 mobs. or tripple or even quadruple the damage on it. It should pretty much be the most powerful multi-hit spell out there. killing 15 monsters faster (perhaps even twice as fast) than any aoe kills all monsters in range. The reason i say so powerful is, it is the only damage we have.


I know comparing reality to fantasy doesnt work but lighting is effing powerful, it can melt rock in a fraction of a second. fire takes a very long time to achive the same effect.


A CL Boost just isn't reasonable to me though, even as a prs. Ice meteorite is our very next T5 skill seemingly, and how it functions would probably be 10x more useful than CL could be. I don't see the point in wasting time to boost CL if it could just be used to get us ice meteorite instead.


Though I do say I am disappointed people always give lightning the short end of the stick in damage in games, it is my favorite element :P. Everyone seems to go for the "Fire > All" ideas :/. At least PT gives us ice as well.

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What, no love for water, earth and air? (Although come to think of it, ice is water, dias is arguably earth, and lightning could with some generous interpretation be air.)


Anyway, boosting CL instead of hoping for ice meteorite does have an advantage. If you can use CL instead of meteorites, you can spend your precious tier 5 skill points on another skill instead (lightning storm, I'm looking in your general direction...). That's one thing I see people ignore consistently; 4 good tier 4 skills is not the same thing as 4 good tier 1-3 skills. For higher levels maybe, but the same thing goes for tier 5 skills when compared to tier 1-4 for them then.

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What, no love for water, earth and air? (Although come to think of it, ice is water, dias is arguably earth, and lightning could with some generous interpretation be air.)


Anyway, boosting CL instead of hoping for ice meteorite does have an advantage. If you can use CL instead of meteorites, you can spend your precious tier 5 skill points on another skill instead (lightning storm, I'm looking in your general direction...). That's one thing I see people ignore consistently; 4 good tier 4 skills is not the same thing as 4 good tier 1-3 skills. For higher levels maybe, but the same thing goes for tier 5 skills when compared to tier 1-4 for them then.


True, we could spare more T5 points that way, which I hadn't thought about. I just like ice and meteors so maybe I'm a bit too bias on that one :P. CL would need quite the boost though to become a good AoE, its just that imo, as long as something has target limitations it is not a true "AoE" [doesn't seem to really define area of effect since it isn't applied that way]. Thus, it would need to have extremely high damage to make up for the loss of unlimited targets.

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Honestly, sometimes I think it'd be better to just make one type of skill point to use for all tiers. It would require some rebalancing, sure, but at least then you'd only have to worry about balancing the skills relative to each other, and not also what level you could realistically get the skill to.

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Easy Solution

Make VL be only cast on Priestess, and not to  be cast on anyone else :) I could live with that haha.


Then totally remove the tanking ability, that was just stupid.


The whole change was made so priestess didn't give hidden aborb to other classes because that made them too unbalanced.

It would be just better to keep VL to only Pristess, no one wants VL without the absorb anyways.


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That would still only address prs tanking, when it has clearly been shown as a PvE problem for all classes short of mech. Thus, you would still have to change things.

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Isn't Wartale already going to reduce mobs attack power?


So why you guys are discussing this?


This is by far the best solution (talking about the mess the VL fix has made). and is WIP! So it's just matter of time.

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Isn't Wartale already going to reduce mobs attack power?


So why you guys are discussing this?


This is by far the best solution (talking about the mess the VL fix has made). and is WIP! So it's just matter of time.


Changing the mobs attack power is a stupid fix...

The VL nerf effects 1 class why would you change something to fix it that effects all classes?

Simply put the other classes would get more out of it than the class it was intended to help in the first place.


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yeah that would make every other class Over Powered and prs still be the same lol


Easy solution Make VL+hidden absorb ONLY cast on PRS, and lower attack damage of monsters in all EXP maps, that would make everyone happy.


Changing the mobs attack power is a stupid fix...

The VL nerf effects 1 class why would you change something to fix it that effects all classes?

Simply put the other classes would get more out of it than the class it was intended to help in the first place.

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